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Everything posted by mufasa001

  1. Thanks for the update. Will be there next Saturday!
  2. Stuff should be okay for that period of time.
  3. History channel rocks! Discovery channel too. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Being a transplant from the Chicago area, I have a comparison to make. Leaf fans are to hockey what Cubs fans are to baseball. That being said.....GO WINGS!!
  5. Funny this topic should come up. I got an email the other day from my uncle that went like this: [Here is a photo of a cougar killed in Steeleville, Mo. The guy who shot it is 6 foot tall and weighs about 220 lbs. He was in a deer stand and saw the cat pass him downwind. He then saw it pass him upwind. When the cat passed him again (closer this time) downwind, he knew that it was hunting him. So, BOOM!! After viewing this, do you still feel safe in the woods? [/i]
  6. I have had XM for almost 4 years now, and love it. NASCAR on Siruius is enough reson NOT to take that option .
  7. I just think it was cools he was hanging at a "fiends" house. Is that new fishin' gansta slang? Ice=2 poles. Water=1 pole
  8. My condolences. I can relate, as my dogs are a constant pain, yet I love them as if they were my own flesh and blood. My suggestion......get right out there and get yourself another one! It will not replace your friend, but it will begin another wonderful relationship.
  9. How about the conditions on Callandar Bay? Supposed to go there the first week of February. Taking the family on their first ice fishing adventure!
  10. Best of luck in their recovery.
  11. Took my son up to Brennan Harbour in Spanish, Ontario, for a week in July. We had a great time (thanks to the folks at Brennan Harbour Resort!). Took a lot of great fishing pics, but my favorite pic does not include a fish at all. I think you all will understand when you see it.
  12. I am new to Ontario, and live in London. Where are the closest spots to do some ice fishing for perch, walleye, or pike? I have heard that Port Stanley may be a good place to go, but would love some input from anyone out there with some first hand experience. I want to introduce my son to the joys of hard-water fishing! Thank you in advance for your help!!
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