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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. my deepest condolences to you and yours also...
  2. Thankyou 1leg...Yup very happy with the perch. Allthough perch never lasts long in my household. Will be taking some up for my grandparents and my boy's love perch......I am trying to get stocked up for a big fish fry i am having in August. But it seems no sooner have i caught it had it cleaned its getting eaten right up.......lol....... As for the photo's Thankyou i love photography.
  3. There are alot if anglers on the pier through the spring and fall too cliff if the perch are running. Amazes me how quick the word gets out though........ You can gaurentee they're will probably be another extra 100 anglers out on that peir this evening...... Me i am taking the boat out.
  4. Good morning pikehunter. Actually it is not uncommon to see the pier like that when the perching is good. Actually it can get alot worse than it was last night........I have allmost come into fisty cuffs with other anglers when it gets nutzoid down there through complete ignorance. Which is why i tend to stay away from the crowds now....Nothing worse than two of you fishing side by side when some idiot comes along and butts in between the both of you then start casting over your line It infuriates me. They were in thick last night where i was fishing was not even in 2 FOW and you could see them every where and watch them take the bait. Was alot of fun. As for Arbour dogs.....We like to call them death missiles. lol
  5. Good morning photo'z Yes there are a couple of other good spots to perch fish here in dover but not many. Yes it is a silver bass and yes they are very good eating. As for worms you tend to get wormy fish more around August. The lake water is actually still pretty cool and it has probably dropped even more with the colder night temps we have just had. As for species.Blimey Walleye,bows,browns,carp,smallies,LMbass, silver bass, pike,crappies,rockbass,sheephead,cats, big erie carp,perch of course which is what erie is famous for in our part of the world. Mr sinns pulled in this beauty brown late April right off the very end of the pier you see in the pictures. Here are some other species that have been caught off the peir this last spring. Nauti.
  6. Well what a great night of perch fishing from the pier tonight. Arrived they're around 7.15pm to find this. It was like a total zoo on there tonight which i absolutley hate.....lol I wanted to take the boat out but according to the local radio station they were going to be doing work on the lift bridge so no access to cars or boats under the bridge which is why i headed for the pier. I decided to fish in close to the beach as there were less people and not so bloody crowded...Tossed in my line and Bam! Caught this little beauty with in a few seconds. The bite was on for well over an hr and we had pretty much a full cooler after an hr and a half fishing. Alot of perch being pulled in right up along the pier . Bumped into this young man also this evening dev which was great to see him again........man has he ever grown since last summer he was just a little pip squeak a yr ago....lol Around 9.00pm decided to pack it in and this is what we ended up with. 42 in total. After fishing i went crazy taking pictures of the beautiful sunset we had here in dover. Wow was it ever beautiful. I also took a short video clip which i am going to share with you. video link>>> http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j207/Amo...ejune28th07.flv A few of the sunset pictures i took tonight here in port dover. Wow it was spectacular! So in all a great night to be by the water. Nauti!
  7. Was an article in our local paper last week that there has been some talk of the natives blocking access on highway 6 and possibly others here into port dover on friday the 13th. Our huge bike rally we have here. They are estimating over one hundred thousand bikers and close to one hundred & fourty thousand people in two weeks time to be coming to our little town......Peacefull?....I sure hope so but i doubt it. Alot of these bikers travel hundreds and some thousands of miles for this big event. Could get very very ugly if it does happen. Hope you get there okay MP & have a great weekend.
  8. very very nice bly WTG GRL!
  9. Awesome just awesome...I am still waiting on my 1st also..........Congrats! for sure a day that young lady will never forget her 1st musky, and ontop of that caught it out with her dad fishing. WTG! Nauti.
  10. Kool! Better make sure i have my batteries all charged up for this evening. If we get hit i will be heading down to the lake to watch the light show from the pier.
  11. Humm!! This is not the 1st time i have pmed you and you have not recieved it. Not sure what the heck is going on with the email function in here. I will try again okay hon!
  12. Nice to see you all having a great weekend away togeather.....Love the photo's and great report shawn
  13. LOL Julie....Well get your tooksih down here grl........ Yes Europe is being hit hard romania especially, Six deaths now due to the intence heat. My mom just returned to the UK sunday night and went back to very heavy rains & floods. The north of England has had the wettest june on record,Sheffeild is flooded and there are now concerns that a dam just outside rotherham is going to give way. Its really bad over there i have seen some bad floods up in north yorkshire in York especially but nothing like what is happening now.
  14. Adorable Julie...........Great pictures hon . Also you have mail.
  15. Well i have spent the best part of this afternoon out back in my pool.....I am loving this weather.......
  16. Beautiful Love the second picture some very handsome youngmen . Congrats & wishing your family all the best. Nauti.
  17. Mike thanx so much on the congrats......I was preety damn happy lemme tell ya. There was alot more video i just edited a short clip as to not bore everyone. Thanx again.
  18. 98Fahrenheit, cornug thanx guys........The sunset shots did come out pretty good.
  19. I was releived about the rod & reel its my favorite.....lol..I would have been totally gutted had i lost that one for good...........& yes they put up a really great fight.
  20. Ahhh UB But it can be fun. ..........& you really do not need alot of ingrediants.
  21. I know xwrap i think joey wants to kick my butt now...& thanx.
  22. Thankyou fishinsled & kev.
  23. Thanx Jen, & yeah after loseing my fav pair of fishing glasses on friday i was like bloody nora what next?....lol...... Man i love living in dover and right next to erie.
  24. http://members.chello.nl/tmarapengopie/boilierecipes.htm This should give you the basic idea.........Once u get it, start experimenting with different ingrediants as i have in the past........ Its fun.
  25. LOL off.....well i thought it was weird when u said the fishing was slow when infact it was not......Thats just too funny........That 1st pic looks like u are stood on the rocks right before you walk out onto the peir here in dover........lol..........
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