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Everything posted by bramptonjerry

  1. my son is 13 and says he wants to go out but I couldn't see him go that long without his XBox, kudos to you!
  2. as usual, the guys on this board are great...will definitely let everyone know how we make out
  3. I'm glad I got mine and the one for my 12 year old when I did, it's really just another tax, there's no registry, if you lose your card and you don't have your original pin number you're outta luck so for the 15 kms we fish I was lucky to do it back years ago, I won't let him go out by himself yet, but he can drive with my supervision. It's really just another tax on small boaters and fisherman you will learn to navigate the waters you travel...coarse or not.
  4. check out flat rapids camp on the french, I think you'll be impressed
  5. Hey Guys; Have been off the board for years but my neighbours have convinced me to join them for a week-end at this place first week-end in March. Any tips on what baits to use along with any previous experiances would be much appreciated as always this board had always been great to me in the past and I value your input.....after years of being away I think I've got the fishing bug agian, hope my wife can deal with it...thanks guys
  6. Hey Guys; From a consumers perspective, you do your research, check out the reputation, and go with what you can afford. Years ago I went out with a guide that put me on to a trophy pike. I wanted to go out with his brother who I had seen on Izumi, but since he had been on the show he doubled his price. I've been out with quite a few guides over the years, and the guys who just did it for a few extra bucks, advertised by word of mouth only were always great at an affordable price. I was looking at going out on the ice with someone on Quinte this year but from what I can see now with all costs included I would be looking at $1000 for a week-end and in this economy very few of us can do that. I'm not saying that you don't desrve to make a living if that's what you choose to do, but be realistic about what your competiton will do, and respect their choice.
  7. went out with hawghunter...aka Randy does anyone know if he still guides was out with him a few times 3 to 4 years ago
  8. am looking for hawghunter aka Randy on BOQ does he still guide?

  9. has it been that long?

  10. talking about little flat rapids camp....that area there
  11. just bought a trailer on the lower french, am eyeing a semi-v aluminum jon boat with a 15hp...don't know anything about boats but I need something pretty cheap....do you guys think this boat would suit, any advice would be appreciated
  12. The slots in the French drive me crazy....my favorite fish to eat is pike believe it or not, and I have to go for a 40 minute boat ride to the Pickeral if I want an eater...my own thought is that by leaving all the large predators behind we could really throw things out of whack, it's all about balance
  13. dude! I'm a leaf fun but c'mon
  14. welcome.....what's a pickeral?
  15. go up to the islands north of Pointe au Baril...have seen plenty, all sizes from 12" to 4 ft
  16. it's not worth it...it will drive you into the ground...too much time away from home
  17. been there...in the spring...nice natural fishery...lots of small walleye and lots of small pike...good eating, beautiful lake , very private
  18. miss muskie is definitely my fav
  19. thanks Irish! http://www.lakemaidbeer.com/#meet
  20. http://www.rapala.com/enews/ebombs/lakemaid-1/
  21. i was going to post it yesterday...I could see tournament anglers putting this to use
  22. awesome...how bid was the last one?
  23. I have not been able to find an organization that I was interested in joining that does not automatically force me to join the ofah...I have never seen any of this anti ofah propaganda, as a matter of fact quite the opposite, almost like their afraid of them....like the subject is taboo
  24. http://www.aolvideoblog.com/2008/03/26/fis...e-on-fisherman/
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