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Everything posted by mufasa001

  1. Along with the above mentioned, I like things such as pepper, celerey salt, and/or A1 steak sauce. Good stuff!
  2. That is great. My nine-year old son and I really enjoyed it!
  3. Like probably most of us, my father. However, in a weird twist, my step-father was an even bigger influence, and taught me many great things about the outdoors that I still treasure and use today. Here comes the twist. Many years later, after my mom gave him the boot, I found out he abused my mom and drugs. I owe a lot to a guy who was really a dirt bag. Wrap you head around that!!
  4. When the winds from the east, the fish bite least. When the winds from the west, the fis bite best. I always thought that was dumb.
  5. I have used braided ice lines this year and have not had any of the issues I see posted.
  6. Ice is fine. Driving all sorts of vehicles everywhere. That being said, I was there last weekend, and the fishing sucked. The storm that rolled through there Thursday night/Friday morning did not help. Only a few pike and pickeral managed to find there way to the topside of the hardwater. I stayed at Glen Echo. The new owners did a very nice job. Drilled all of the holes we could want, and went out of their way to be of service in all respects. Good luck to you this weekend.
  7. Who else wants to see a picture of this! I would be making a trip to the doctors/hospital/clinic.
  8. I can't wait to get there tomorrow!!!!! Plan on tearing up Glen Echo!! Pictures to follow on Monday.
  9. Go treat yourself to some fun at the local rub-&-tug.
  10. Man, you just don't mess with Mother Nature.
  11. Have not been ice fishing in almost 20 years, but took the family up to Gilford on Sunday. First time ever ice fishing for my wife and son. We had a great time! The "jumbos" were few and far between, but the experience was well worth it. Special thanks to Keith at Innisfil Bait and tackle for taking the time to answer all of my questions. Callander Bay is on the schedule for next weekend! Looking to get the family on to some bigger fish!
  12. Theory proved today by me at Gilford. Lots of dinks, with a few jumbos sprinkled in.
  13. I signed up for the update. I can think of a few other "friends" that deserve to get slapped!
  14. License? Isn't it on the back of the car?
  15. There are now two more Cabela's locations right outside of Chicago (Gary, IN and Hoffman Estates, IL). Spent a couple of hours in one over Christmas. Sheer delight.
  16. I laughed really hard, then showed my wife the post. The doctor says I should be able to walk again with lots of rehabilitation.
  17. Pats win, but it will be close. Brady is a master of the game winning drive, and will probably pull one off again. Helps also that the cheating coach is also a genius. The boot is nothing to be concerned with on Brady. If it was serious, he would still be in Foxboro getting treatment, instead of visiting his super-model girlfriend in New York.
  18. Bowman has got it too good with the Wings. He is not going anywhere.
  19. Hookset, How could the wife and I refuse an offer like that! Thanks, and we will see you the 1st!
  20. How does the old saying go........ "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" Nobody is perfect. God bless you if you are Canuck2fan.
  21. I needed the TRP (temporary residency permit). Without the DUI, I could have lived and worked in Canada with just a work permit. Fortunately for me, my employer handled all of the legal stuff regarding my entry. They would just send me the paperwork, and I would fill it out and return it to them. I do remeber having to send a set of my prints to the FBI as part of the process. The matter was handled through the Candian Consulate in Detroit. You could probably contact them to get whatever you need. Once I had all of the proper paperwork turned in, it generally takes 90-120 days for it to process. Sorry I do not have more detail. Good luck!
  22. Document, document, document. Once you have established a pattern of unacceptable behavior, it is easy to discipline. Tough to dispute facts. On the lighter side............I have an employee that just grieved a recent write-up he received because he was "too stressed" from his job.
  23. Let me speak from personal experience. I am a US citizen that is now working in Canada. A year prior to my move, received a DUI (and deservedly so). I began traveling to Canada for work before all of my paperwork (Temporary Resident Permit, Work Permit) were complete. I basically operated under the "don't ask, don't tell" principle. If they didn't ask me if I had ever been arrested, I never offered it up to them. This worked well for a couple of months (getting the proper paperwork processed is a pain in the rump, and takes a long time) until, one day, misfortune smiled upon me. I was coming back to Canada, and because of some flight delays, did not get to Detroit Metro until about midnight. By the time I got my rental car, I did not get to the border until almost 1 AM. Not a good time to be crossing. The guards had too much time on their hands, and asked me many more questions than usual. I got the dreaded "yellow" ticket, and was asked to go inside for some more questioning. It was at that time I was finally asked if I had ever been arrested. There was no way I was going to lie, and get myself in a heap of trouble. I said yes, and detailed the particulars. I was politely informed that I did not have the correct paperwork, and to turn around and go back to the states until such time that my paperwork was in under. I was also told that if I tried to cross again without the proper paperwork, I would be going to jail. So, long story short, I went back to the states, and did not return until I had my affairs in order. My opinion is, the chances are that your buddy will never get caught, as long as nobody in the car is smoking dope in the car, or doing lines off of the dashboard. Cross at a busier time of day. Have details of exactly where you are going, and what you are going to do when you get there. If for some reason he does get caught, the worst that will probably happen is that he gets turned away. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
  24. Going up in two weeks to use one of their "bungalows on ice". Was wondering if anyone out there had any feedback on the Glen Echo operators, and how the fishing is. Have heard some rumors (after I booked the trip, of course) that Callandar Bay does not produce so well much after first ice, and I am just getting a little nervous. Am taking the wife and kids, and I really looking to show them a good time. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
  25. Hope you don't get hurt riding that bandwagon. Pat's and Pack in the Super Bowl!!
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