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steve barrett

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Everything posted by steve barrett

  1. Good start for a new boater .I had a Thornes many years ago It was a good boat and gave many hours of good fishing. I would say gut her but also use her and then decide what you want in a fishing boat and go for it. Steve
  2. Way to go .This is what fishing is all about .Nice fish.
  3. Very good you did well.Expect to see you up here on good old lake Eugina sometime. You realize that the bass are all mine and you being a newbe are only allowed the perch.(just kidding) Best of luck on finally getting a boat to tie it to someday.I know what it is like It took me three years and a lot of saving to get my last boat. Steve
  4. Got lots of rubber worms grubs and such in my box .But my favourite is a big fat dew worm.Caught three smalleys last saturday on just a hook and a fat dewey.Have not used the baits in the liquid yet but might be worth a try.Old rerun cronzy likes these.
  5. Way to go guy.Nice selection of lures there .I can barely remember a long time ago only having a rod ,hooks and a can of dew worms.But I caught fish.So keep adding to your collection fish like pretty lures.
  6. A few years back we headed out on lake Huron for a few hours downriging and when we arrived about 2 miles out someone namely myself forgot the cannon balls.Thus ended our downriging for the day and we trolled for pike on the way back.
  7. The causeway is definately at the south end of Lake Eugina .Nice spot lots of weeds and sunken stumps. Good for bass and a few trout. There are not many river mouths up at Collingwood but a few parks and rock piles out into the lake. Craigleith park might hold a spot or two or try the Beaver at Thornbury or the Bighead at meaford might hold a few fish.The real big ones gone to deeper water .If you are up after the 20 pm me and we might find a time to go fishing.
  8. Nice fish, wish I was there with ya.
  9. Was trying to catch some nice trout with the Grandson today, but only caught a couple of these fellows
  10. Pretty sure you are right.Used to fish Huron a lot and as soon as my boat left zone 16 on the bruce the rules changed as soon as I hit the lake.I was now in Zone 13 same as Georgan Bay you are in zone 14.If one fishes the mouth of the rivers there is a small portion that is part of the lakes.Good luck tomorrow.
  11. Have a great day out there on the big water. I'm off to Lake eugina with my grandson myself .He is only five and always skunks the old fellar.
  12. Hi Gerritt sorry to hear about your wifes grand mother My son in law lost his last week sad news but we all have to go through it someday. Good news is we are up at Fairbanks that week and if possible I will try to drop over.Might be hard as we are looking after grandson that week.I would really like to check out Lakair as there is talk of a few days fishing in the fall.
  13. Best of luck this weekend. Cypress might be a little cold yet but as musky or specks said Huron is mutch warmer. As for the fishing lots of bass are up there small baits like worms or minnows I find are best. I will be fishing dwn the road at Miller lake next week an hope to catch some . The streams are full of specks so small meps with worm dressings are good.I hear a little rain might come so take lots of tarps and rain gear. Steve
  14. Hi guy Fished the notty a few times If you can get a small tinny with a small motor you should try going up to Edenvale up on 26 out of stayner.There is a conservation area there and a boat launch.Worth a try in the spring or fall. Steve
  15. Son in law and myself are heading up to the bruce pensula to nail a few hawgs this week end. Can't say what lake but there is lots of small lakes with large bass up there.
  16. Nice report Gerritt .Lovely pictures of the kids fishing.I have spent many good hours on the dock sitting on the pail makes a good seat. I usually dont have it too long as grandson want's to throw in a shiner or chub .Great to see the kids getting out they are the one's who will take us out when we get old.
  17. I would sort of remind those birds that during the Depression years that those birds would be served at supper as spring chicken and according to my old dad would be quite tasty.
  18. Nice fish.Great to see the small kids fishing.My five year old grandson beats me all the time.Nothing like a pail full of shiners or chub to keep him happy and wanting to fish another time.
  19. Hi guys .Going up to haliburton for the weekend hope to catch a musky or two.If not I will drown a few worms off the dock and a few brown sinkers for myself.Beats catching those pesky speckies around my place.I need a change of fishing.Can't wait for bass season to open. Steve
  20. Thanks for sharing.Great article.Would like to see pictures someday.I can't see anyone trying to raise her But those two warships the scourge and the other one from the war of 1812 should be looked at before some ship drops an anchor on them out side of welland.
  21. Way to go. Nice boat. Might as well spend some of the inherintence money on one's self . I did and will enjoy it and if my son takes up fishing he will too.
  22. Hi going up to the cabin south of tobermorry.Taking the son in law and going for some serious bass fishing.We are taking lots of plastic frogs and real strong leaders.We lost a few big ones last year.
  23. Way to go .Nice fish. Always like to see pictures of brookies.
  24. Allright Now what have you done. Every time you fellars get withdrawls and get excited about going fishing I get the the fish withdrawls.So I grab my pole a few worms and head down to the river and torment the brookeys with a few worms .After catching a few and releasing them I feel better and go back to the house drown a few beers and I feel mutch better.Not nice to torment an old guy. Steve
  25. Thanks Gerritt Will keep you guys informed .Great motor it runs well on my 12 tinny But it was not intended for the small boat. Maybe someday I will get out fishing in the new ride But the new boat doesn't even have oarlocks.Can't get far with a paddle. Steve
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