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Everything posted by bramptonjerry

  1. my boy has a list of people he asks God to bless every night... we will add your brother to the list Rick
  2. please pm me the offensive post
  3. I already subscribe to ontario out of doors I'm not afraid of P3TA...they're dismissed as a bunch of crazies . . . I think after reading all of this....I will join...but they better not ask me for more than my annual dues as they will not get a penny more . . . There must be a better way though...an organization that is more coincerned with the cause than with fundraising
  4. they are centered on the new moon being the best and full moon being 2nd best, it seems to work out ok except weather changes tend to cancel that stuff out
  5. anyone ever put thru a claim with their ofah insurance?
  6. I don't think that's got anything to do with the ofah
  7. I'm really not liking what I'm hearing here...I guess I'm not paranoid....it's really starting to bother me now that a couple of groups I'm considering joining automatically tie me in with them...I certainly realize that good people need good pay to be retained but their efforts in advertising and fundraising seem to be their top priority
  8. now that's interesting
  9. 1/I never trust personal interest lobby groups...even if they represent my own they only tell us their side of the story and never explain the other sides (MNR) reasons 2/ I don't really know where the money goes ...how much is spent on advertising and their own salaries and how much of it goes to the cause (see the recent demise of MADD when it was reported that onlt 10% of the money raised went to the cause)...I can't find this information on their website does anyone out there know? 3/I can't seem to go to any site (except this one) without being recruited) 4/I can't join any fishing club without automatically becoming a part of their organization am I paranoid or does this make sense to you
  10. fantastic is all I can say...Bob Izumi look out(never liked him anyway)
  11. how about "that's why we call it catchin not fishin"
  12. I read somewhere recently that when it comes to rivers and streams that it is public land up to the high water mark, I don't how you really determine that but a constructed wall would seem to me to be private right up to the wall
  13. I would suggest xrap #xr10 williams wobbler 60 series rapala husky jerk the last 2 are on sale at bps right now
  14. drove by last week-end and saw no one from the Dundas entrance anyway that's why I thought it would be a good place to practice up
  15. use them all the time in Georgian bay for walleye and pike
  16. keep your head down and your mouth shut...if it goes on too long you or even better still maybe one of her friends can convince her to talk to a doctor...until then spend as much time as possible cleaning out the garage,basement,shed etc
  17. is there anything other than steelhead open/available?
  18. floro is abrassion resistant and has close to the same qualities of refraction as does water making it near invisible
  19. thanks for the tip...if I have fun at it I'll get one of those river spiining rods at bps the next time they go on sale
  20. no real experience river fishing....thinking, 7 ft ultra light spinning rod, 8 lb fire line with 8lb floro leader, with a slip float and pink berkley worm...do I stand a chance?
  21. I went to the local store in brampton on Sunday and saw nothing...pointed to the add to a young gut working and he told me he had no idea which items were being cleared out...i owuld have to bring things up to him to have them scanned to see if they were on sale or not no thanks
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