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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Dang that sure sucks and how could a package be that trashed? I always insure my packages some people bugger about it but for the extra $$$ its worth it.I have had just 1 package get destroyed and Canada Post paid for the damages it was quite easy I did not have to fight or anything just made my claim
  2. Thanks everyone for posting here the winner is The list The winner
  3. I hear you Roy it would be hard as there are some PB's tiger first slime and just good times on the water. I will get jade to do it when she gets home from guitar she is done at 8pm
  4. I will make the draw around 8pm tonight you still have time to enter.
  5. Juli it is common for teeth to get pulled from the hooks I have three of them and there is always tissue with them. It is very cool to have it for life long memories of that fish.
  6. Nice ski it sure is a great feeling when you work hard for a fish About 24 hours left and we will draw the winner I want to thank everyone for posting here we still have to wet a musky line and seeing all These ones helps to get through.
  7. If they are regular size 8 blades not deep cup it is most likely the clevises but with size 8 blades you need to give them a quick snap when you first start to reel this should get them spinning. Painted ones are hardere to spin nice. One thing about beads I have found you need a good quality solid bead just before the blades I do not add one above the blades it's just for show I was using tg before but it does not help with spinning.
  8. If there is a problem it could be tge Clevis not the blades check them and make sure they are rounded if not take needle nose pliers and squeeze them closed a bit. It could be tge blades as there are junk blades out there that were bought by some from over seas they never ran right so they were cleared out at a cheap price I had some they were size 9-10's I'm glad I just bought a few I trashed them but others still use them. As for thump you will notice a lot more resistance with two but one size 10 blade feels different as you can almost feel each turn. What size are the blades?
  9. Great going it's nice to see the musky reports coming in and the PB's one day left then we will pick a winner
  10. Awesome report Juli COngrats for getting out on such a great looking day and a new PB
  11. Yep that's what thought also I had to do it with my 14'er years ago put the gas tank battery up front and it settled down I also added a extension to my throttle out of PVC pipe do I could sit one seat forward it made for some harder turns but worked
  12. That's great guys congrats on the great start to the season and PB's Will add you guys to the list
  13. I just wanted to wish all us fathers a great day take the time with your family and enjoy it. Today I had planned to take dad fishing one last time but mother nature has put that on the back burner with the great lightning show she gave us at 4am and more on the way. Dad and I will make that trip next time. RIP dad and Bob we will miss you guys but never forget.
  14. Thanks Lew we will for sure and I know there will be many left for the fall. Numbers a great for some out there already this year the snot rockets are everywhere lots of fish from 30-37" range from the guys I have been talking with. Just time and location are a prime. I have yet to get out but will be for the classic.
  15. Dang that looks cool I will look into one some day I like the idea of making one but would be afraid of loosing my camera. All though I would be trolling right beside the boat watching a down rod. Thanks for the ideas maybe I will head to the hard where store any way and see what they have.
  16. Has anyone tried trolling at higher speeds 5-8mph with it. If so was there any issues with it leveling?
  17. Dang now them are two great reports thanks for taking the time to share
  18. Last trip up north we had to detour to get to the restaurant we would stop at in Sundridge like the others have said its awesome to get to where you gotta go but sure hurts businesses. How many here remember using the shoulder to pass? Those were the days when you came up on someone and they would move over now they slow down to piss ya off more.
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