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Everything posted by Mike01

  1. I like that last shot....reminds me of my girlfriend when she comes out with me.
  2. I'm 23, but you can chat with anyone
  3. My son is going to be two this summer, can't wait to get him out.
  4. When I was thinking about getting mine done a lot of people were concerned that you would be able to see it. Even with the colours it doesn't show through a white shirt, nor does it poke out my sleeve. I didn't really care either way. If someone wasn't going to hire me because I have a tattoo, I don't think its the kind of place that I would want to work anyways....
  5. going over the same spot SUCKS at first...but after a while you can't feel it anymore!!
  6. Its all in where the nerve endings are...if you pinch yourself you can get an idea of where it will hurt more. I thought it was going to be a lot worse than it actually was.
  7. It's amazing how fast it can go with the right weather
  8. Its more annoying than anything. Is it going on your arm?
  9. thats sounds really cool, when are you getting it?
  10. Cool....not many people around these parts even know what a marlin is. I always get "cool swordfish"!!
  11. Here's mine Took two sittings and eight hours to complete.
  12. Mike01


    WOW....does anyone know where this was??
  13. We don't get down much in the summer either. I'm going to try and get down next summer to do some billfishing off the East coast.
  14. Its still down, hopefully it will be cleared up soon.
  15. Yeah, the PTT is a little silly. Thats more just for show. I here there is decent tarpon in Tampa Bay as well. Not sure what time of year they are there but I would think you could get them year round. Where do you stay while you are there?
  16. Great looking fish
  17. Called and he said that it should be good to go after the weekend.
  18. cool...thanks guys
  19. Anyone know how much ice there is on Parry Sound, I can't wait to get the boat out!
  20. I've had something similar happen to me. I was stung by a jelly fish, poured rum over the sting and then rubbed courtazone cream on it. Fixed me right up. I have yet to catch a Tarpon also, Boca Grand pass is the place to go on the West Coast, Government Cut in Miami is also very good. I hooked up with one that was close to 200lbs, but I was using snook gear so i didn't stand a chance. I'm not to sure how he can go out on Superior and not the Gulf. I would rather be on the Ocean in rough water that a freezing cold Lake!
  21. Optima makes a good battery, have used them for many applications. Their warrenty is also great, right over the counter. If you do some hunting around you should be able to get a marine (blue top) for under $200. I have a Canadian Tire deep cycle running my electric motor right now, and it has been flawless. I think it was under $100.
  22. That fish has a good story behind it. It was the last cast before we were heading back to the dock and I got snagged. I was trying to get it off when all of the sudden the fish rolled on my bait and picked it clean off the rock. All I remember saying to my guide was "big fish" while I set the hook. Reds really fight hard! Last time we went to Honeymoon I didn't see anyone fishing, I just figured you had to walk up a ways. I'll know for next time. Did you try any other areas while you were in Florida?
  23. Discount bait&tackle, is at the intersection of the HWY and Trout Lake Rd. They are open but I don't think I would go there, too many drug busts in that apartment complex. Not sure if the one on Trout Lake is still open. I go to Big Ed's in Callander.
  24. For smallmouth I like to use smoke coloured tubes, I have been using a lot of chartreuse grubs the last couple of years as well. Cast them towards rock piles, or drift them over submerged structure. Largemouth are harder to find, but there are lots of back bays filled with weeds, I would check them out. Don't fish for Muskie very often so i can't help you there.
  25. I am usually in Palm Harbor twice a year. US 19 is the worst highway I have ever driven on. My girlfriend and I couldn't get over how dents the cars have, its wild! How far from the main parking area did you have to walk when you were at Honeymoon island to get to the fishing area? Also what did you use for bait? When I was there in Feb. I drove up to Crystal River and went out for some redfish, had a great time.
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