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Everything posted by purekgw

  1. i dont think a harley would be a bike for me, like i said looking for somthing sportier looking thats still not 10grand a year insurance
  2. recently just got my M1 and will be looking to get into a street bike. just wondering if any one out there has any tips when looking for a bike, i am looking at something a little more sporty so far i am liking the looks of the suzuki 500gs. I know some people on here have to ride.... any help full tips??
  3. like i said depends on how you feel about them lol
  4. i have dual exhaust magnaflows on my 07 dodge charger (5.7L) and they sound sick you will get some cabin noise on the high way but all and all not overly bad might be a little different on a truck tho all depends on how you set it up. i have a power aid throttle body spacer on it sounds like i have a turbo on it haha also have the K&N cold air intake i would recommend one lets the engine breath a little better and all you have to do is clean it every now and then and its as good as new, a little expensive but worth it. One other thing you might want (depends on how you feel about them ) is HID head lights very easy to install and are A LOT better at night
  5. shouldn't insurance company's have different insurance rates for people who use there phone while driving then to?? not that is its now legal, i have almost been plowed into on more then one occasion by some one talking/txting on a phone.. lots of people in there 30-40-50 and so on get in accidents to they just dont make the news...
  6. and this is why insurance likes to charge me through the , cause i am 20...
  7. nope its a new reel, it wasnt all that cold out when it did it prob 15-17 so i cant see it being the cold
  8. but the ting thats got me is as soon as it happened it just as fast went away
  9. when i was recently up north on walleye opener my bait caster (shimano citica 201E) messed up, just after casting i was unable to get it to reel so after hand bombing my lure in i put the reel down for a few min and then tried it again and it worked.... but after that there was almost a crunching sound so i stopped using it. after sitting for a few days i finally pulled it out of the boat and now it is working perfectly fine no sounds or anything but would like to know what it was so i dont have another incident like that, any i ideas of what it might be? or did i just over heat it lol
  10. yah seen you out there man nice fish, i must say this was a good year tho we got tons of eyes lots of nice size to
  11. yah if that stuff is around i dont think i would be messing around there to much people with "Tomato Plants " are very protective of there "Tomato Plants " lol nice fish tho!
  12. we just got a new merc opti-max and the dealer said to bring it in after 20hrs to make sure everything is ok
  13. bass is still to far away i cant wait to get into some nice pike!!!
  14. hey gerrit you still in Caledonia?!?
  15. good show i want to try the 4 horseman burger it looks awesome
  16. guys are you really going to fight over mooneye the amount of them in the river is unbelievable every one on this forum could come to the grand and still have tons left
  17. if it helps her pay for schooling shes got my vote
  18. the grand dosnt have any fish at all dont waste your time or gas to drive out here, no point
  19. lol i can fit them in with some time but they will fit! and i can still drive the durango when it comes to fishing i.e kayaking so it plays out great
  20. yah well worth the time at work, every time i turn her over and feel 380 hp roar to life she goes good to
  21. well truck is sold as of tomorrow and new car is sitting at home nicely and cant be happier so here it is my 07 dodge charger R/T worked long and hard to get my car i wanted since it came out :thumbsup_anim:
  22. new phone should have better reception and my plan has voice mail but no caller ID
  23. yah the gar pike are up spawning this time of year and if you are coming out for bass i would go out early morning or just be for dusk they tend to be sluggish in the day
  24. i have a iphone 3gs and its a great phone as long as you are not smashing it around dosnt have the best reception but usually has some bars but if you are looking to get a iphone wait till iphone 4. i pay $55 a month for 1gig internet, 200 any time min, evenings and weekends free and unlimited txt thats with rogers
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