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Everything posted by spinnerdoc

  1. Tom Jones....really? So what else do you listen to mike?
  2. Lemke I think...something like that
  3. I see that sleek look of yours is well liked Chris....the handles...you don't look too bad yourself Your the master dude.
  4. Welcome Dave
  5. Easy now guys.... Welcome.....I know I few steelhead junkies around here.....they pop up from time to time
  6. Thats a heck of a codfish. One of our suppliers built a house the and he just flies baxk and forth....now I know why he loves being back. Those are some tasty sea treats . Must be nice to harvest those mussels in the morning and cook them for cook them for lunch. The codfish are tasty too...yum Thanks for sharing.
  7. Had one last week. Didn't know what the heck it was. Niw I know.
  8. Great shots...thanks for sharing
  9. Close. ..helicoil. To the OP sorry for the situation. Hope the insurance are nice about it
  10. You serious! That's one big worm man.
  11. Those are some sweet specimens.....thanks for sharing
  12. X2.... strong fish....bring the beefy rods I'm almost certain you'll get some weird looks
  13. He is indeed a hero. Rest in peace.
  14. For a second there I thought you were in Russia....I wouldn't be surprised if you were
  15. Very nice Moosebunk.....I love these reports of yours. Makes for a good read....and visual. Inspiring to say the least. These reports are as close to fishing I get these days. Thanks
  16. Any luck bud? It was nice seeing you again, Jeff
  17. Nice going Bryan. Those are some fresh looking steelies. Ps: is this what they call combat fishing? I would not want to mess with you. Lol
  18. Nice.
  19. Lovely. I would not mind the scenery and some tranquility. Thanks for sharing
  20. It does my friend. Your sort of an action hero and bullets bounce of ya....that story you told me was an amazing one. How you just walked away just blows my mind, but then I was.not in that situation.
  21. I'm not quite the alarmist myself and frankly it takes a lot to make me even flinch. This just made me say to myself, man thats a strong one. They'll pull through just as they do every year....with a smile on their faces they'll carry on. I myself don't like things blown out of proportion.
  22. Oh yeah that definitely makes it better. No matter what the specifics on windspeed and all the bull that sorrounds it...it is a strong one....I've experienced quite a few in the 17 yrs I lived there. A few stand out in my mind. Those dont compare to this one and the ones that have been passing by the last few years. We get a lot on a yearly basis.It's definitely not the end of the world.
  23. Haven't experienced one for a long time. As a kid it meant no school category 2 and above. We get to run around when tge eye is passing overhead. I have had quite a few strong ones that stick in my mind. This ones dwarfs my experiences....the destruction is just mind blowing. Cat.5 when it hit. http://m.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/super-typhoon-haiyan-may-be-strongest-ever-recorded/article15371595/?service=mobile
  24. Thanks RDR. I heard you were successful getting SPIEL out of his basement
  25. Desmond didn't waste any time putting his to test. Glad you had a good trip bud.
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