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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. It was snowing pretty bad down here too.....looks like it might be a tough go to work
  2. Hey guys, I'm just wondering if there are any bow hunters on here. I'm interested in getting into hunting, but i'm not sure how to start. I know that it's not the same as fishing where you grab a rod and head towards water. Any info would help....I'm leaning towards a crossbow but not sure even how to hunt. Thanks Dave
  3. Pike - about 35" SM Bass - 5 Lbs...24" Walleye - only one....Pikehunter can vouch for this lol...19" Steelhead - 24"
  4. Yeah, I totally understand. My grandfather never spoke of it...and honestly i think he suffered from "shell shock" because he showed a lot of the signs of it, or at least from the stories my father told me. My great uncle never talked about it either, but he never saw action. He was a RCAF dispatcher in India.
  5. Hey Sam...next time knock 'em down and sit on them...and when your wife or you call the police make sure you say IN PROGRESS, not someone broke into my car, it'll get the police there quicker. Just be careful, you don't want to get hurt over your timmies fund
  6. it's funny when people are cynical and don't know what the job is like......most of the stolen car calls i do, they usually get found...if not...they're high end and enroute to Russia besides...where I work, the majority of "stolen" cars are repo'd not stolen.
  7. Hey Guys, speaking from experience the people responsible for going through your cars are guys under 25... they go car to car to see who leaves their doors unlocked and boom, in they go. They look for cash, cds, or anything they can sell quick. They also look for your garage door openers. If they're ballzy they'll open your garage when they're there and grab whatever they can. Depending on what they grab depends on how old they are. I was working on 4 similar thefts in the same night where they don't grab thousands of dollars worth of tools, but they grab stuff like remote control cars and mini bikes....anyway, your best bet is to leave your porch light or outdoor lights on and LOCK YOUR CAR DOORS! even in the city of Toronto people leave their doors unlocked...the best thing is when someone looks out and sees kids going door to door....i've been working where out helicopter sees this and follows them...directs us to where they are and just before we turn the corner to grab them the turn the spot light on them and they freeze like deer in the headlights...it's pretty funny!
  8. I'm glad your father was able to share his stories with you. I regret not hearing my grandfather. He was in Sicily and was party of DDay....
  9. Sorry, I wasn't playing the "blaming" thing, I was merely stating that it was sad that someone, who hadn't really had a chance to live had to die over something so trivial and meaningless. It's such a waste of life. I do share my condolences with the family.
  10. What's even more tragic was this was all caused by the child running away because he wasn't allowed to play videogames......
  11. Hey Guys, I've started doing some work with my company and I'm hoping to make a little extra money. For those who have children who collect cards, or if you're looking to take care of your archived photos and autographs I have the supplies you need. I can get any type of holder - baseballs, hockey pucks, golf balls, etc or any type of top loader and pocket pages. I am also selling factory sealed hobby boxes of all major sports, nascar, golf, tennis and non sports. Let me know I also handle large bulk orders and other items such as team logo pucks, die cast cars, bobbleheads and much more. Also check out my auctions on Ebay: http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/dssportscda_...ipgZ50QQ_sopZ12 Dave
  12. I had an interesting conversation with a fellow co-worker who is over 40 and had these 3 important rules to pass on...thought everyone would get a kick out of them. Rule #1 When you have to take a leak, go. And when you don't have to go, try anyway..... Rule #2 NEVER EVER TRUST A FART Rule #3 NEVER EVER WASTE GOOD WOOD!
  13. Personally I haven't seen any Cougar in Ontario. I remember seeing one on the side of 1-495 in New York State though. But just because I haven't seen one or taken a pic of one doesn't mean that I don't believe that they;re making a comeback. I'm sure I'll see one at some point, But I remember MuskieStudd telling me one of his neighbours saw one in his neighbourhood
  14. Nope, it's a motorized vehicle and the criminal code applies everywhere so you can be charged with Impaired Driving on private property...hence the rash of impaired driving charges on lawn tractors etc
  15. and what's your point? I see many people on a daily basis driving and talking on the phone....the law hasn't been passed yet.
  16. how about dynamite???? Inline spinners, spoons..... plastic baits in general...
  17. according to the bill, windshield mounted GPS units are still legal. The handheld GPS that they were talking about apply to the GPS units in Blackberries
  18. That's neat...wouldn't wanna go swimming though
  19. pretty quick now that my wife is busy watching my daughter
  20. nope, big brother is always watching so they know what you're doing in your car from the radio being on to your lap top active and your seatbelt engaged. i guess the CB in trucks are different then the one i use. I just pick up the mic, hit the button say a few words and it's done....alway on same channel, no interference etc. and as for paid leave, if we get in an accident where we aren't wearing our seatbelt etc, we don't get paid leave. and I never said I was for anything. I was just adding to the conversation. Some people are able to concentrate while on the phone, others aren't......not everything in the HTA is enforced....otherwise every person who has a cracked windshield, blue lights, a plate licence plate cover that isn't clear, who doesn't signal every turn and every lane change, who flicks a cigarette butt out the window, who doesn't cross at the cross walk, who doubles on a bike, who rides a bike without a helmet, who has their dog in the front seat, who has a burnt out headlight, who goes 1 km over the speed limit, who puts their front licence plate on the dash board, who plays their radio too loud, has a loud muffler, who doesn't stop at the stop line, who balding tires, who doesn't have mudflaps, who puts decals that cover their entire back window, who turns right on a red when there is a green left turn arrow, who doesn't yield when their supposed to, who has a G2 licence and has a beer 3 hours before they drive and who drives on the 400 series highway with 3 of their friends after midnight would get a ticket.....
  21. And the guys that write the laws don't teach the courts how to implement them...it took almost a year to get an actually conviction for street racing. The HTA isn't as technical as you think. GPS is handled the same as DVD players etc...depending on who you talk to. I've only written on ticket for that but that was because he talked himself into it. Anyway, I was taught that any screen that projects a significant amount of light falls under it. I dont' have my books on me right now so i can't get the exact wording. Things change year by year so you might have been looking at an outdated version. Remember, last years criminal code doesn't have Impaired by drugs causing death and causing bodily harm........and the '07 HTA doesn't have the changed seatbelt laws and the full s. 172 for all forms of street racing. It only has "racing on a bet or wager"
  22. well for one...the law isn't in effect.....so relax, we're having a conversation. second.....cb radios are different than cell phones...no continuous conversation, you don't have to pick up and dial a cb radio, you don't stare at a key pad and you don't hold it up to your ear.... third...if we get in an accident while looking at the lap top we do get charged....and yes, we do, there is no cover up contrary to popular demand our supervisors do the report and write the ticket it's not your coworker responding to the call and brushing it under the table. A friend of mine got charged with careless because he rolled his cruiser on his way to a serious call. which means he gets a $325 ticket and loses the equivalent of 2 weeks pay. So there are consequences same with union gas, hydro, bell, rogers....etc they have been charged with careless and follow too close etc for staring at their laptops.
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