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Everything posted by maybe

  1. landed in my email this morning. I was really surprised - sure wasn't the outcome I'd expected.
  2. maybe


    Well I couldn't just leave you dancing up there by yourself, could I?
  3. Prepare to get more telemarketing and personalized junk mail from Bell than you ever thought possible. I tossed Bell's land line and DSL service last year, in favor of a small local company. Within days, Bell started phoning and stuffing my mailbox with sappy "we miss you!" garbage. No matter how often I told them to take the # off their list, and to never attempt to contact me in any way ever again, they just wouldn't give it a rest. Sometime this spring, I stumbled onto a note somewhere saying that it's illegal for a carrier to call you for a year after you tell them to take a hike. Next time they called, I threw that on the table. Whaddayaknow - no more calls, no more junk mail! May that little tidbit bring you peace and quiet as well.
  4. They seem to have 2 business names, with very different looking Yellow Pages ads: Select Art Galleries Picture Frame Factory Warehouse The Select ad points to www.selectart.ca, which just dumps at a placeholder Bell web page. I tried pulling Archive.org copies, and got the same placeholder going back years. No hints there. However, I did stumble onto a page saying that Select has exhibited works by Barrie artist Melanie Springbett. She'd be a good person to ask about these people. Contact information is on her page. Congrats, and best of luck!
  5. Not the greatest shot I've ever taken, but the blotch in the bottom left is a carp in the middle of Chemong July 15th last year. Doesn't make me wanna slip into a swimsuit, but ymmv.
  6. Standing ovation from me!
  7. Got a 24hr Walmart or Zellers nearby? They'd likely have a cheap aquarium air pump that would help get you through the night. If you're going to do a partial water change, grab spring water while you're out.
  8. Watching you boys try to tapdance this back to "family friendly" is going to be *fun*
  9. According to the OFAH, the only gobies in the tri-lakes are soft plastics. Dead carp were like confetti here last year. Didn't they announce it was koi herpes virus?
  10. Pretty sure I saw frozen "pickeral" for sale at one of the local Sobey's last year. Don't really remember what the packaging looked like, other than it didn't strike me as someone using Saran Wrap at home. Doubt a chain that big would be buying from a hobby angler. Maybe the Asian places you were in buy from the same big supplier? BTW, any recommendation for a really interesting market?
  11. It's a great idea for a lot of people, but I don't think Jeff & I will be investing. We're on small lakes, and within easy sight of houses ~95% of the time. There's cell coverage where we are, and there's always 2 or 3 cell phones on board. At least 1 of the phones stays in a floating waterproof bag, and has gps location enabled.
  12. 1981 Toyota Turdcell - repainted it painfully bright blue, with fluorescent pink accessories. Couldn't afford collision when I was 16, so I figured I may as well be visible. Cost $400, but the powertrain was really reliable. The body...wasn't. Oh well - every girl needs to learn how to Bondo sometime, right? I never thought that car was worth wasting film on, but here's one on Wikipedia.
  13. Very neat pic...I love how the reflection on the outer border seem to fit in with the trees behind the stone. Have you seen the puzzle tombstone?
  14. If there's a non-Bell dsl provider in your area, you might want to try looking at a business dsl line. The base price is higher than residential, but I've never been capped and I don't get nasty little surprises on the bill. You'll wind up with a static IP, if you've ever wanted to host a server of your own. When I say non-Bell, I mean any other company that's small enough to keep your account straight. If I listed everything Bell screwed up before I turfed them, and tried to pull AFTER I got rid of them, it'd take pages.
  15. ...then I gotta ask: 1) is snagging legal, or do you have to hook the possum in the mouth? 2) what's the preferred trolling speed? 3) if you accidentally catch an out of season Chevy, are you allowed to take its picture?
  16. Haven't seen any Chemong speed bumps lately, but some local geocachers reported a boatload of em a few days ago. Dunno exact locations, guessing somewhere on the Trent in the Hastings/Havelock area.
  17. Hey, Glen - your centerfold act has officially been upstaged!
  18. Oh, sorry G - I totally blanked when you said it was sticky the first time. Duh. 2 years ago, we did the dance of 1,000 products with some dried sticker residue on our fibreglass. Unbelievable stuff, nothing was even making a dent in it. I finally got a cheap little can of Goof Off from Home Depot, and it was like a hot knife through butter. Amazing stuff. It's my go to for lost causes now.
  19. Did you try the magic eraser on the rust? I've used them to get red dye stains from spilled nail polish off of countertops. Amazing what they'll take off without chemicals.
  20. Excellent report, John! Sounds like you 3 had a great time. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us - I really enjoyed the read. I didn't know you'd turned pro, Garry - congratulations!
  21. I'm not saying you shouldn't be concerned about your kid getting hurt, but look back at your other posts - you always seem to have it in for something or someone. No offence, but you're easily the most combative person on this site. Makes a person wonder how aggressive and in-your-face your kids must be. I'm really concerned about your admission of at least 5 bites by multiple animals in a relatively short timespan. Dogs don't just go off for no reason, and they certainly don't bite without trying their best to warn you first. They have a surprisingly reasonable and structured set of behaviours. Something's drastically wrong if you're crossing the line and missing the message this often. Stanley Coren wrote an excellent book that will help you, if you can look at this objectively. It's called "How To Speak Dog: Mastering the Art of Dog-Human Communication," and there's a copy in stock at the Coles in Quinte Mall. It'll be the best $16 you've spent this year. Teaching the kid "if it hurts you, we'll just kill it" isn't going to help them - unless you want to see them behind bars. You've got a great opportunity to give them some really useful life skills here. Don't blow it. Good luck.
  22. Global News just mentioned similar festivities in California. Here's video & a slideshow.
  23. Nice fish! Where's the OFC tourney sign pics?
  24. Heard CBC Radio 1 interviewing Detective Constable McNeil this afternoon. If it was mentioned that this guy was a guide, I didn't hear it. Sounded like they were just talking about some off the street amateur guy. Thanks for the clue, Hooknrelease - sure puts a whole new slant on things! I've seen men do a lot of stupid things to look "big," but a 5% improvement? Pfft. Not going to impress many women. Bet he wishes he'd come up with a better story before he tried this. My question is - if we can't figure out whether hooks do or don't rust out, what the heck would a pound of steel do to this poor fish?
  25. I assume it's the one on the bottom of page 15 of the current Bass Pro flyer.
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