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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. save yourself the trip and go to rochester and waterloo, ny the deals are better than grove city.....if you're gonna go that far go into pittsburgh great shopping there too If you do go to grove city, you have to stop off at Volant which is the Amish version of St. Jacobs
  2. gotta file a police report for the lost federal documents.....to avoid identity theft and you won't be able to replace your SIN without an incident number
  3. yup, happens in my house too....the rooms at the front of the house above the garage are freezing
  4. the media make a big deal out of anything?? C'mon that never happens.......
  5. I haven't had any tests, imaging is booked until 31st of december...so I have some time to wait
  6. Hey all, Most of you know that for the last few weeks I was suffering from really bad heartburn and recently chest pains. I honestly thought that I was having a heart attack or at least a heart related matter. After going to the doctor, I was told that there was a really good chance that I have a hiatal hernia. Although very common I know nothing about it. I know its pretty common for the obese (which I'm not). So basically my diaphram is wake and my stomach is trying to push its way into my esophagus. I've got meds to get rid of the acid reflux and the damage it can cause, but I'm not sure the pressure on my chest is normal. It feels like I have someone sitting on it and I can't get a good deep breath. My doctor tells me this is caused by the pressure of the stomach on the lungs...has anyone ever had one? And if so is there anything you'd recommend for the pressure? Thanks Dave
  7. I see flocks of them on my daily drive to and from and at work...surprised I haven't run any over yet
  8. Hey All, I figured that I would use one thread for my birding photos.....here's today's visitor
  9. aparantly they have taken over Toronto Island too
  10. haha i wish, would make it more interesting.....last guy i caught was begging to be kept in jail because he wife was gonna kill him lol
  11. I had it for a little bit. It turned out that my duty belt was putting too much pressure on the nerve so I switched to suspenders which distributed the weight evenly across my shoulders and the pain went away. Robax works but it may give you gut rot, the tylenol back and muscle works but your body will develope a tolerance to it so it'll stop working after a while.
  12. Where is the share icon, can't find it..............nevermind.....found it, but the forum won't let me insert an image through the insert image icon
  13. So I was out and about with my new camera the other day and went to one of my favourite green spaces. When I first moved to the neighbourhood the green space was loaded with birds, which are not gone for some reason. When you walk the trail, you pass a small pond. Well, when I first got there I heard a loud splash and passed it off as a muskrat and kept going. Well on the way back to my car I noticed what had made the splash. Sorry for some reason I couldn't post the pic. Anyway, a pair of minks had taken up residence at this pond. They were fun to watch but I suddenly realised that my lens was not very compatible with my new camera so I just had to got get an new one....so tomorrow I'll hopefully have better pics of the pair Cheers, Dave
  14. Its even more fun when you find drivers passed out behind the wheel with a beer in their hand....
  15. Yeah, I agree we're told that if you're gonna use your phone use a blue tooth, or just get off the road...lead by example I guess...I avoid my cell...gives ne a reason not to answer when the wife calls lol Or irish...it could be what's called functional alcoholism...when you drink a lot, your body gets used to functioning drunk so when an alcoholic is confronted either on the street or in his car, he may seem fine because he or she is used to having ahigh BAC...makes it tough to spot unless you give them a lot of divided attention questions or a divided attention test battery that's when they'll fall apart
  16. Wow...I could see a drunk getting through a spot check because it's hard sometimes to tell because you get a 15 second interaction with no observation of their driving...but after being told that you had that much to drink and not give a road side...well that's just lazy
  17. And why I can't something that wasy while doing RIDE...we did a joint task force with South Simcoe on Friday night in Bradford...and of all places I got screamed at by 4 elderly asian women for stopping their car lol....
  18. Joey, read the HTA, emergency service workers including hydro, gas, utilities etc are exempt from the cell phone law while on duty....bad guys have scanners so we have to communicate another way
  19. Hey Lew, is that how you got cats out of trees for 30 years????
  20. did you file a theft report? that way the serial number is on the system
  21. But things do change, I've read reports from 10-15 yrs ago where the charges laid don't exist anymore or the title and wording has changed
  22. No, I double checked the criminal code just to be sure... There's what's called trespass or prowl by night but as for trespassing that's it. There is also criminal harassment and a section of mischief that is close to trespassing but the true definition of trespassing which we all know, being on a property without permission etc is a provincial offence
  23. Could have been trespass by night which is prowling under the criminal code
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