Always wanted to go to Alaska so next August here we come on a cruise ship.
I have always worried about it being over expensive and too commercialized so I hope, pray I'm wrong.
That's a LOT of vehicle for $7K..........congratulations on the steel......pun
And the $1500 you saved on the purchase will pay for your first 2 months worth of expensive gasoline.
Drive with care and ENJOY ! ! !
One thing I don't need in my life is more government. What next, the government telling me I need a approved winter jacket before leaving the house.
I have a 4x4 truck with highway tires and if need be I just flip the switch to 4x4 high and keep going.
They make carpet shields for painting.......if you have any OLD Venetian blinds just slide them over the carpet and under the molding and paint away. Remove them once the paint is DRY. If you look here you can get about 18' of these Carpet Shields for around $4........they clean right off with water if you use a latex paint.
Many years ago I purchased my first outboard..........a bright and shinny Merc.
Then I got a real job and purchased a real I have a bright and shinny black boat anchor that nobody wants.
Merc is short for Many Efforts Repairing Crap.
You missed your opportunity to give them tree rats their first flying lesson by just starting up that outboard with the cowling off. After all there were in the "FLYWHEEL" were they not.......LOL
Well, the wife and I went perch fishing Monday on Erie and had a pretty good day. Came home with 25 LARGE perch, enough to feed us about 6 different meals. 😊