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Everything posted by tibbs

  1. Great Job Leechman!! Good Luck on the ice!
  2. If you like to buy domestic, you should pickup an Islander. They are made right here in Canada. I don't own any of there fly reels, but i do own a float reel made by them. They make bomb-proof reels and have fantastic customer support. It may cost more, but you are supporting the Canadian economy.
  3. Looks like you had a fantastic year!
  4. :lol: Great Report and Pics too!
  5. Wow... Thanks for the great info!!!! I think i might take a dive course well I'm there. I've always wanted to try it. Here's the company the resort recommends: Red Sail Sports Have you heard of them before? Also, is $150 a decent price for the course? Thanks again, Griffin
  6. Nice Job! Maybe I should try ice fishing this year.
  7. :D :thumbsup_anim:
  8. Thanks John. My parents will probably rent a car for a couple days, so we c an explore the island a bit. I'll see if we could check a few of the spots you recommended. We're definitely bringing some snorkeling gear along with us.
  9. Hi Everyone, My family and I are going to go to Grand Cayman this February, and I am just wondering if anyone's gone bonefishing there. We'll be staying at a resort on the East End of the island. I would like to hire a guide for a day to go fly fishing for bonefish. Could anyone recommend a guide? Also, I think I'm going to purchase a travel spinning rod, so i can fish a bit at the resort and as a backup if it's to windy to use fly gear. What would be the best rod, reel, line, tackle, etc... to get? Thanks a lot, Griffin
  10. Great Report + Pics!! Thanks for the tips on fishing frogwater!
  11. I've learned a great deal about steelhead fishing. 1. Learned how to read water 2. Use QUALITY tackle 3. Cast a centerpin more efficiently 4. How to bottom bounce. And most important of all, experience is the best teacher.
  12. I'd probably go to Newfoundland for Atlantic Salmon and/or Brook Trout.
  13. Lol... It sure would. I had a similar experience... I remember this year I hooked into a good 10lb fish and I then realized i was knee deep in mud and had no way to escape. It started to run downstream and i had absolutely no control over it. I clamped down on the reel, but it sadly snapped the leader. After i lost the fish it took me a good 5 mins. to get out of the mud.
  14. Nice Job!! The last picture is hilarious.
  15. Great Job!! Fantastic Pictures also!! What camera are you using? I'm in the market for a new camera this Christmas. Thanks.
  16. Great Job! I won't be getting out for the next two weeks, since I have exams.
  17. Nice Fish!
  18. Sounds like it was a blast!
  19. My Grandmother just had her hip replaced last year. She's moving a lot better now and feeling better as well. I wish him a speedy recovery!
  20. Wow that Salmon is a monster!
  21. Thanks Guys! I will for sure keep up the good marks.
  22. Looks like you guys have had a great fall season so far!
  23. Great Pics!!
  24. Thanks Again Everyone!! Paul sent some great pics:
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