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Everything posted by workwear

  1. i too bought two batteries from kirkland......they had a manufacturer rebate and i also had a store gift certificate...paid 45 dollars each for their bigger batteries...i have tested them out so far and 9 hours on my trolling motor...now too see if they last or not.........but for crankin battery im not gonna full around...im goin to get a gel battery......
  2. if someone wants to get into the trades...it can be very rewarding....but......i strongly suggest that it be a trade that requires an appenticship program....get a liscence for that trade.....im a painter by trade and its funny how sometimes when i hire, how many painters are out there.......lol....i remeber once interviewing a few guys....well you dont know what they can do until you really see them in action.....this guy comes to the job site....with a home depot package....tray roller anf brush ...still in the package.....says to me i have 20 years experience...lol....nearly laughed myself off the ladder i was on......needless to say...i let him work for the day and paid him....he wasnt a painter point being is with a licecsed trade....your able to get top buck as their are no newbies under cutting you...
  3. hey lew....looks like i need to get a new cranking battery also.......seems my problem was the battery.....marine told me i need to get at least a 1000 cranking amps.... what battery are you gonna get.....
  4. cement board is..with no question more durable.....but if it is a finished wall.....no tiles on top......then the blue board is recomended..... good luck
  5. thanks to everyone who responed......check out all the wiring on the motor and found no loose wires..... was wondering if there is a diagnostics i can do.......would like to avoid the shop at all costs....
  6. you might wanna try ebay...there are some pretty good decals for a reasonable price......being sold and not as a bid item just a though
  7. hiya everyone...... well this mornin we woke up at 5 and headed out to balsam....trolled awhile hooked into two small walleye's....great mornin to be out..everything was running great....budd say lets me drive....sure why not start to open her up and while clipping along at 45mph...the motor cuts out.....and starts back up...and cuts back out...i thought this guy is playin games with me.......move over ray.....let me drive....and i start her up....no problem.... 3000 rpm no problem 4000 same problem starts happenin.....dies right out....so i check battery connection....start up again....thinkin that was the problem......problem starts again....this time im getting a little nervous....ok lets head for port.....try to trim the motor up....trim wont work....motor completely dead.....so there i am big motor down...and puttering with my kicker......than goodness i have one....we are near the canal...thinking out loud...fuel filter....naw it cant be.....battery isnt holdin charge....but the kicker starts and works fine....could be the alternator...big motor not chargin up was gonna call it a day at 12.....my son says dad cant we just fish some more.....ok dude...lets stay round here.....he hooks into a oos large mouth...glad when he catches some...he lights up like a christams tree but i still wanna try the big motor one more time......just as i am thinkin bout starting it ....ray pulls out a BANANA my son looks at the banana and looks at me thinkin thats the problem....as were told they are bad luck....just as ray finishes the banana.....i start the big motor up....ran it hard for hour....not a single hiccup no idea what happened..... we are still thinking its the alternator maybe a loose wire or something any one else might be able to shed some light on this cheers peter
  8. i wouldnt worry bout our national anthem...(hnic theme song )...goin anywhere soon...this is just a tactic for negotiations i think....i grew up with that song...and every saturday night before the game starts i sing a few bars to my son and he knows its time to watch the best ever game in the world.....i wouldnt worry guys...ill bet itll be back next year if not..cbc should lose the rights to broadcast any hockey game!!!!
  9. she had shoes on?????
  10. a little more info would be nice...are you selling it in the states to a canadain??
  11. how long you been sitting on that pic stoty........ too funny.......
  12. i have never met you ccmt but i know for a fact you are a class act!!! helluva good job cheers
  13. has anyone tried goin to a higher octane gasoline..... i thought that sunoco gold at 94 octane does not have any ethanol in it.......or at least thats was i was told..... thats what i use in my motor
  14. the boat got up to 42 mph running across Sturgeon in a chop... i really dont think a fishfinder will give you an accurate speed reading......a 25hp doin 40mph?? i tend to take a speed reading from my gps....... just a thought
  15. goin up to simcoe tomorrow mornin and was wondering bout a good boat launch.....in the barrie area can any one help?? thxs peter
  16. i know my yamaha charges my battery as well....and well i do alot of trolling so i know i have peice of mind that my main crankin motor is always charged......if it isnt an expensive upgrade.....then go for it just my .02 cheers peter
  17. colours on the trailer prongs black green yellow white brown..... trailer has surge brakes.... thxs peter
  18. hiya everyone.......was wondering if someone can shed some light on this my trailer has a 5 prong attachment......my buddy wants to tow it on friday...but he has only a hard wired 4 prong went to canadian tire this aft and they looked at us like weve been smokin something illegal.....has anyone ever heard of a converter for a 4 prong from his truck to a 5 prong to my trailer......im assuming the extra prong is for the surge brakes any help would be greatly appreciated ......
  19. if your still havin problems...pm me......i have the bat phone number...lol....andy and vita are close personal friends of mine..... let me know if ya need help
  20. wtg nancy!!!!!! sure feels fun catchin.......great sho.....keep at it!!
  21. hire a painter.....me but seriuosley tho.....yes all bare wood is to be primed...i use a primer called XIM...awwsome primer...you only need a quart....15 bucks or so.....if you have any 'soft wood'...use a hardener.......lol...that sounds funny..... as for the top coats....youve asked what kind of paint...oil or latex...really depends on what you have now...oil on top of oil or latex on top of latex as for brand names......i find cabot by far the best outdoor paint....with benjiman moore a close second.... if you need to save a few bucks on materials let me know maybe i can help ya on that peter
  22. thxs guys for the heads up....ill be calling tomorrow....tell ya's how it all goes..... cheers
  23. why not try launching from cooks bay...free public launch with plenty of parking.....off of leslie near miami dr i think....take lake road sounth to the bend....decent launch...... all the best and have fun
  24. im planning to take the family out this year along the harbour front and the islands....and was told i need to get ANOTHER licence.....looked into the port authority...and have all nubers...was wondering if anyone else on here has one and how hard is this test and cost of.....thxs peter
  25. when i went i was introduced to what is called a hair rig....look on the net youll find this weird rig....all we had for bait was sweet corn that was boiled....threw the rig in and waited.....as for rods i was using a m/h 7' ...careful not to bring them in to hard....i was told that they have soft mouth openings and can tear off very easy...althought they kept my rod well bent......probably the only times i like my rod that way.....lol....good luck
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