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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Last five probably 4 times to affect an arrest, dozens to clear a building and once to put down a deer
  2. Investigating suspicious vehicles is police work. There is a lot more work done by officers that most civilians realize. Checking 2 people in a vehicle isn't an abuse of power nor is it being lazy. Just because I can't tell what their doing doesn't mean I'm going to drive away. If they are eating so what it takes 2 seconds to check them out then carry on.
  3. Reread my post, I tag everyone based on the circumstance
  4. Criminal code offences occur anywhere. Doesn't matter if its on your property. Anything that isn't propelled by human or animal power applies - which inclues riding lawn mowers and golf carts. My old sergeant told me a story how he arrest eddie shack for impaired driving across clarence street in woodbridge at his golf course lol And yes, doctors and nurses get tickets... I should know lol....not sure I would tag them but it depends on the circumstances...same with anyone though
  5. Can't recall ever saying that but I'm glad the ice is coming back
  6. The coffee shop stereotype started way back in the day when that was the only thing open after 11pm for coffee...
  7. I can't...its my fix man, you can't take it man I have rights man!
  8. Remember...there is no humour in a communist state.... Can't use emoticons on a blackberry!
  9. Communist state? Give me a break, you have no clue what living in a communist state is like....pass the bongos daddy-o
  10. Not very many and I don't have time to stop and talk to everyone. Its more likely when I'm spinning past a plaza and I see something...that's when I'd stop
  11. All depends on the situation and contex I guess... 2 guys in a work truck outside mcdonlds at noon? No I wouldn't bother 2 guys in a work truck in front of a closed plaza at 1am then yeah I'd see what they're up to because my experience and info I get a lot of commercial break ins are done w/ pick ups and vans 2 teens in a plaza at noon near a school? Yes, because its been my experience that kids jump in their cars and leave school to smoke weed on their breaks Each scenario is different and requires a different approach
  12. All I smell is poopy diapers...the joy of being the stay home dad lol
  13. Lol that would make ride more entertaining than the smelly old dudes blowing stank breath in my face rather than saying "no" lol
  14. Make sure you wear your ski mask and trench coat
  15. And that's why I'm around there on Friday nights...lotsa tickets to write there
  16. And yes sitting in a vehicle can be seen as suspicious I'm not psychic so I don't know what people are up to so if I see two guys in a car then I'm goong to see what they're up to. If they're eating lunch then that's fine but if they're doing something they're not supposed to? Then what? Perhaps if an old man in a van is parked outside of a plaza across the street from your childs elementary school then he shouldn't be talked to either...
  17. No but if you were a business owner and had 3 guys parked in a van behind your place of business at 9pm when you've left for the day, you'd probably want them spoke to right?
  18. Okay I'll give you guys a basic idea/scenario For those who live near/in Woodbridge will be familiar with the plaza at hwy 7 and woodstream...plenty of people hanging out there... I'd drive in and park I see three guys sitting in their honda civic, engine on, windows down and its -5 out...strange right? Maybe not, but windows down means their smoking right? So I walk over and talk to them Me: hey guys how are ya tonight? Kids: good Me: what are you up to tonight? Kids; just grabbed a coffee and having a cigarette I don't see or smell anything but coffee and cigarette smoke Me: have a good night guys, stay warm 9 times out of 10 this is the extent of the conversation. Not lengthy, not a violation of their rights. By all means they don't have to answer anything, but most of the time I gets answers like that.
  19. So you be offended if I came up and asked how you were doing...wow such a travesty of justice lol
  20. Time to read up on case law...courts have ruled that a brief detention is not a violation of charter rights...so talking to someone isn't a violation of the charter Didn't say I was asking for id or searching your car
  21. Guaranteed you wouldn't...especially if the conversation is brief...its not like you're being detained.... And just that one time where I talk to a group of guys in a car outside of a convenience store who are planning on robbing it...that conversation, even if I don't clue in is enough to deter the crime from happening
  22. Like I said, if that's what they were doing then I'd be on my way...no harm no foul
  23. There's nothing illegal or against anyones rights if I go talk to someone... Honestly 75% of my drug arrests are found by walking up to kids in parked cars...
  24. Just talking to someone is an investigation to some degree
  25. No, what I meant was if I saw 2 guys sitting in a car I'd go talk to them...if they weren't doing anything I'd be on my way
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