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Everything posted by fishinfool

  1. Thanks so much for the info. What size motor did you have on her and how did she run? Looking at the pics now, I can see that she is pretty flat. Oh well, I will know better after the weekend. Do you have any pics and how easy was it to sell? Sorry about the hundred questions but that is what I like about this site, info about everything under the sun. lol. Stan
  2. The deal is that someone did not pay their bills at a certain marina and said marina sold the boat to a friend of a friend who used it for a bit and bored with it. It has been sitting outside for two seasons, albeit covered up, the gas needs to be replaced, all the wood is rotten or rotting and it definitely needs some TLC which I am quite willing to give it. The trolling motor has been removed from the front of the bow and the bracket is still there but the foot control has been cut off (badly I might add) and is lying on the floor in the front of the boat. The boat has all the papers in order and looks to be on the up and up. The skeg and prop are in perfect shape and other than a few dings and scratches on the cowl, the motor seems fine. I was told to look for paint coming off the block, a sign that it has overheated but it is like new under the cowl. I guess I will know better after the weekend. Thanks to all of you for your replies. Stan
  3. Can someone tell me roughly what this package is worth. The motor is a 30 hp elpt 4 stroke and the ser # and info says it was built in 1999. The skeg and prop is mint and the oil and filter is brand new. The inside of the boat is a little rough and I would replace all the wood and carpet but I would just like to get an idea what the general consensus here is. The boat was offered to me for $2000 with the trailer as well. I don't know if the boat leaks or not but everything appears to be there including jackets, paddles, live well with aerator and bilge pump setup. I will be trying to get it out onto a lake this coming weekend to see if and how well it runs and does or doesn't leak. Your opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks SS
  4. 2lakeigo My family has had a cottage on Balsam Lake for 36 yrs now and I had to cringe when I heard your story. I have heard no less than 5 stories about problems in Coboconk in the past two seasons. The problems have all stemmed from the Red Neck Rowdies that live in Coboconk and have all occurred in town. My Nephew who is 21 and a really soft spoken kid was in the Pattie House in Coby with a few friends and a few of the town Red Neck Bullies decided to take some shots, not a smart idea considering two of my nephew's friends are heavily into Kick Boxing and one of them is a Junior Golden Gloves boxer. Needless to say, a little arse kickin went down. It seems that they have got the group marked for trouble now every time they go for a beer or even show up in town in the boats to get gas etc. I would like to think that this incident is not racially motivated but more just a bunch of Hicks that have nothing better to do. Growing up frequenting Coboconk my whole life, I can honestly say that for the first 20 yrs I did not see an OPP officer between Fenelon Falls and Coboconk more than a few times but in the past 15 yrs or so, I have noticed their presence more and more. I was told that some years ago, a well known Bike Group bought a fair chunk of land in the Coboconk area and at that time things started to go down the hill in the area. I have been told that they have since sold but the Police presence is still there. Let's hope that this is an isolated incident with just a few individuals involved from the area and that things get back to the way they used to be up there. The world seems to be going to Hell in a Hen Basket so to speak and it is pretty scary. SS
  5. patrickG Try Thompson's Marine in Coboconk, right under the bridge in town. Talk to Mike or Rick. Good Luck and take lots of pics. SS
  6. Got out to do some fishing with a bud last sunday and did ok. Went to a spot that is known to produce and it did. In four hours of fishing I had caught about 4 Quality fish. The first was 4.7 on the digital, the second was bang on 5 and I had a few more in the three pound range. Gotta love Simcoe Smallies.
  7. Musky fishing is great in Balsam. You can rent a boat in Coboconk at Thompson's Marine right under the bridge at the falls. Good Luck and take lots of pics SS
  8. My family has a cottage on Balsam for 35 years and I have been fishing it for that long. In all that time, I have heard once or twice that a pike was caught but never actually seen one. The Musky are there in abundance if you know where to go though. Good Luck, take pics SS
  9. Hey bucktail I never made it down as planned yesterday and today I will be fishing Simcoe. Take lots of pics and post ok. Try this site for the info you're looking for. http://www.cias.org/lineup.html
  10. Never had better Bassin myself and the boat is just the icing on the cake. I have done a few Tourneys with him and he prefers his Princecraft even though it only has a 150 FICHT motor on it. It is much better in rougher water and the layout of lockers etc is better. Ya won't hear me complain about going out in either though, LOL I just want to get out there. Misfish I get out with my bud quite often but have never tried his hot spots on Simcoe before, we usually fish Balsam where my cottage is or Muskoka Lake. Man those smallies can fight!!
  11. Been a long time since I caught anything worth posting. Went out with a bud on Mon to Simcoe, he said he was going to prove to me that there were 6 lbers and bigger in there. I have never seen one that big from there but he claims there are a lot of them. He fishes all the Bass Tourneys so I figured, "what have I got to lose". Got onto the lake at 6 am from Innisfil (spelling) and the lake was very calm. I hadn't tried topwater for a long time, so I started throwing a Chug Bug with no results, I then tried everything in my box to get something to hit. It wasn't to be, they were turned off for some reason. I even tried drop shotting and that was not to be. Just when we were about to leave the area, I hooked up my favorite white spinnerbait with gold willow blades and bang. They started to hit and we caught about 6 or 7 each in about an hour and a half. The biggest was about 5 lbs but I have to admit, there were a lot of very large Smallies in the area we were fishing, I had about 5 follows that looked well over 5 lbs and I lost one right at the boat that my buddy said was over 6. We went to another spot and tried our luck at Pike, I ended up with two, the first was about 8 or 9 lbs and the second was around 6 or so, I didn't take any pics of the pike because they both self released at boatside. All in all a great day of fishing and can't wait to get out and do it again.
  12. If you are using Windows XP, try loading the image resizer as suggested at this location. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/d...eschelman2.mspx It is very easy to use and can resize multiple pics at once. Good Luck SS
  13. Yes they do make skirts for "Dwarfs", I happen to be one and I own three. Yellow, red and green. !!!
  14. $14.99 for one!!! You gotta be kiddin right!! Are they titanium with gold leaf inlay?
  15. Wow, truly a fish of a lifetime. WTG seaweed!!! Hope to get one like that myself one day. Congrats.
  16. Hey kevin I did the Pikemania series over the last 3 weekends and I heard that the CSFL is having their Bass Tournament out of Orillia this coming weekend and that there will be approximately 150 boats. They will be all over Simcoe so you might want to try one of the other great lakes like Balsam, Pigeon or Buckhorn to satisfy your itch. Good Luck and take lots of pics no matter where you go. FF SS
  17. Try Balsam Lake Provincial Park. Been going to our cottage there for 36 years and the fishing is great. If you decide to try it, pm me and I will let you in on one or two spots that you will hammer the smallies on. I might even be persuaded to let you in on one of my Muskie spots if you take an oath to never...
  18. Try Balsam Lake Provincial Park. Been going to our cottage there for 36 years and the fishing is great. If you decide to try it, pm me and I will let you in on one or two spots that you will hammer the smallies on. I might even be persuaded to let you in on one of my Muskie spots if you take an oath to never...
  19. Here is a site you may find interesting!! Hope you find one in here that works for you. What time should we be there? http://www.panix.com/~clay/cookbook/bin/ta...tents.cgi?salsa
  20. Hey fisher Check out my Beer Batter post in "Horrible Product" thread. Cheers Stan
  21. I know everyone has their own favorite and I have tried them all, but this one by far is the best fish batter I have ever tried. This is like the batter you get at the fish and chip store. Follow the recipe to a tee and you will not be let down. Let me know what you think!!! Yield: 4 servings 2 lbs Walleye or Crappie fillets oil for deep frying 1 egg 1 c lager beer 2 tb vegetable oil 1 1/4 c flour 1 ts black pepper 1 ts salt 1/2 ts cayenne pepper Put oil in dutch oven or other deep pot to a depth of at least 3". Set over medium-high flame. Cut fillets into pieces about 2"x4". In a bowl, mix egg, beer and 2 TBL oil together. Stir in flour and spices. Mix until batter is smooth; it should be a little runny. When oil is hot (350-360F degrees), dip fish into batter with tongs or fingers, allowing excess batter to drip back into the bowl. Gently place fish in the oil and cook until golden brown, about 5-7 minutes. Do not crowd fish; cook in batches. Drain on paper towels and serve immediately. Use dark beer for stronger flavor. Don't skimp on oil, and use a large pot, not a skillet. Use a skimmer between batches to remove burned bits of batter. Pat fish dry before dipping into the batter. Cheers Stan
  22. WTG Dutch It's always nice to get some of the best tasting fish on the planet. I have been into them in smaller numbers for the last two weekends. Don't know if they have come and gone or if they haven't come in heavy yet but there haven't been that many this year as last year. What does everyone else here think?? Do we have more to come?
  23. Left the house at 5:00 am and was on the lake by 6:35. The Crappie were few and far between at my first spot, but I started to hit some decent ones at the second spot. Ended up catching around 30 fish and kept 9 of the best for dinner tonight. I hope they stick around for another couple of weeks. MMMMMMMMMMMMM Crispy Beer Batter!!
  24. I have done some work on boats in the past with a product called Devcon, Google it and see what you think. Failing that, two patches of aluminum Tig welded from the outside and the inside so that it sandwiches the bad area would work just fine, make the outside patch one inch bigger and weld it first, then weld the inside patch with a good solid weld. Use utility grade aluminum, it stands up to stress well. There are many grades of aluminum, make sure you get the right one. Do you know anyone with a Tig machine, I could do your welds but I no longer have the equipment to do it. SS
  25. Got into a nice mess of Crappie on Sat morning, caught about 30 and threw back all but 11. Unfortunately there was about 10 boats in the area that I thought was my own little secret and when I went back just before dinner, they were all gone. I don't know if they were all caught or just got spooked and went out into deeper water!! They seemed to be very skittish even on Sat morn, if a boat came in or when your bobber hit the water they would take off. They weren't like that last year but then there wasn't as many boats either. The bite was extremely light this year by comparison, you really had to keep a close watch on your line and I probably lost 25 percent of the fish that did hit. Had a nice fish fry on Sat night, my kids love them in the beer batter that I do. Going back up this Sat to see if I can get some more. Crappie is my favorite fish to eat and beats the taste and texture of Walleye 3 to 1. If you haven't tried them, go get some, they are awesome. Here's a pic of the stringer, some of them were actually quite large, 10 to 15 inches. The pic doesn't do them justice. But then again, a pic never does.
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