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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. It looks like that one fish reared back and bent your smoke!
  2. What an amazing tribute. My fav is the one from Lovesick Lake. We owe much to people like your Dad. Thanks for the post. Jim
  3. I hate to dwell on the negative, but it is only likely to get worse as the country’s economic future takes shape. I don’t mean the stock-market either; I mean the lack of manufacturing jobs and the spin-off they create. When a kid can’t even look forward to a chance at a decent job (decent by anyone over forty’s point of view) and the life that it brings, it will be tough to keep them on the straight and narrow. Happy Sunday morning everyone!
  4. Wow, what a day! Congrats. Jim
  5. SHA-ZAM!!!!
  6. My boat isn't even winterized yet and I am already missing it. Docks are being removed; ramps closed down and bloody river reports (what the hell is a steel head anyway?). I am not sure what I will do with myself this winter. It is not the fishing so much that I will miss (so ice fishing probably won’t help) it is the whole being in my boat thing. I can't walk by it without stopping to look. I've got it bad. I have already booked three cottages for next summer (this provides temporary relief) and it is still in the driveway! I have committed to myself that I will not go to the boat show in February in case foot-itis takes over and makes me do crazy things. Any suggestions for surviving the next five months would be greatly appreciated. Jim
  7. That's too bad, I enjoyed watching that show.
  8. Sounds like a great day Gerritt. How about a "ten things that pros do that you schlubs don't" post? Jim
  9. The point is that you have to have an attitude when you quit. If you don't [have the attitude that you are a non-smoker] you're screwed. Good luck. Jim
  10. I do not make my living through sales, but I still can't imagine anyone smoking in my car. It is not OK. You are no longer someone that used to smoke in cars or that lets someone smoke in your's. Start thinking like a non-smoker. It's Okay, cause you are one now. Period. 13 years and never had a craving. You either are one or you aren't. Jim
  11. Congrats! What is it 25' or so?
  12. Great report, and I love the "after" photo. Jim
  13. Wow! Great report. Thanks for taking the time. Jim
  14. As a highschool tech teacher I am here to say "do you want him to build it for you as well?" Make some sketches, develope a cut list (or bill of materials) then get on the phone and find out the cost studs and sheeting. Jim
  15. Clarke's it is! I can get them online from a couple of sources. Thanks all! Jim
  16. The classics never go out of style. So they are Hushpuppies then? Thanks.
  17. Hi all, Does anone know where I can buy a pair of desert boots? The suede with the crepe soles type, not the combat type. Thanks in advance. Jim
  18. This is a fantastic article (thanks). I want to read the next three steps, any idea if he ever printed them? Jim
  19. Thanks for all of the great replies. I've got to be honest, I never thought of dropping something down there and seeing how it tracked. I suppose I could take it a step further and actually throw a few things down and see how the sizes are reflected on the screen. Thanks again. Brilliant. Jim
  20. Hi all. After fishing Big Doe last week with the B-in-Laws, my fish finder has been called into question. First of all, the boys are good fishermen with loads more experience than me. And to a man they all said that they drive around looking to mark fish then once found, fish the heck out of the area. My fish finder never marked a fish on the bottom all weekend (in 25-35 FOW). I tried it with the ID on and off. With the ID on, I got no top interference and lots of top fish (erroneous I’m sure) and never marked on fish sitting on the bottom (and yes they were there cause that’s where we caught them). With the ID off, I get lots of top interference and the odd lump or log looking thing on the bottom. I have the following questions that I could use some help with. 1. What is the best way to ensure that my FF is working accurately? 2. Do you guys use your FF to locate fish then fish the area or find the bottom/structure then assume the fish will be there? 3. Do you guys trust your FF’s completely? 4. If mine is not so good because it is bottom of the food chain, how mush more would I have to spend to upgrade to an accurate trustable one? I know that I have posted about these bloody things before, but I would like your thoughts. Thanks, Jim
  21. Enjoy!
  22. An awesome display.
  23. Congratulations to you and your son! There isn't much better than a day like that. Jim
  24. Nice haul, congrats! Jim
  25. Thanks Bitsmith, you too. Hopefully it is not the last time for this year. Jim
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