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Everything posted by spinnerdoc

  1. Damn Chris that is a hell of a trip. Would love to fish that river with a float reel ☺
  2. Wow. Love the glasses Mike! It was an awesome Thursday lunch break read. Thanks for sharing. How long was the whole adventure?
  3. Again? Cool. I stocked up from last time. Very good quality. Thanks again for posting.
  4. That's nice Cliff I've come across quite a few of them over the years in my home river. Beatiful animals. One memorable on was when on my way back to the car while in the bush I came across a deer, it onlyhad one antler and quite small at that. We.kinda stared at each other and after a while I turned around to continue onmy way but not 20' in front of my was a huge buck, ut starred at me And started stomping his front hooves, scared the crap out of me, needless to say I was running the other way in no time flat, me and the other deer were running like crazy ☺
  5. Looks like another great trip Mike. Drove by the French river twice when we drove around Georgian bay. That duck dinner sure looks mouth watering. Thellodge looks awesome.
  6. I just skimmed thru and man the pictures alone tell an amazing tale. Awesome bunk!
  7. The owner I heard is very careful of his gear so we need not worry of scratches ☺Stellar as always my friend ?
  8. Awesome Mike. You got a subscriber here as well ☺
  9. I just read and enjoy your reports Mike. I don't say much and what I have to say has already been said... which is awesome write up and what a great trip, thanks for sharing .... see I told you
  10. it's these reports I eagerly await, year after year
  11. Well, your posts opened up a lot of doors for me and yours are what kept me coming back to ofc. Your adventures are what really got me into fishing. If you do end up making any money, good for you! You put a lot of work into it. Your one of the more generous and helpful guys I know So what's this guys name again?
  12. Big fish!!!! Mike, can't wait for the report. You sure know how to hunt 'em down sir
  13. Your in good hands with Speil, NES
  14. Great prize. I'd slime those up in a heartbeat! Ron is a great guy, and even better reel maker
  15. One day Mike, I'll hopefully make one of these trips. Better be this lifetime, though ☺ We thank you for sharing these experiences with us. The time putting these reports must take a lot of time. Brendan is extremely lucky☺
  16. I'd take Bill's advice. You'd want to simplify things when your starting out. Be prepared for line twist on the side cast, a swivel would help reduce that and you'd need a shotline, you mentioned your using braided. as mentioned, youtube is your friend. I like the modified Wallis cast, learned it on YouTube ☺.
  17. That's awesome. I miss carp fishing. Haven't done in a while. It'sa waiting game and at times you ddon'teven know your hooked up
  18. To the OP, Thank you very much for giving us the heads up. What a steal! I picked up 6 at the heartland dollarama.
  19. Ha ha. Busted!
  20. Really nice Brian. Must be nice fighting fish in that deep of a water ☺. Your rubber band system is genius . 13.5' rod plus rubber band= lotsa time, tome to react ☺
  21. What? It's the best ? I'd imagine bear turd would taste worse ☺The ones they have here I admit are not as good ? My sisters mother in law opened one by accident one morning thinking it was boiled eggs.... she was in for a surprise. Made for a good laugh☺
  22. Oh man all this talk about steak is making me hungry. I BBQ all year long. This is a method I have not tried. Will have to give it a go When I buy cheap steaks I dab them with olive oil and season them with salt and pepper and into the fridge over night. Once in a while, on special occasions, I get the dry aged black Angus beef from our local butcher.... best steaks I've ever had.
  23. I feel bad for guys just starting out as there are too many to choose from, sorting out the gimmicks and sales pitches can be daunting. Back when I started I fished with hook, line and sinker, literally. My line was on a sardine can "spool", sawed off piece of ribar for weight and the hook I was fishing for reef fish, so no need for a rod . That being said I hated having to choose a fly line a few years ago, I ended up digging up as much info by my self and making the choice and living with the consequences if I made any mistakes. Thankfully it worked out. On the other hand if you know what you want and can see thru all the shinanigan and not easily influenced and downed brand specific haters, more importantly can afford the costs, it is an exciting time bec. You have options you never have years back. I think this is the case with most products these days, not just fishing stuff. With what's available info online one can make an educated guess what to get. Nothing beats the field test unfortunately as everybody is different. I'm the end it's your choice for what ever reason it maybe for getting high end or low or mid Just my 2 cents Edwin
  24. I dusted mine a few times already
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