Actually, I did call them. A little after 2pm on Monday, I called the main show office 905-640-2277 (per a press release Google found on another site). I got an answering machine identifying itself as the main line for the CSFL. Left a message asking for someone to please call my cell with information on how I could find the seminar schedule.
By 4pm today, I'd heard nothing. Called that # again, and got shunted off to what sounded like a cell phone answering service. You know, the one where the computer says "you have been forwarded to a blah blah blah, <recording of customer awkwardly saying his/her name> is unavailable blah blah." The recording went on to say that the mailbox was full. Surprising, considering the different recording at that number on Monday. I hadn't caught the name it played today, so I hit redial to hear it again...and the phone was answered by a very young sounding woman.
I explained to her what I wanted, and that I'd left a message on Monday that hadn't been returned. She said that Andrew Pallotta is the one in charge of scheduling, gave me his cell #, and assured me that if I called him right then he would answer. I thanked her, dialed his number, and he answered. He offered to email me the complete schedule, if I'd drop my address in his mailbox. He asked what kind of fishing I was interested in, said that Al Lindner was the man I needed to see, and that he would only be at the show on Fri/Sat. No times specified. Give or take another round of thank yous, that was the extent of the call.
As requested, I dropped my address into his mailbox a minute or two after getting off the phone. I haven't received a seminar schedule yet, but if/when it does arrive, I'll make sure everyone gets to see it.
Useless trivia: the flyer graphic shown at was changed at some point in the last 2 days. You can compare the current version with the last version if you want.
This close to a show, I've usually already gone through the exhibitors list, culled them down to what we want, and I'm color-coding a copy of the floor plan to show booths of interest according to category. I should be halfway through making a shopping list, with notes on likely sources/exhibitors/booths for unusual items. If I haven't already printed out tickets for Hubby and I, I at least know where to buy them online and have a reminder scheduled.
As it sits, I have no clue who's exhibiting, who's lecturing on what subject when, where to get tickets, whether we need special tickets for certain (or all) seminars, or even what day to go. Haven't even started the shopping list - what would be the point. I'm with's a bad feeling.
Fishindevil and memart know more than I do, since they've posted in this thread that they have special tickets to specific seminars. Hopefully they'll chime in and tell us where they got them, and how they found out about them in the first place.