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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. Saw one ! ...Now what ? TB
  2. I didn't paly the video first time round ..He plays a wicked blue guitar! TB
  3. heard that on the radio the other day. My dads family used to eat Raccon occaisionaly ( 1920's) when there was no other meat avialable.This according to my dad ,unless it was a ' both ways uphill ' kind of storey !LOL I have tried muskrat and beaver but not Racoon. TB
  4. fianancing your own build will be a little tougher than a 'straight' mortage for a subdivison model Both houses I have bought first in 1992 ( new subdivision) and 2007 (15 year old house in same subdivision) Same builder for both. It was thier first attempt at building a large subdivison ( 300 +- homes)previously they were framing company. We have had zero issues ( minor fit/trim issues quickly resolved) we may have got lucky.Site super ( son of owner) lived in teh subdivision and his sister still does. All I can offer is really check our your builder weather you go mass produced or custom. ask lots of questions and be prepared to answer alot if Custom built. good luck TB
  5. So i am not senile wasn't exactly a Puegot! tb
  6. whats a 'tape'? TB
  7. Nicely done guys good coverage of the Fishing for Tyler event . Maureen , you otta be in pictures ! Should be a repeat Staurday at 11:30pm and sunday at 5:30pm for those who missed it and have WFN. TB
  8. Don't dare say in case it gets back to my wife. LOL. seriously other than the boat ( her idea ) most likely no more than $300 at one time . but lots of $20 - $50 purchases! TB
  9. CUTE! Congrats . TB
  10. Welcome aboard. Maybe a bit more info on your work experience would help . Tough market but better than the UK ! Residential may have slowed but still work out there in Commercial/institutional projects. TB
  11. Was in my local tackle shop this morning and picked up what he had left ( one 2 3/4 and one 4") of the len thompson 5 of diamonds Couldn't pass them up for the price can't have too many ! Good deal on HH floatsuits too ($199) if anyone is looking. TB
  12. I thought he had read Moosebunks report and was looking for some good pike spots LOL TB
  13. Those are some amazing pics ! You could make a trip to the bait shop sound like an adventure of a lifetime! Well done TB
  14. Often it settles back down and only requires a few hours of work. For 40 plus years it was piles driven in by hand ( cedar post) backed up by railway ties . You only had to replace the odd piling every year . When my father in law bought the place in the 60's he 'reclaimed' about 20' of the waterfront ,stuff you can't do now ( thankfully) Ice took that out about 10 or so years ago . its now rip rap with the PT 6x6 in the photo just to hold back the sod. If it was my call I would opt for a more natural water front and let the ice have its way . TB
  15. Had my brotehr in law and nephew out last spring and gave him what I think was a salmon spoon to use ( he was tough on my tackle) He caught 3 pike in 20 minutes and had as many follows. May have to add a couple to the box! TB
  16. oh yeah and one more thing hang on !!!!!! tb
  17. My fav pike lure. Straight retrive ,vary speed .try different things see what works. Try keeping just above the weeds , let it fall into any holes . Seen guys switch out the treble hooks and replace with a single ( more weedless) Williams wabbler (red/white) Cyclops two of my fav's TB
  18. Ok I'll play along now Our big trip will be LOW this summer to see how Pikeie is handleing all that fishing Not sure when but most likely August . TB
  19. Glad to hear the launch is open.That concrete ramp is just about useless. Seen more people get hung up when they drop thier trailer wheels off the end or worse yet one of the side!. TB
  20. Not to bad , pike are close by TB
  21. maybe we'll wait till you are home from school! our House needs a roof too Dad
  22. barrie is clear but not sure about the south end these north winds may jam things up a bit . TB
  23. Those stong east winds pushed that ice off the west side , but sure made a mess on the east side. My sister in law sent these pics over this morning of the damge done to my inlaws ( cottage next door) water front. May not be as bad as it looks . happens about every 7-10 years , the joy of water front living . TB
  24. The bay is wide open today . Inlaws got some serious ice piled up at Brechin. will post some pics later. TB
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