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Everything posted by moose

  1. not sure where it is but google atving on water there s a guy who atvs on water
  2. dont you guys remember boston wanting kaberle and whos to say that burke wont trade for one of these pics their already talking about trades and dumping salaries to make room for new aquistions , burke is a very smart man and the bandwagon people are phenomlell if leafs made playoffs and did well you guys would all say burke is a hero just like you all did with fletcher sorry to burst all your bubbles but thats the way it is
  3. iam sure some of you on here are calling them ticks when they might crabs hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  4. i used to work with the owner larry when he was in toronto he is a class guy and his wife is just the same tell him you know malcolm form OFC board and torotno and he will take great care of your group malcolm
  5. there must be a special rider for insurance policy i no with aviva scottish anf york i had to sign a waiver for truck and atv that it is not covered or they wouldnt insure me
  6. was talking to rick and pauline ic eis 16 inches of candle ice wont be long at all for brakup but they are calling for 10-15 cm of snow tonight real carpy travelling
  7. i fish with fang good tips also you could higher our buddy rick lockhart to guid for a dya for trout for you if you wanted
  8. as paul said great tips also you could higher our buudy rick lockhart to guide for you at wishuwerefishin he does trout etc
  9. just wondering how guys found out about this sale and lined up with no advertising about it anywhere your response would be appreciated
  10. ya paul got a nice fish but sucks for me atv broke down and the bill to pay for new belt 230$ and 60 for gasket hopefully nothing wrong with clutch. and no fish for out team joey been skunked three weekends in a row
  11. what my buddy does in temagami for out post cabins is he has a steel door 12 inch squares that go on out side of door bolted aon and same for windows should solve problem dont leave food or garbage around also what anoth group did is put spikes threw peice of plywood with spikes upright at door and where windows are they will step on it and run for pain
  12. let me know if you need a dive buddy to go find it ia have alll my own gear malcolm
  13. there is a documentry about 9-11 from a news reporter it is very interesting you should try and get it to watch you get a whole differrtn side of the american goverment and what goes on
  14. lak temagami is the place to go www.wishinyouwerefishin.com conatact rick and pauline lockart 705-569-4603 they have deluxe cottages as well as hot tub on each deck of cabin secluded dock for each cabin , amazing clean cabins with all the things you need he also rents boats and does charters
  15. we went to the show today , what a dissapointment 14$ to get in 9$ a beer and nothing realy in room except a couple of stores with product 6o,ooo$ boats what a joke this promoter should be imbarrassed of the product he put on the floor for this show,
  16. call rick at wishin you were fishin in temagami for one of his deluxe cottages hottub on deck all amenties private dock as well as satelitte tv great fishing www.wishinyouwerefishin.com 705-569-4603 tell him malcolm and paul referred you wont be upset with the cottages
  17. fish and hunt here with two beagles that hunt and want to learn how to fish
  18. try this web site alquonguinadventures.com should help you out with everything
  19. cars all over lake today good for walking as well not many fish seen at alother than the 4 game wardens this morning travelling together
  20. not for a couple of weeks but i know his plane is done and it looks really good
  21. hey wayne he probably means camp adanac on temagami island should right off the ice rd to bear island
  22. arctic cat 500 4x4 automatic runs well haigh ground clearance and dealers every where i have a trac kit on mine for winter plow snow and tires for rest of yr . ice fish and hunt with it as well
  23. drove from oro nine on saturday around 230 right to downtown barrie along lake and saw lots of guys out on north shore close to shore and saw a few good parking lots on long way to park
  24. if you want ot have a laugh and a half google cpr on chicken it a video of the jay leno show with this lady who did cpr on a chicken, terry bradsaw is a guest and its all he can do not too pee his pants . it is so funny
  25. landed 1 today and lost about six or seven , couldnt keep them from biting evn a double header. 82 ft water simcoe
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