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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Maybe get to know "the bum" and then bring him an old pair of your shoes...
  2. i like being on the water at daybreak too.
  3. GREAT pics of your daughter. Excellent topic to start the summer off with too btw. Started my daughter fishing at age 10 (wish I had started the year before when I got back in to it) She loves bringing her friends with her too. It doesn't matter what kind of fish she catches,, as long as she "beats dad" in numbers ...lol The following was THE fish that got her hooked on fishing. It was her first 5 minutes of fishing ever. The real pressure came when her hand was being hurt( note splint on her left hand) from the weight of this brute and she says: "don't lose it daddy, it's my first fish" This summer we are planning her first canoe fishing expedition on my favourite "lake X".
  4. How about we put them up in Tuktayuktuk(?),, build the Eskimos a GREAT Lodge for a couple million bucks...let the media ppl pay for their stay, and let the protesters sleep with the polar bears. When the summit is over, we leave the lodge to the Eskimo's, they use it for tourism, and we call it a wash... a few million oughta build them a nice enough joint to attract some tourism dollars for years to come as well.
  5. Stick a 6-12" wire leader on your line....bass usually leave my lures alone
  6. there is the law.. and there is the "spirit of the law". The spirit of the law, in my view, is to protect the fish during their spawning season. Unfortunately, we have unscrupulous fishermen out there and a lack of CO's to prevent this. The question I would POLITELY put back to YOU is, do u want the fish to have the chance to spawn and raise their young or not. I have only been fishing bass for two seasons now and I can tell if I am in an area in a very short time with fish on the nests. Even if the nests are abandoned, I move out of that area and look elsewhere for the pike. Splashhopper
  7. I thought that was a jelly
  8. great pics Ryan.... looks like a fun day for you and Avery
  9. looks like a wild and crazy day of fishing with a good buddy
  10. welcome Teresa...
  11. Being blackmailed by the teachers UNION, yet again is not a simple solution.
  12. largies and smallies on Lake X.. bu ta week later
  13. MJL..... u are an incredible guy... I just "might" introduce you to my eldest daughter someday... she wants to try fishing with me this summer too
  14. \i second that .... my daughter's first fishing experience was at 10 yrs old... she caught a 30lb carp in the first 5 minutes!. \she doesn;t care how big the fish are now... it's all about numbers for her now...lol she also likes to bring a friend along too... i like that too.. it lets me fish a little more too.. lol keep up the good works ..... your nephew will never forget it .
  15. might have seen one of those that day too
  16. what about the women he is raping let alone our tax dollars... they live with the thought of that dirt bag violating them for the rest of their lives.
  17. thanks Sam.... very cool picks
  18. a hack saw will do the trick too... just take a few more minutes and a couple more muscles
  19. an angle grinder would shorten those bolts up pretty quick
  20. I bought my side mount motor mount for my "kijiji sportspal" .. cost 38 bucks... aluminum and hardwood... looks good...and works well.
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