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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. thats a beauty fish
  2. ughhh why not next weekend i have 2 family events to go to :|
  3. sounds pretty cool
  4. Hey guys and girls.. was just window shopping for rods online.. and well I came across the Cabelas MagTouch.. and well I have read reviews etc.. but was wondering if any one on here has ever used them ? or know any one with / thats used one.. Im tempted to order one of the 7'6 Flippin sticks as i like the idea of the handle.. or maybe even pick one up and test it the next time im down in the states.. (not sure when that will be yet) thanks for any input guys A fellow angler
  5. good to hear.. my buddy has been cursing and swearing about one of his criucias.. now i can let him no so would that be about 12$ an islet? i think he crushed 3 on his casting rod
  6. Ciceri.. cya down there..
  7. hahaha.. well I know for a fact my Evinrude hasnt casued me any pain..
  8. Mike.. arnt you supose to be playin in the creeks? jeeze..
  9. haha please take pictures!..
  10. haha if I knew he was over there I'd try it.. but I know for a fact hes fishin in souther Durham region for Bows lol
  11. well honestly I could probably throw a rock at it from where im sitting right this second.. and hit it.. I have only fished it a few times last fall right before walleye was done.. and well saw a few wallie's caught.. MTB and his friend caught a ling there.. other then that.. have heard good reviews.. which I am excited about walleye opener for..
  12. jeeeze i want some fish and chips now
  13. ha the Dam is right in lindsay.. right off kent and Lindsay street..
  14. hey guys I dont think I have seen this one yet but it sure made me laugh
  15. I have been wondering the same thing ! i thought it was both the roads... but thats pretty hard to mark from the water
  16. SAWEET ! Cant wait for some water reports!
  17. good stuff mike !
  18. ugh you K-Beck'ers are drivin me insane with jealousy !
  19. thanks for the ptbo number I was just lookin for that!
  20. haha very nice.. how much is the Triton up for ? and wheres she for sale?
  21. jeeze hurry up with the new pics !
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