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Everything posted by brandon

  1. Hey Everyone, A few months ago Windsor Life Magazine interviewed me about my trip to Alaska to photograph Grizzlies and the article is finally out! If you're interested, have a read here ->http://www.myvirtualpaper.com/doc/Windsor-Life/windsor_life_february_march/2011012101/91.html Brandon
  2. sorry I'm late seeing this. Thanks for the kind words and I'd love to be able to shoot this but I'll be in the Huntsville area that weekend doing some other shooting. I've done my own polar plunge as a dare a few years ago and know it's a very photogenic experience....really wish I could help out...next time though!
  3. brandon


    I headed down to Lakeview Marina here in Windsor today to get some waterfowl flight shots. It was pretty slow out there but the swans provided a few photo opportunities....enjoy! These 2 swans were trying to figure out the best way to eat this shad. But this method only seemed to fling the shad further away Swan dinner time by bbroderick86, on Flickr 1/3200 @ f/4.5, ISO 320, 500mm A swan taking flight over the Detroit River Swan in flight by bbroderick86, on Flickr 1/3200 @ f/4, ISO 250, 500mm And these guys had a little dispute about a shad Jealous Swans by bbroderick86, on Flickr 1/3200 @ f/4.5, ISO 320, 500mm
  4. If you're buying a used camera, knowing the shutter actuations is kind of important however it's not always easy to get. I personally have no idea how to find out but I know it's something that's not located anywhere in/on the camera. Google "shutter actuations Canon" and you'll find a few different ways to actually figure out the real number of actuations.
  5. I live within a 2 minute drive of Lakeview Marina here in Windsor and it's a great spot for waterfowl photography. Here's some shots from the last week. Enjoy! Drake Canvasback and hen bufflehead Canvasback and Bufflehead by bbroderick86, on Flickr Canon 1D mk IV + Canon 500mm f/4L IS USM 1/2000 @ f/4, ISO 125, 500mm Drake Canvasback AH3G2931 by bbroderick86, on Flickr Canon 1D mk IV + Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM 1/1600 @ f/4.5, ISO 125, 500mm Hen Mallard AH3G2849 by bbroderick86, on Flickr Canon EOS 1D mk IV + Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM 1/1000 @ f/4.5, ISO 160, 500mm Canada Geese Canada Geese by bbroderick86, on Flickr Canon 1D mk IV + Canon EF 500mm f/4L 1/2000@ f/4, ISO 400, 500mm
  6. I'm still not entirely sure what you're looking for but here's my gear list, and I'll be posting a topic tonight with some recent waterfowl shots and I'll include the tech specs for each of those photos. Hope this helps! Bodies: Canon 1D mk IV Canon 5D mk II Lenses: Canon 14mm f/2.8L USM Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L USM Canon 24-70mm f/2.8L USM Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM Canon 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Canon 500mm f/4L IS USM Canon 2x Extender And I have a Gitzo carbon fiber tripod with a Wimberley head for the 500mm and a manfrotto ball head for landscape shooting. Like I said i'm still not sure if this is what you're looking for but i hope it helps!
  7. any specific ones you want the details for? I put all the details under most of the photos on my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/brandonbroderickphotography but i can post it on here too if you're interested....just let me know the pics who's details you're interested in.
  8. Final Cut Express for Mac
  9. I plan on doing some behind the scenes videos of future shoots so I bought a GoPro Hero wearable/mountable HD Camera. I set it up on a variety of places on my gear as well as on myself a couple days ago to see how it'll work. Let me know what you think!
  10. Thanks a lot guys!
  11. I just saw there's another Northern Hawk Owl thread so this should fit in well... On monday night I got a facebook chat message from a friend of mine, Scott Linstead. He said, “if you can make it to Quebec by 8am, we’re going to photograph a Hawk Owl”. I live in Windsor, Ontario and Quebec isn’t close at all. But how could I pass up an opportunity to shoot with a contributing photographer/writer for the Outdoor Photography Canada magazine? I didn’t pass it up and left Windsor around 8pm monday night. I got to the location around 7am and took the extra hour to get some sleep and take out my contacts to give my eyes a bit of a break before the shoot. 8am rolled around and Scott showed up. The owl was a bit tough to find at first but sure enough, it was there. We waited for one more guy to show up and then it was time to shoot. As I was pulling my tripod out of my car Scott told me I’d be better off to shoot handheld if I was going for flight shots, which I was. But I’m stubborn and shot the first 2hrs with my tripod and wimberley head. I should have listened to Scott because this owl was FAST and way too difficult to track using a tripod. So I decided I may as well take his advice since I travelled so far and shot the last 2 hours by hand. And WOW, what a difference. My 500 mm lens is quite heavy but once the action started I didn’t even notice it anymore. The owl was actively hunting the entire time we were there and provided us with more than enough opportunities to get the shots we all wanted. At noon we all parted ways and I started the long drive back to Windsor. The drive was fine until I hit the London area. Lot’s of snow was falling at a very high rate. It took me about 4hrs to get from London to Windsor (normally an hour and a half) but I made it safely and so did my photos…enjoy! Total Trip - 28 hrs. 22hrs driving - 4hrs shooting - 2hrs randomly napping at rest stops Northern Hawk Owl by bbroderick86, on Flickr Northern Hawk Owl by bbroderick86, on Flickr Northern Hawk Owl by bbroderick86, on Flickr Northern Hawk Owl by bbroderick86, on Flickr Northern Hawk Owl by bbroderick86, on Flickr Northern Hawk Owl by bbroderick86, on Flickr
  12. limeyangler - I'm not 100% sure but I think you can use quicktime pro with pc. if you're still having troubles, check out youtube for some tutorials...there seems to be an answer to every question i've ever had on there! I'mHooked - I actually got a fish on that line about 10 mins after packing up my camera....I was really hoping to get that on camera though...maybe next time
  13. thanks again guys! jds - this is a video, however it was shot using only still images so it may be something else you want to try while dabbling with video. Just pick up an intervalometer off ebay and you'll be all set to make videos in a different way!
  14. I was just up there for a week and the conditions were getting worse and worse as the week went on due to the warm weather. Fishing was a bit slow but we still managed a few pike. I'm not sure how conditions are now but the lakes were getting quite slushy. As far as tackle shops go, there's a small bait shop in Kirkland and also a Canadian Tire. Larder Lake has a decent tackle/bait shop at the gas station in town. All our pike were caught in 8-20 FOW on shiners.
  15. Glad everyone is enjoying the video! jds63 - That was all shot with a Canon 5D mk II Camera and Canon 16-35mm lens. It wasn't shot as video but as still images. An intervalometer was used so I could just have the camera shoot continuously without me being behind it. It was also all shot in full manual including focus, ISO, and White Balance. The footage playing during the intro was shot at one frame every 5 seconds and the rest of the video is one frame every 1 or 2 seconds. I then created an image sequence with the 3000+ still images in Quicktime Pro. Once that was done I opened the video up in Final Cut Express, added titles, transitions, and music and that's about it. Hope this helps!
  16. weird...all that time spent shooting and editing the video and I had no idea those lines were unattended...maybe it's just me though. I mean staring at the computer for so long can make people (including myself) appear in videos i guess...who knew? Great to start off 2011 learning something new... "Two lines may be used for ice fishing except in a limited number of waters (see the exceptions for the Zone in which you are fishing). You must be within 60 m (197 ft.) at all times of any line or tip-up you are using when ice fishing and you must have a clear and unobstructed view of the lines being used at all times."
  17. Hey everyone! I headed up to the Kirkland Lake area with my stepdad and two stepbrothers on boxing day for a few days of Ice fishing and other winter fun. Fishing was pretty slow... 5 pike between the 4 of us, the biggest at about 16"...thus the reason for 0 photos...well of fish anyways. I did shoot about 3000 photos to create this time lapse to show how we spent a day at the lake...enjoy and WATCH IN HD!
  18. thanks guys and great shots Joey!! I'm glad someone with a camera was able to capture the whole eclipse!
  19. I was really hoping to photograph the entire eclipse tonight...or this morning...whatever time of day this is....but clouds ruined my plans. I did however manage one photo about 15-20 mins before the full eclipse....hopefully everyone else had better viewing conditions! And for anyone interested, here's the deets... Canon EOS 5D mk II + Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM 1/25 @ f/7.1, ISO 1000, 500mm Lunar Eclipse Dec 21, 2010 by bbroderick86, on Flickr
  20. I was in Toronto a week or so ago for the day and stopped at Niagara Falls on the way back to take a photo of the falls. I've been to the falls numerous times but I haven't lived in Ontario since I've been into photography so I had to stop and take a photo. The photo I took wasn't what I had in mind though. I was planning on shooting from much closer to the falls but the mist was turning to ice on me, as well as my equipment so I'll have to save that shot for the summer. Anyways here it is! Canon EOS 5D mk II + Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 8.0sec exposure @ f/6.3, 24mm, ISO 400 Niagara Falls by bbroderick86, on Flickr
  21. The Geminid Meteor shower has been taking place the last few nights so I decided to set up my camera and do a time lapse. I set up my camera to shoot one 5sec exposure after the other for an hour at 3 different locations. The final youtube version of the video, in 1080p HD, still looks far darker than the pre imovie/youtube version so I'll have to find a new program for editing. However you can still see the stars and that's all that matters....Oh and the shooting stars are at the 0:26 mark...enjoy and I can't stress this enough - WATCH IN HD!!! (or you won't see the meteors)
  22. We finally got a bit of snow last night here in Windsor and with the weather warming through the day, I decided to have some fun. Here's a time lapse showing the snow melting, the ice in the river moving, and the sun setting....watch in HD !!
  23. Nice Shot!!
  24. you got my vote!
  25. Nah I didn't draw one because I didn't apply for one. I wanted to go to Brooks in the fall...notice how there were no other photographers in any of those videos other than the 4 others in my group...it was pretty nice to have the entire Brooks River to ourselves
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