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Everything posted by walleyemaster

  1. was out today just got back..i was looking for your machine terry and hut but did not see it in cooks bay..i fished just off of snake island and got 2 whitefish..i was in 61 feet of water and ice was 4- 6 inchs of black ice ...i did take my skidoo out there and checked out ice all the way up to snake island from cooks bay...found some slush spots but nothing serious... finnally a whitefish on the ice....i drove up closer to fox about 73 feet of water ice was 4-6 inches in that area not all black ice so i decided to stop and stay were i was for the rest of the morning....
  2. lost my friends son once fell right in the hole while walking in the hut..we caught him..but we never caught any fish..lol
  3. any meat on that jig wayne
  4. ill be there this weekend looking for laker and whities...very carefully...lol
  5. im sorry to hear about your loss steve..older brothers are special i have two of them i cant imagine the loss..
  6. thanks leechman i used my flasher for the first time yesterday...WOW it was amazing..i just got a vexilar fl-18 its awsome..i used to use an x67c from lowrance and it worked fine..but this flasher is excelent..wish i caught more lakers...
  7. went out sat morning on a lake in huntsville the ice was about 6 inches in some areas and about a foot in other areas..6 inches of snow covered the lake and i could see tracks from a snowmobile that had been on the lake maybe the day before...i got 1 lake trought and a few perch..my flasher was going crazy all day and my buddy jeff was marking fish all day on his finder..the fish were not hungry maybe next weekend...
  8. nice report as usual wayne..wish i was there
  9. thanks johnnyb for the info.. i called the bait shop and would you believe they close by 6:00pm and open at 8:00am in the morning...what kind of bait shop opens at 8:00am... im looking to fish penninsula lake in huntsville..i just got the name of the lake..does anyone else have some info on this lake or area thanks
  10. hi i was looking to fish in huntsville area tommorow morning..does anyone know the ice conditions in the huntsville area...
  11. hey fang..i was out there with my sled today i was one of the guys riding along the shore with my sled i was on the orange one..we did well south of 89 and more east of the pack..
  12. well jeff who lives there has been walking the ice for the past few days... i spent new years eve up there and this morning we saw 2 atvs out there and we saw 3 sleds..1 atv had 3 people on it...jeff and i were on the lake yesterday with our sleds about 10 feet off of shore and we ran south of 89 all the way up to the river mouth...we spudded a hole and found again 6- 8 inches.. we all know that looking at the hole the ice thickness looks less than it truly is.. we put a measureing tape in the hole and found 6-8 inches to be the average.. we then proceded to move past the river mouth....this is always a concern for us due to the fact running water areas freeze a little slower than others... it was also 6-8 inches so we proceeded across the lake to the other side across form gilford..when we came back across the lake of course we stayed on our ttracks we went just a little north of 89 just 1/3 mile past kontiki and found ice to be 5-8 inches so we turned around and just kept mainly to the south of 89..if anyone was there today they would have seen my orange pumpkin machine...without jeff i would not even attempted it..i know he has good knowledge of the lake and his window faces the lake...but he did not mention someone went through the ice....
  13. nice ..what machine you got? today i was on my crossfire and it was moving real nice along the ice.. i drove my sled across the lake and had no problems..i cant tell you how great it felt to get out there again...
  14. was there this morning with my sled..drove across the lake poked alot of holes and found no less than 6-8 inches i was mostly south of 89 but i did travel a little north by sled mybe 1/3 of a mile from 89 and ice was not that bad...but south of 89 is all ok..i poked at least 20 holes with my auger and jeff poked out just as many....like i said i was on the lake all morning with my sled...never heard of anyone falling through the ice this year..jeff lives on the lake right at 89 and said he has not heard anyone falling through this year...
  15. went out on lake simcoe this morning with the skidoo checking out the ice...ice is good in gilford area about 6-8 inches of good black ice....fished a little for the perch caught breakfast and in i went and had them with some eggs...kept two jumbo perch fed me and my pal jeff....lots of perch fishermen on the lake this morning...if your intrested just drive north on hwy 400 exit at hwy 89 and drive east until you reach the lake...you will find good ice and great perch..you may even see some atv's and skidoos out there as well...i travelled up past kontiki marina a bit north of 89 by sled and ice was ok there but by the 8th line ice looks still to be not ready..i figure by next weekend she will be good enough by the 8th line if we can keep up the cold weather....
  16. nice report...wish i was there
  17. thanks tnt..yes it feels like summer here...i like to think of it as a warm up for winter
  18. thanks for the welcome doug..yes this was a lake temagami laker and back down the hole she went..only had the fish out for about 30 seconds took a picture and put her back in..so she is still there getting even bigger ....
  19. thanks pike slayer...i hope so too its been so long since i felt my rod bend...
  20. I cant believe ive been away so long..was doing a big project in Calgary and never had chance to sit and talk fishing...im ready to fish again..finnally home and getting all my stuff ready for the hard water....i missed all you guys and i hope we can talk fishing again..had a good look at my boat ..yup its been wraped for me by my brother and i cant wait to use her again..but for now all i can think about is lake temagami ice fishing...feb 13th this year..cant wait.......... rob
  21. thanks jwl..get that logo out to u soon as i get back
  22. now thats nice work..great fish and very nice shots.....glad you had a nice trip..im next off i go...
  23. well guys car is packed boat is attached and im ready to go..its 11:21pm at this moment buddies will be here at 1:00 am and away we go...i will be sending out the logos when i get back did not have a chance today...sorry guys..i did deliver 1 of them to our team mate...mike(bitsmith2k) i left it in his mail box...later guys..im gonna miss yah...not...lol...ps..i promise not to screw up..
  24. hey coach..tommorow is prep day and tommorrow night i go...will be fishing temagami by 7:30 am sat morning...hope to have first walleye in the boat by 7:31....lol
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