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Everything posted by Dutchy

  1. It does have a healthy population of fish, average size is very good for the lake. Potential problem is that the local mennonites do take alot of fish from there. However, it does not seem to be affecting the bass population at the moment but Richard will know more about that than me. Blackberry is toast and yes it was worth it
  2. Been waiting for bass opener for a long 8 months. JJcanoe, Gil and myself met up at Timmies in London at 5am and then headed north to our spot in Huron County. Skies weren't looking too favourable, but we got the boat ready. We headed out working a dropoff and JJ hit the first bass of the year. Gil missed a bass in the shallows and being the opportunist that I am, I cast my heavyweight worm over to the approximate area and bang, first smallie. We couldn't help but notice the tag with MNR on it. So we weighed it, 2lb 5oz, info will be sent in. I can honestly say I have never caught a tagged fish before. Then it was Gils turn, hitting a nice largie: Then I hit the next one. We moved around hitting large weedbeds, nothing taking and we ended up in a channel between two weed beds.JJ gets a hit, sets the hook and low and behold he swings this on board. Completely unexpected: Then Gil gets a big run, line spilling from his reel. I put my rod down to get the net just as he loses the fish. It was either a pike or a real big bass, which are in there. So, I pick my rod up and start reeling in and something takes off. Another one ends up on board: It fell in the boat, started bleeding, I figured we have one for the pan, but I am fair, so I'll give him a chance. We put him back in the water, 10 secs, he's gone, headed straight down into the weeds. We stayed in that area for awhile and he never resurfaced. Then the heavens opened and I mean opened, my blackberry will never be the same again. It was 11am, we headed in as did everyone else. Sat in the van listening to Uruguay-South Korea, rain stops and out we go again: Total weather change. While we fished, others chose to sun themselves: We boat a few more, mainly largies: Just as we are heading in, I get a little tug on the line figuring its just sunfish. Start reeling in and off it takes. Ends up being the largest fish of the day: We had a great day, probably 25 bass between us and 3 pike. Truth being that we missed more than we actually caught. Cheers Dutchy
  3. And your point is what? I will never support engerlund no matter the sport. :thumbsup_anim:
  4. Where are you going? Somewhere north of London What baits do you plan on focusing on for the first few weeks? Heavy weight sinkworms, swimbaits, lunkerhunt lizards What baits do you plan on avoiding? Nothing in particular What aspects of bass fishing do you hope to improve on throughout the season? Catching bigger fish
  5. Got to stand up to the Unions. Someone has to in Canada at some point.
  6. Beauty fish.
  7. Have they told you why you have acid reflux? I am guessing you have had the camera shoved down your throat?!
  8. I wasn't even referring to your post. I was simply stating the current knowledge on OA and treatment. Its very hard to get rid of the pain depending on how severe the condition has become which is where joint replacement comes in. Many pain medications are a no go long term because they have several other side effects, some of which include heart damage. So learning to live with it is something you have to do. Now that I click the link in your post, yes, that is what I was saying. I was being serious, weed is an option for OA, they write prescriptions for it for OA sufferers everyday.
  9. Unfortunately that is your only real option. My lab does some research on osteoarthritis and it is progressive so not much you can do about it in the long run. Despite what you might read, there is no cure or really effective treatment other than joint replacement. Medical grade weed is supposed to be effective, but you need to talk to you doctor about that one. It does relieve pain.
  10. My parents are coming over from Scotland. I will be fishless for 3 weeks, but I do get to see my parents.
  11. I want to catch one of those. Very nice fish. Congrats
  12. I need two numbers between 0 and 211... quick!! 0 3 and 6 211
  13. 210 and 2
  14. That was the first thing that came into my mind as well John. If they knew and didn't disclose it you have them over a barrel. Something to bear in mind Cliff. Not an easy thing to prove unless they were long term occupants prior to you kids moving in such that they would have to have known. Also, not sure that a local Sudbury lawyer is what you need. You need someone who specializes in this and knows what they are doing. You might be better looking in TO. Just a thought. I bought title insurance when I got my property and I was told it would cover things like a mortgage on the property you didn't know about, outstanding work orders against the property, unpaid bills against the property. Basically anything involving the property prior to you being the owner is not your problem. Whether that covers encroachment I don't know. Good luck Cliff.
  15. You have now
  16. I cannot wait for it to start so engerlund lose. Being scottish I am genetically predisposed to root for engerlunds opponents. :whistling: The ad is very cool, saw after the Champions league final.
  17. Great stuff. Cannot wait to get out after the jumbos.
  18. There was a story in Britain a few years ago where a guy out in a boat in Scotland was running his had through the surface of the water when something bit him. He ended up losing a finger and it was hypothesized that it was a big pike that did it. Certainly not out of the questions at all, I believe a muskie could do something like that.
  19. Your getting fixated on turds Cudz
  20. My go to bait now is Berkeley heavy weight worms. I have caught fish on these no matter where I have fished and they hit them very hard. When nothing else has worked these have every time. They are not widely available in Canada yet from what I have seen. Cabela's, Wholesale Sports and BPS have them, but often on back order
  21. The point would be that if you are in an area with lots of bass you should move. While you may not be specifically targeting them, if you are catching lots of them you should move location. Taking them off the nest is bad as it puts the eggs and fry in severe danger of being eaten. Bass will aggressively hit anything goes past their nest. They don't know there is a hook in it, so we have to exercise some caution on their behalf if we want to keep the fishery going. Its not politics, its common sense. They are OOS for a reason.
  22. Yeah, good luck with that. Ignorance is no excuse. If you are catching bass OOS, move to another spot or use a different bait. I'd love to be there when you try to use your above rationale with a CO. I nearly got fined by a CO for something far more minor than catching OOS fish. They don't care about what your intentions are or your Bull excuses.
  23. its a rainbow
  24. I caught a couple today, you cannot stop them from hitting. Prolly caught 20 fish (crappies, bluegills and perch). The bass were cruising around so you could keep away from them, but the odd one grabbed it out of nowhere. C'est la vie Deliberately targeting them is
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