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Everything posted by anders

  1. Im a big fan of the trilene knot. Use it all the time except if i am making my own spinner rigs, or salmon flies. I am going to try the rapala knot though...i like that idea
  2. Like that makes me irate!!!! Like my dad always says....nothing like a heat seaking missile cant fix...or just a 12 ga. to the hull....errrr thats makes me mad just thinking about a holes like that. Sorry to hear about the misfortune. Very glad that you were ok!
  3. Awsome.....Thanks
  4. Just dropped 5 more votes. Good Luck!
  5. Just wondering if anyone knows of a good hunting forum? I know there is Ontario Out of Doors, but looking for any others. Thanks
  6. Thanks....we are going out fishing tonight and hopefully he will be alright.
  7. Went to a lake for the first time ever yesterday in search of some walleye. It was rough so we went to the far end where is was fishable. After an hour of nothing, no bites, we decided to drift through some weed beds in hope the eyes would be there. Second drift fish on....missed....dang...didnt feel huge but somthing nonetheless. Rebaited quickly and tossed it back in the same spot....wham....fish on...this time there was no mistake. However to my amazment it was the biggest perch i have ever seen in person. We dont get many up here and to see one this size is truly something special and different. We ended up also catching 6 walleye and 2 pike from the same weedbed with no other perch being caught However we did have fun and will go back to the lake again...dont know when...but i will be back. Cheers!
  8. Well.... He came alot sooner than we expected but on Saturday morning my new fishing and hunting partner arrived. He is 8 weeks old and already a tank. A pure bred Alaskan Malamute named Gus. He is already showing his temperment, albeit stubborn...he is amazing.
  9. I wonder if they school together like the ones here? That would be fun getting them with a spreader. Small tail to for such a big fish. Wish i could catch them that size
  10. I think that might be a log perch. Great report and awsome pictures. Thanks for sharing that with us.
  11. Sorry....i dont buy that. When most people go fishing they are getting bait....and last time i checked most bait shops have them handy. I think most of it is just laziness to actually open it up and try to read it. Pick em up....they are free!
  12. Solid point! Never thought of kneeling in case it jumps or squirms away. Has anyone tried holding a fish by resting it on your hand (fishes belly on your hand)? They almost go into a state of dormancy....pretty cool. Done this with some walleye pushing 25 inches
  13. I use two 8lb balls in my boat. THey will do a good job and not sway to far up when trolling. As for bait, i will let others help you in that department, as i am 10 hours away from there and never fished that area before. As for trolling...if you can dont troll in straight line...zig zaging will hit more fish
  14. Hey, Although its not Lake Ontario, I live right next to Lake Superior, and a 14 foot, with 15hp johnson is all we had and we have always fished Superior. It is quite tricky in August when the winds pick up and we are trying to navigate through the mouth of the Michipicoten River. Needless to say we had some scarry moments, but those are few and far behind. Like it was said before, use your judjement. We have been fishing out there with waves that are quite large to say the least. The type when we go up we see everything, and when we go down in the swell....we see walls of water and nothing else. Getting a salmon in the boat with waves like that take patience and care, or you will be in the drink. Be safe and use your judjement. Sometimes i would rather be in a small boat than a big boat out there.
  15. White Lake? Is it the White Lake near White River Ontario, or is it in Southern Ontario?
  16. I heard that too...i also heard if you eat bananas black flies and sqeeters are attracted to you????
  17. That Laker is worth the trip right there! Awsome fish....the size of the head is actually quite impressive. Almost looks like its too big for the body, which is scary. Definitly a sexy fish!
  18. I think that new PB has high cholesterol. Congrats on the nice fish
  19. Im in Wawa, and the black fly are friendly right now. We usually dont complain to much but we got some bug spray from the states with 98% deet....shhhhhh! They are real bad, not hot, up here just wet...feels like living in a cespool (sp) of black flys!
  20. D'Oh - Homer Simpson Keep on Rockin The Free World - Neil Young Its rude to turn down an open beer - Dad Fish On - Me Beat it like it owes you money - Forgor who...but hilarious F*ck It....Im going home - Best Friend
  21. Saturday afternoon i got a call to go back to a lake and try our luck. We have been to this lake once before, only to be blown off without a line in the water. This night was differnt. We picked an island to concentrate around, picked our rigs and started the troll. Within the first five seconds..BANG...fish on....lost it at the boat, but looked like a nice 16-18 inch eye. We had a good feeling. Not long after that, Mark hits one, and we are happy...the lucky strike strikes again. We were catching all walleye between 17-18 inches, until Mark says "getting a bite......FISH ON" his rod doubles over, i kill the engine and after a lengthy battle, this 7lb emerges and make a safe landing in the net. After a few pics he is released to get even larger. Soon we had two nice limits for home and off we went, satisfied that our plan and luck came together. We were both using our favourite lure, a lucky strike 2 1/2 Victor with a hole worm, trolling up a shore line in 6-22 fow. Here is a friendly visitor we meet on the way in. Hopefully he hangs arounf till October
  22. I tie my own walleye rigs and salmon flys with the snell knot. Awsome knot, havent had any breaks off at the hook yet...knock on wood. Sometimes having the trailer hook will make or break the day in terms of numbers
  23. Congrats on the little man!
  24. So Sorry to hear that! We lost our dog 5 years ago, and when i see pictures of her today my eyes start to water and i start to remember all the crazy things she used to do. Losing a best friend is not easy! Please accept my deepest condolences! Anders
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