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Everything posted by dsn

  1. Thats funny. Least he doesn't leave no fresh tracks behind. He smarter than some crooks. There was report of some guy who stole a change machine from a car wash using a backhoe and when he was pursured my cops he jumped off the backhoe and ran in the fresh snow leaving a clear trail behind. How stupid is that? dsn
  2. Oh Crap!! Now I feel so stupid. I thought it was for real. Thanks for tell me. Much appreciated. So many going around how do you know or keep track of them all. Usually I don't bother but this is crazy. dsn
  3. Check this out...... This is important.......Hiba works for the police & you can call the phone number and double check this info. BE CAREFUL Someone was following me on my way to Whitby Friday night with no headlights on. I just assumed they forgot. As I was ahead of them I had no way to signal them. They flashed their lights at me a couple of times and eventually passed me. The car was packed with teenagers. If this was a gang initiation, I am glad I did not signal them as I had the kids in the car. Please be careful everybody. RCMP WARNING Please pass is on! Important police warning.. Very scary, now moving east....started in Manitoba , now in Saskatchewan , and moving east and west. This came directly from our Driver Training People who got the warning. Pass this to anyone you can. One of the officers who works with the DARE program has passed along the following warning and asked that it be shared with all drivers. This is an extremely serious matter. If you are driving after dark and you see a car without its head-lights on, do not flash your lights, do not blow your horn or make any signals to the driver of the other car. There is a new common gang initiation 'game' going on the streets. The new member being initiated drives along without his headlights on until someone notices and flashes their headlights or makes some sort of other action to signal him. The gang member is now required to chase the car and shoot at or into the car in order to complete his initiation requirements. Make sure you share this information with your family, friends, and anyone else you can reach. If you have any questions or information, please call your local police department. Please take this seriously. This is not a joke. Please pass this on to everyone you know on e-mail and in person. It could save someone's life. Orle Howat Compensation Advisor RCMP Compensation Services, NWR Sask. Regina , Saskatchewan S4P 3K7 Phone: (306) 780-7206 Fax: (306)780-6581 E-Mail Internet: [email protected]
  4. I heard some you can record the footage under water. Don't know much about them but I have seen the Aqua View in operation last year in 70 feet of water. We were fishing with hanks Huts and they showed us the under water footage on 70 feet of water. It was extremely clear and dark til he turned on the lights then we seen things like water fleas and other bugs that reflected back the light into the camera. We also saw the muddy bottom but didn't see any fish altho they did swim by the area often. He said sometimes the light will even bring the fish in. dsn
  5. That was one of the units I looked at during last years fishing show. The fish finder takes I think 8 D size batteries or you can remove the battery compartment where the D size batteries go and get deep cycle lead acid battery and charger from Lebarons which will last you for a longer season and many years. dsn
  6. Nice carp. But I must add it looks like its been starving. So skinny. There are no rivers near by where I am so everything is frozen over. dsn
  7. I was doing a search and ended up finding this. And this if your hungry.. You can print these off here...Pizza Pizza Ok what was I doing before ... oh yeah searching for a coupon for brita filters. We know those filters are exspensive dsn
  8. Ahh finally you made it!! Hee hee nice to see you back out there where you belong. Looking forward to your post from here on in!! dsn
  9. fishermccann Check your "PM" dsn
  10. I was at CT the other day and picked up this thing called ? "Traction Aid" is for when your car slides into a ditch or when you need traction to get out of a jam. They only had like 3 left when I checked. I used to many times to get out of parking lots when I get plowed in. Or when your parked in water and the next morning your car is stuck in ice when the nights freeze over..
  11. Great fish!! Lets see how well you do ice fishing CCMT. dsn
  12. Update: This isn't from Edge Designs in NYC but, This photograph depicts a men's restroom at a Sofitel (a chain of 5-star hotels) in Queenstown, New Zealand, which has attracted a fair bit of interest and commotion: Five star hotels are normally famous for their opulence and their design but the new $45 million Sofitel in Queenstown is gaining notoriety for its little boys room. It has brought the hotel a couple of complaints from church goers and a couple of hundred people wanting to take a look. It's the most popular room in the five star hotel. Hotel manager Mark Wilkinson says the toilets were just a way of putting a little levity into the posh hotel. "Certainly it wasn't our intention to offend anyone," he says. A news report on the Sofitel's unusual restroom decor can be viewed here.
  13. I just got this email from my sis. Thought it was funny. So here it is. What do you think? Edge Designs is an all-women run company that designs interior office space. They had a recent opportunity to do an office project in NYC, and the client allowed the women of this company a free hand in all design aspects. The client was a company also run by all women execs.... The result?........well.......We all know that men never talk ..... never look at each other....and never laugh much in the restroom. The men's room is a serious and quiet place. BUT now...with the addition of one mural on the wall...... well, let's just say the men's restroom is a place of laughter and smiles...and men totally unable to pee.
  14. Thats exactly what I was thinking. Useless!!! I guess who ever designed it doesn't go ice fishing or their lakes are plowed of all snow. And they just have flat ice.
  15. Ok it cleared up just now. For a moment there I thought ut was going to last. dsn
  16. I'm up at steeles and kipling area and white out conditions are passing me and heading right into the GTA with heavy winds. Drive safely!! Just a heads up!! dsn
  17. If you need a camera man. To take action shots I'm free. Must be freezin out there to take the pics. Oh my eyes!! dsn
  18. The music of kool too.
  19. Yeah around 3pm into 3:30pm a massive snow storm moved into the GTA. With whiteout conditions. It past me by and was heading towards the city of Toronto. Reports have it that there are blackouts in local areas. The system cleared up at 3:45pm as I watched the sun break through the white fallin snow. It moved very quick. And did some damage. dsn
  20. Wow what a awesome report. Although I never fished with you. I felt I missed out on something great. Hope to see you back here again soon. And I'll be looking forward to your reports from back home. Like to see what they have to offer. Safe trip back!! dsn
  21. dsn

    the MNR

    What is the price now for a 3yr sportfishing license and conservation license by the way? Thanks dsn
  22. I was at CT today and picked up two. Feels good to finally sit on something a bit more firmer. Thanks dsn
  23. I was pike fishing. Oh by the way you should get all excited just look at this thread how long it lasted on the first page and you got skunked. While my pike outting trip and I caught one is on second page maybe third page by now. You get more rpelies to getting skunked, than you do if you caught something. Go figure. dsn
  24. I got skunked too today. Along with some else today. dsn
  25. ok I'll try to keep that in mind next time I'm in the hood. Thanks dsn
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