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Everything posted by Zubris21

  1. Remember to do your research and pick the oestreich ferns, not the Bracken ferns. Brackens contain some sort of toxin, that when eaten in large quantities can be harmful. I've never picked either myself, but having done some research I seem to remember that one of them grows in small clumps while the other is more spread out. Im sure there are experts around here on the subject.
  2. Have never tried them, but a post on here last year really peaked my interest. unfortunately I don't think there are any around here.
  3. Nice little toothy critter there! great job!
  4. Well Kalvin and I were beginning to get tired of the hardwater season. Seems like we've punched thousands of holes. So yesterday we decided to head to one of the rivers that is opening up and try our luck with the spinning rods. We weren't very optimistic, but thought we might hook into a wandering northern, or perhaps a grayling. First spot we stopped at was a convergence of two rivers, fished for about an hour with nothing to speak of. We packed up and headed back towards home. On the way we stopped at another river crossing, because we wanted to scout a lake that was only a short bushwhack up the river. We brought the rods along, and each only 1 lure. Even left the camera in the car. Along the way We casted a few spots, and wouldn't you know it within 5 Minutes we each had our first ever Arctic Grayling. We wanted a picture with them so we kept the first two, then I later gilled one so kept her aswell. We ended up landing 24 fish in 2 hours. That's an avg of a fish every 5 mins. I will definitely be back to target these little fellas again. Pound for pound they are one of the scrappiest fish I've ever caught. I'll let the pictures do the talking, but these fish are beautiful, nice blue/purple irridesence, that the camera really can't pick up. That and they'd been dead for a while.
  5. I've only fished from the church once and it was for bass/pike. Its a pretty shallow/weedy bay, and have caught fair sized cats on the opposite side near the marina, but from a boat. I would imagine there are carp in there at some point throughout the year. If you drove out bath Rd. to get to the church form downtown you would have passed an area of open water directly on your left jsut before getting to collins bay road. There is an overpass that you drive over might not even have realized it, that leads to a small pond on the opposite side of the train tracks that run paraellel to bath. There are for sure, carp in that pond during the right time of year as my friend and I would watch them surfacing when we were young. If you have enough time, take a 1.5 hour drive east to the Long Sault Parkway. There is potential for record carp on every cast, again never caught them, but haven't targeted them either. Have spent enough time in that area to know they are there and it is an incredible fishery. (getting hooked did an episode around there a while back and you can probably get it online) good luck and report back to us!
  6. Stoty, have seen you post that fish before and it is a hawg. How did your recent trip down to FLA go? Bdox - That walleye is monsterous! must have been from the Bay of Quinte, no?
  7. My bad, I meant to say hwy 15, not division. RoyL is right it can also be accessed via Montreal St. Sorry for the confusion.
  8. I'm sure this thread has been done before, but with the softwater season now underway, I though it would be a nice way to get us all pumped up about the prospects for the season (not that anyone needed any added incentive). So take a minutes and post a picture of your noteworthy PB's and less see all those beautiful fish! This Brookie was caught this winter and measured in at a solid 23.5" no scale, so I didn't get a weight, but any guesses? This Largie was caught a little north of Kingston, not weight, no measurement, but by far my PB. This eye came in at 29" if I remember correctly, caught on opening day last year. Lets see what you've got!
  9. Great fish! I can't say much about stocking, or fin clips. All I know is that none of the stocked brook trout up this way have fin clips. I would imagine, if you really want to find out that you would be able to get a stocking list if you looked hard enough.
  10. Great report! That brown has some great colouring! Thanks for sharing!
  11. Great report! congratulations on the new PB!
  12. Great report! that Walleye is a hawg, even if it does look like its about to kick the bucket. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Sure is, I expect I'll be ice fishing for another month anyways. There is still a good 2-3 feet of ice on most of the lakes still, but the rivers are beginning to open up. Yes the Bison are wild. I'm not sure they are native to the area though. I read a sign stating they were re-introduced in an area Im not familiar with, but assume it was close by, and their population was 49 animals as of 2007, but I can tell you we definitely saw more than 49, probably closer to a hundred.
  14. Welcome to the community! Beautiful fish there!
  15. Well, Kalvin and I have been planning this trip for a while but we were waiting for the temps to warm a little. The forecast for this past weekend was sunny days and highs around 10 degrees. We couldn't pass it up. Friday night right after work we headed North, decided to take a detour to soak in the Liard Hotsprings, since we wouldn't be able to get our Yukon licenses until at least 10am Saturday morning. On the way we ran into a whole bunch of these guys grazing at the side of the road. We had a tough sleep in the car, but first thing Saturday morning we were off. A quick stop in Watson Lake to pick up our licenses, then we were off in search of our new fishing grounds. Took about an hour drive before we found the lake. Headed down and set up shop for what would be 2 solid days of tough fishing. First we started at the North West end of the lake. Saw a couple nice fish swim by on the Fish TV but couldn't entice them to bite. We quickly moved to the middle of the lake and found the fish, but couldn't get them to bit. It was a feeding frenzy below the hole, and many lure changes had no effect, finally I downsized almost as far as I could and finally hooked into my first ever Arctic Char, she measured in at 17" and was a perfect eater size. The action then slowed and when the light started to fade I took a few pics around the lake, this is what we had to look at all day, tough weekend! We decided to head back to the car, but fish a few open holes along the way. In about 2 FOW I was jigging very agressively when I had a tap, pulled up a small Char who went right back down the hole to get a little bigger, then moments later using the same technique I pulled out this beauty measuring in at 21" Kalvin had one lost at the hole and that ended our day, We went 3/5 with me catching all and each of us loosing one along the way. Day 2 saw the luck shift from me to Kalvin, I managed 1 carbon copy of my first fish, and Kalvin landed these beauties, the biggest measuring in at 24". his first Char The biggest of the trip It looked like they were starting to put on their spawning colours as the final fish he caught was starting to show the signature red associated with the Arcitc Char. And finally our take home fair. Neither day did we hit our limits and the trip ended with us going 8/10 with 1 small release each and 3 good keepers each. All in all a vary succesful trip, and my baked Char last night for supper was unreal! -Andre
  16. That is unreal! I'll be in the market for something similar this summer. I really like the pads for soloing. Do you know anything/ have any thoughts on the integrated trim that Swift is offering on some of their high end boats? Seems to me like theres a high likeliness to split and have water seep in, but I haven't seen them first hand to really say. Great boat, and great deal, I hope you disturb a few "glassy" lakes on your way to those brookie holes.
  17. Planning a trip up to the Yukon to a small stocked lake, hopefully can get into some Arctic Char!!
  18. Talk to your Profs. Ask them if they have any connections with local conservation area's, hatcheries or wildlife programs. You may be able to get your foot in the door in your field early. When job hunting be proactive, try to open doors, get out there and spread your name, companies like to see ambitious individuals. Also look into working at the college, like the library or something. Most school are pretty flexible with the schedules in order to accommodate classes.
  19. Beauty boat Stoty. Can't wait to see lots of reports!
  20. Opener? I've been fishing Brookies all winter, oh wait we don't have a closed season on them, or on any game fish really.
  21. Another spot that might be good for big cats, is the dock beside edith rankin church. Head west on bath road, and the church is on the left just after you pass collins bay road.
  22. I've fished the city side of the causeway many times and never had any problems, but it's usually later at night. Never fished at the hydro plant, but I believe they will give you the boot for trespassing, heard of this happening to many people. Right now I would suggest taking a little drive North on Division St. Past the 401 untill you get to Kingston mills rd. only a couple km's. Take a left and drive down until you get to the locks. If you park in the parking lot, you can either go down below the locks and catch some panfish, or cross over the locks and head back towards the road, there is a walking path that will take you down by the generator station. Nice little pool in there with lots of flowing water. Have caught tons of perch/crappie/sucker and bass and pike when they are open. I never target carp but I sure do see a lot of big bruisers cruising threw there. Also have been told and seen pictures of salmon running there in the fall, not sure if the rainbows make the same run in the spring but you never know.
  23. wow, awesome report. thanks for taking the time to share!
  24. beauty slabs! Im also from eastern on, not currently there but will be back in the summer... how far east are you fishing?
  25. Nice looking pup, congrats!
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