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Everything posted by brandon

  1. Thanks again everyone!! There's still just over 24 hours left to vote and I need your help to stay in the top 10! Thanks in advance!! http://celebrateparks.ca/10/12/ontario/point-pelee/point-pelee-time-lapse
  2. Thanks guys!
  3. Just wanted to bump this back up...Thanks to everyone who's voted so far!! I'm still in the top 10 thanks to all your votes. And as long as I stay there for the next 6 or so days, I'll have a shot at winning some cool stuff. Once the top 10 videos are chosen, the voting is then done by judges so I just need to stay where I'm at. That being said, I'd still like as many votes as possible to eliminate the chance of me being bumped out of the top 10. Here's the link again and like I've mentioned as well as the others, it's very easy to vote. Just click the link, then the stars! http://celebrateparks.ca/10/12/ontario/point-pelee/point-pelee-time-lapse Thanks again!!
  4. Thanks again everyone! Still 10 or so days left to vote so I'll bump this again in a few days!
  5. Thanks again everyone!! Still in the top 10 and about 800 votes out of first place lol....so I could still use a few more votes!....It's really quick and easy to do and theres no registration or signing up required....just click the link then the stars! http://celebrateparks.ca/10/12/ontario/point-pelee/point-pelee-time-lapse Thanks so much everyone!!
  6. You guys are awesome! You've already got me bumped from last place to 3rd! so thanks again and keep those votes coming!
  7. Hey Everyone! Well i'm back from my road trip to Alaska to photograph Grizzlies....34 days..... 17 083kms.....what an amazing experience! I've still got at least a week or two before I can even begin looking at the photos and do a write up about the trip but I'll post it all as soon as I can. Now for the reason for this post. While I was away I got a message via youtube regarding my time lapse of Point Pelee National Park. The person sending the message encouraged me to submit my time lapse into the "Celebrate Parks Video Contest". They told me the deadline was Dec. 12 and that I needed to get permission from the band who's music I used in order to enter. I got back on saturday, contacted the band and they were more than willing to help out....so I just made the deadline!....However there's been people entered for weeks and I have a lot of catching up to do with votes. If you have a spare second, please visit the link below and vote for my video! It's really simple, no need to register or sign up for anything....just click on the stars! http://celebrateparks.ca/10/12/ontario/point-pelee/point-pelee-time-lapse Thanks in advance!! Brandon
  8. I'm in Vancouver at a buddies house and have real internet access so here's 3 more shots from Katmai...enjoy! since this is a fishing site, I have to include this shot This guy snuck up next to us on the bank while we were shooting another bear And these two guys put on quite a show...I've got quite a few more shots of this fight sequence that I'll post when I get back to Windsor
  9. Thanks for all the comments! and as far as distance from the bears...there's a law that states you cannot get within 50 yards of the bears in the park...however the bears are allowed to approach you. It's kind of a weird loophole. Most of the shots that I'll post were shot at 25-60 yards although we had bears sneak out of the bush 10 yards behind us while shooting. In these situations we just step out of the way, let the bear pass, and continue shooting when it's a decent distance away. The big thing the rangers and biologists try to get across is that we're not supposed to interfere with the natural behaviour of the bear and from what I could see, the bears were interested in only one thing - eating as much salmon as possible. It was so cool being that close to such giant creatures..there is almost this unspoken agreement that if we don't get in their way, they won't eat us. Not once did we have any sort of close call. The bears there are quite used to fisherman and photographers being around so these techniques won't work with all grizzlies. From what the rangers were saying, the bears that live elsewhere in the park aren't as forgiving and will definitely let you know if you're too close. hope that answers the distance thing.....goodnight from the walmart parking lot in Quesnel, BC
  10. My trip to Katmai was amazing...I'm currently in Fort Nelson, BC slowly making my way back home and I'll post a full report when I get back, but for now, here's 2 shots from the trip. My editing/uploading capabilities are limited since I'm currently writing this from the back of my Jeep so that's the reason for only 2 shots...I'll try and get more uploaded in the next few days....so....enjoy! Here's a Sow with her cub on the beach of Naknek Lake and this one is a boar with a Sockeye Salmon
  11. thanks again guys! for those of you interested in how those waterfall shots were done, here's a little video tip I did on that technique earlier in the year...enjoy!
  12. Fishing Bill, there were no polarizers used in any of the shots...the sky is really THAT blue out here! ctranter, the darker the day, the better. but if it's still not dark enough, you can use neutral density filters to stop out extra light to get the slow shutter speed without over exposing and to everyone else....thanks for the kind words and for reading!
  13. it was dark enough that I didn't need to use filters for those shots. They were each a 1 to 2 second exposure at f/22. shots like that are best to take either in dense forest, on overcast days, or just after sunset to allow you to slow down the shutter speed with out overexposing the photo. If it's still not possible to get a 1 second exposure without over exposing, you can use a neutral density filter to cut out additonal light. Hope this helps...
  14. Those were all taken with a Canon 1D mk IV and with 14mm, 24-70mm, and 500mm lenses
  15. Just a quick update for everybody that's ineterested. I've completed my drive from Windsor, Ontario to Anchorage, Alaska. The whole trip was about 7800kms. On saturday I fly to a town called King Salmon, AK right near Katmai National Park. On Sunday I get flown in by float plane into Katmai for a week of Grizzly Photography. I'll try and post another update once I'm back from that trip. I'll save all the typing for my big super ultimate post when I'm back in Windsor....but for now, here's some photos taken over the last 3 or 4 days. Sunwapta Falls, Banff/Jasper area Overlander Falls, Mt. Robson Prov. Park, BC Horses in McBride, BC A couple other sets of waterfalls along the way Caribou living the tough life Couple other Caribou shots Stone Sheep Bison causing trouble on the road. This big guy would step out in front of every car that approached my favorite shot from the trip so far.....Sunrise on the Rancheria River, Yukon And finally, the Alaska Highway........IN ALASKA!!
  16. It was great meeting the both of you! I appreciate the well wishes and the photos...as a photographer, I'm not photographed very often. To those that mentioned the diary, I'm keeping notes of all the thoughts going through my head, the places I've been, and the things that happen along the way. I'll try and post a Moosebunk style post once I get back home. I'm currently writing this from Prince George, BC. I'll try and post another update in a day or two. Brandon
  17. wow.....i agree with Sis, Tjsa you need to be in tourism lol. I appreciate all that info and I'll try and hit a couple of those spots. I should be in Thunder Bay either friday or saturday night.
  18. Thanks for the suggestions!!
  19. Hey Everyone! As some of you know, I'm heading to Katmai National Park in Alaska next month to photograph Grizzly Bears. My actual trip in Katmai is scheduled from Sept 19-25 however I'm driving so I'll be leaving monday sept 6th. I'm heading to Ottawa first because I've only been there once, but wasn't old enough to appreciate it. From there, I'm heading to Kirkland Lake for a few days before I start heading west... probably the 11th or so. My goal is to take as many photos along the way and that's why I'm posting this. Below is a list of the towns and cities I'll be passing through on my way. If any of you live in those places or have visited them before and have some cool spots for me to check out and photograph, I'd really appreciate the info. This is the list on the way to Alaska Ontario Thunder Bay Kenora Manitoba Winnipeg Brandon Saskatchewan Regina Moose Jaw Swift Current Alberta Medicine Hat Calgary Banff Jasper Grand Prairie British Columbia Dawson Creek Fort St. John Fort Nelson Yukon Watson Lake Whitehorse Haines Junction Alaska Tok Glennallen Anchorage King Salmon Most of these places are along the Trans Canada highway except when I head through Banff and Jasper so if there's a place I missed, feel free to mention it. I'll also have the trip back where I'll be heading to Vancouver before I head back east. So here are some other places I'll be passing through. Southbound ->Alaska to Vancouver British Columbia Dease Lake Hazelton Smithers Houston Prince George Quesnel Williams Lake Lillooet Pemberton Whistler Eastbound -> Vancouver to Banff (once in Banff I'll be taking the same highways back to Ontario as I did on the way to Alaska, that's why I've only listed the places from Vancouver to Banff) British Columbia Hope Merritt Kelowna Vernon Sicamous Revelstoke Golden Ok so just to recap, that first list of cities and towns is from Ontario to Anchorage (I left out the places I've already been to in Ontario). The second list is the places I'll be passing through from Anchorage to Vancouver. And the third set of places is from Vancouver to Banff. Also, if you're interested in following me along the way, add me to facebook (profile) (photo page) or twitter (Twitter) Any info is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, Brandon Broderick
  20. great report! would that be Indian Chutes in the last 3 photos? I worked at Golden Eagle a few years ago and always meant to fish Indian Chutes but just never got around to it.
  21. I'm sure all you are as bored of the time lapses shot from my apartment balcony as I am, so I changed it up this time. I spent the last week near Kirkland Lake on Lake Victoria and shot a few different time lapses. The video can be found at the link below and watch in HD!! http://bit.ly/bo7DqH
  22. Hello everybody...I was asked by Big Sugar to shoot their set as well as do some promo shots for them this past weekend at Rockstock in Chatham. I'm still working on the promo shots but here some live photos. The entire gallery (77 photos) can be found here-->http://bit.ly/bMBoVW Ian Thornley, who opened up for Big Sugar, came out for their encore
  23. Here's another time lapse, this time it's of Point Pelee. Unfortunately the point was closed due to the weather so I shot some of the other areas that point pelee has to offer. Enjoy and watch in HD! http://bit.ly/deAT0k
  24. since it was with my video camera, I was able to have it plugged in to an outlet. Once I do one with my SLR i'll let you know what the battery use is like.
  25. Thanks guys! I don't have an exact exposure count because I used my video camera to do this one, however the interval time was 1 photo every 3 seconds and the video was shot over an 8 hr period.
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