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Everything posted by bramptonjerry

  1. it's a bit further than you wanted to go but sturgeon bay provincial park has some great fishing
  2. just saw on the Brampton city website that they say fishing for trout and Salmon in the park, don't have much experience river fishing and any tips would be greatly appreciated as it is close to home for me
  3. it's been something I've been interested in trying...but lake huron?...whoa!
  4. try www.delawana.com huge dock with tons of fish for the kids...I caught a 2 lb smallmouth jiggling a bare worm underneath with my son...saw another kid pick up an 8lb pike....kids love the place...mom's love the place...you can take a guided fishing trip for bass or muskie or rent your own great fishing in the 30,000 island area of Georgian Bay, when we were there half of the people seemed to be from Michigan and were returning every year
  5. Stoty is my new favorite!
  6. more like a drean come true than a fear
  7. ooooo ChrisS has a compelling argument
  8. not there's anything wrong with that but not my team
  9. amazing how interesting this turned out to be...anyone changed their mind about things today?
  10. wow,wow, wow! that's all I can say.... for those of you interested here's what has transpired the mistake was trully an honest one on my part I had purchased a lot of items...you know how it goes...you get carried away at the sale and you start grabbing bobbles(lures) by the handfull along with a couple of bigger ticket items (the vest was $60.00 interesting what it had blown into in some minds)....I truly had no idea what the total would be, but I was, as I had said, somewhat pleasantly surprised as it was less than my usual total. I did check my receipt when I got home and realized what had happened...the vest was paid for prior to this post, I however ended up feeling more like a sucker than a good samaritan and I'll explain why.... when returning to pay for the vest I was greeted with a distrusting eye by the store pseudo manager....after paying for it, it seemed his real concern was with the cashier that let this slip by and I felt bad for him. When relating this experience with my coworkers an informal pole revealed I was the only one of nine that would have done the same thing. So I ended up feeling like a sucker...seeing as this was somewhat fishing related I posted the question to the board expecting 10 or so responses was amazed at what transpired. my unofficial tally return to pay 31 votes dunno 4 votes keep and run 11 votes int the above there were some really funny people, some angry people, and 6 judgements of my character, many of which I don't believe really understood the situation how did it become Lebaron's (it wasn't) but that somehow made a difference to some only 1 "what would Jesus do" I was waiting for that one the value of the item kept on inflating as the post went on there were almost 1800 views of this post and perhaps in a lot of cases this board is much less than anonymous so that may have tilted things a bit because I truly believe that the responses don't reflect human nature as I now have come to regret the decision that I have made...I should have kept it and considered it good fortune
  11. I mark it as a yes....keep em coming folks
  12. wow...never hear of/seen white bass that big
  13. from what I've read about these monsters...if they were here, the people on this site would be all over it...have yet to hear of one being caught in Ontario
  14. some great tips guys....lovin this
  15. 90 degrees....hmmmm....the idea being that you don't "flip" the wrist by turning it that way?
  16. the cashier was a guy.....although he was nice looking
  17. the group sure views this differently than my post about the vest...I wonder why the big difference
  18. I am honestly surprised at the one sided vote so far....and also surprised at the moral judgements I am incurring....I am really finding this interesting....I have never accepted too much change or stolen anything and the fact that I'm so bothered by this should say something to you, but please keep the responses coming in
  19. 7 for 1 against...the cashier will not get in trouble...it was not rung in
  20. that's 6 for 1 against and 2 angry guys so far
  21. I'm asking what would you do...honestly....I'm going back there next week-end and I've decided to let this forum make the decision....that's 3 for 1 against nothing to get upset ove r
  22. a certain guy I know went to a certain sale yesterday and was pleasantly surpised at the cash register. He checked his receipt when he got home and realized that the mustang fishing vest he had purchased was not rung in. He has contemplated going back to the store to right the wrong, even though he has spent thousands there over the years and at times not appreciated the way he was treated (ie trying to charge him $10 for a store catalog), but is also concerned with some donut charging him with theft if he comes in. Would you take the deal and risk the bad Karma or point out the err or?
  23. never heard that one....howcum why
  24. yes, yes and yes....but as soon as I feel I've got it I guess I let my guard down and bang!
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