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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Wow, that's news to me because the TPA charge for trespassing is $65 and carries the same weight as speeding. Might have changed because there no criminal charge for trespassing....but then again that was 1994 and things might have changed
  2. Charges would most likely be armed robbery, weapons dangerous, and it would be a stretch but assault with a weapon. Trespassing is a provincial charge that really is only a $65 ticket that carries no real weight.... And if experience has taught me anything...there are no smart criminals
  3. yup and we're patiently waiting.....only problem is that the building is now being rushed and the move in date is pushed back yet again
  4. same as buying a used car. keep the owners plates on it, drive to the mto and do the paperwork
  5. I've been doing geneological research on my family. I've found 8 relatives who served in WWI, one KIA in France from shellfire. I've located the cemetary and where he is buried. My grandfather participated in the Italian Campaign for the 24th Royal Field Ambulance and rescued the wounded. He actually was shot through the calf, at the same time that his apppendix burst. My great uncle served for the RCAF in India as an air dispatcher
  6. All the info. is here on the Canadian Pardon site http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/goc/pardons.shtml This service might be able to help her http://www.canadianpardons.ca/
  7. ummm, not sure what you're not getting... .05-.079 is a FAIL under the PROVINCIAL LAW.....anything above .08 is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE under the FEDERAL LAW
  8. Yup, they have the standarsized field sobriety test....once they perform poorly they get hooked up for impaired by drug and droppeo off to a drug recognition officer
  9. well it's not unconstitutional and if you look at it, it's two separate laws and two separate acts the HTA and the Criminal code. It's absolute liability and it's not different than a health inspector shutting down a restaurant after a failed inspection
  10. you can still drive with a case in your front seat. according to the liquor licence act as long as a seal on the bottle isn't broken, it's fine
  11. actually, i agree with you. The criminal code limit should be .05 100% because, physiologically you are impaired at .05mg/100mL. Now remember, there's a difference between impaired and intoxicated.
  12. no, for the first offence its a straight 3 day suspension...second offence its 7 days and counselling, 3 time its a 30 day, counselling and I think either a fine or probation...can't remember No the legal limit is .08. However, in my opinion I think the legal limit is .05...so ya, the new penalty is at the warn level...and to complicate the who issue, the roadside is calibrated at .100mg/100mL...so when you blow a warn, you are blowing between .05 and .100...so you could be over the legal limit
  13. My problem is that the court believes everything the drunk driver says....the carter defence came about because a guy got his friend to say at court that he only had 2 drinks and the fact that he blew .200 was impossible and the judge believed him...the fyi....when the insurance co. sees a 90 day adls suspension for blowing over .08 the drunk driver's insurance skyrockets....3 day, not so much....
  14. ok, i've clarified this a couple of times on the board over the year and a bit that the "new" .05 has been around....... The PROVINCIAL LAW aka the Highway Traffic Act has ALWAYS had the automatic licence suspension from .05-.08.....for the longest time the penalty was a 12 hour suspension that was not tracked...so every weekend you could get hammered, have your licence suspended for 12 hours and when you sobered up you came to the station and picked up your licence....now, if you're caught it's 3 days and it's tracked. Like i have said many times, i've caught the same people 5 times on 12 hour suspensions....and nothing seems to sink in. And as for impaireds getting off...it's completely at the court level. A impaired case is more technical and complex than any murder trial and most crowns will tell you they would rather deal with a serious sexual assault than an impaired. For defence lawyers, impaired driving is where they make the money. Not only that, there is so much stupid case law that we have to deal with when we come to court that it's now the arresting officer on trial not the drunk...
  15. Man I think you guys are about to fall off the wagon
  16. In York there are two RIDE programs every day in decemeber....day shift and night shift.....and that's just the traffic office
  17. gonna try to recreate this in december...heading back to california
  18. haha, everyone thinks there's a way to beat it...honestly there isn't (the test anyway, courts another monster on it's own) just time is the only thing that can beat it...funny thing is, is that in the states there is a loop hole that you can have anything in your mouth when you take the test so that's where people were throwing pennies in their mouths....no false teeth either...don't know bout you, but i don't wanna be stickin my hands in a drunks mouth to get their teeth lol
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