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Everything posted by fishinfool

  1. Hey Mako Nice slabs, that first shot is huge!! Hopefully I do half as well. I am hoping they will be tight to the shallows where I got them last year, if not I have a couple of other shallow spots to try. I have never pursued them in any other depth, too much like work and as you said, "very difficult". Misfish You took the words right out of my mouth. "who the hell is Barbara?"
  2. GCD I hope you are right, I will let you know. Stan
  3. Okay guys, let's not forget that usually the weather is the exact opposite of what they call for soooooooo........... we could and should be fishing in 25c Sunny weather. lol (Hope nobody on here is a weatherman) I will report with lots of pics. Stan
  4. I have the weekend planned to go to Balsam Lake and do the Crappie opener, but looked at the weather report for the weekend and it looks like possible rain all weekend. My question to all the OFNers is, do Crappie bite when it's raining or do they just feed when it's sunny? I am hoping that a bunch of you will tell me "you slayed em while it was raining" LOL
  5. Abberz WTG nice bunch of Crappies. I am counting the minutes to this Fri at the cottage on Balsam Lake and hoping that these guys are in their regular haunt. I love eating Crappie more than Walleye and I always thought Walleye were unbeatable for table fare, that is until last year when I started fishing Crappie. Thanks for the pics, you got me going!! SS
  6. Hi Jim What a generous offer! I would be very happy to take this hut home with me if you don't find a home elsewhere. I fished about 10 times this year without a hut and it was cooooolld!!!!! I can pick it up if you like. PM me and I will give you my home #. Stan
  7. Welcome to the board Row Boat, you're gonna like it here. As mentioned, lots of pics is good.
  8. Ya really gotta believe in fall restraints!! Wonder what they pay these guys?
  9. Two of my favourite pics. There is a wicked little bay with some huge pike just through those narrows. Manitouwabing Lake north of Parry Sound.
  10. Check this out!! http://cgi.ebay.ca/Shimano-Curado-200DHSV-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. Thanks Guys and Gals for all your help. Getting a license is not as hard as I thought it would be. SS
  12. Burp errrrr bump~~!!
  13. A friend of mine was asking me if I know what is involved with getting a Harbour Licence so that we can fish around the Toronto Harbour area. Does anyone here know how to go about getting the info or maybe someone has gone through it and can offer some tips/advice. I have heard that there are some real nice sized gators (Pike) in that area and we would like to give it a try when they open back up in Apr. Any info would be greatly appreciated. SS
  14. You guys seem to have a lot of luck whenever you go out. Does that first fish have a broken back, it looks a little deformed? Way to go, again!!
  15. You had to go and start it eh, now I have to go and get me some. Awesome fish snog, WTG! Did he swim away strong?
  16. Does anyone here know of a satellite site running in real time so that I can see how the ice is doing up at the cottage? (Balsam Lake) I seem to recall someone putting it up last year but can't seem to find it. The ice usually goes out around my Birthday in mid Apr but it would be nice to see it daily to keep tabs. Looking forward to Crappie fishing but it doesn't open till the last Sat in Apr, still a long way off.
  17. I guess this means that I won't have to bail or drive the boat next time we get out eh. LOL Congrats on the new boat, you were due. Stan
  18. Lew I bought the wife a brand new 05 Civic and was a little ticked that Honda failed to tell me at the time that the new body style was coming in 06. Anyway we love the civic, it's a great little car for getting around town. I looked at the Mazda 3, Toyota Corolla and the Honda Civic at the time and was told the Honda had the best resale value for the longest time, that's why I ended up going for the Honda. You can't go wrong with Honda. Your daughter will love it. Stan
  19. Hello there HUKDONFAWNIX I have the same problem with my Baitcaster, I bought a nearly new Shimano Chronarch from E-Bay two years ago and I take it out with me whenever I go fishing. The problem is I try using it for about 20 minutes then I go right back to my Spincasting outfit. Someone also told me to leave the spincaster at the cottage and take only the Baitcaster, I tried it once and came back to get the other rod after only half an hour. lol I have a lot of luck with Rapalas of all types. I have caught Walleye, Bass, even Muskie on them and use them regularly wherever I fish. Keep trying and you will soon find that they are an important part of your arsenal. And if you think that Pickeral are tasty, you should try targetting Crappie in the spring, they are even more delicious believe it or not. Good Luck and Congratulations on the new addition. SS
  20. 02 Chevy Silverado HD Crew Cab, 6 litre 4x4. Had a Chevy Blazer before that and loved it too. Wouldn't have it any other way. No thanks to Ford or Chrysler, been there, done that, wasn't impressed.
  21. Hey Lew, glad to hear your daughter is ok. I have a 21 year old who just got her license and I am paranoid that something will happen to her with all the idiots on the road these days. It doesn't matter how careful or experienced a driver you are, you can still get nailed. In the pictures of the car, it looks like the passenger air bag went off, was that just the impact or did Sheri have a passenger?
  22. I didn't get any responses to this message and decided not to bother going all the way to Barrie. (I live in Pickering) I will try walking it next weekend for sure. How far out do I have to go to get to 30' or 40'? Are there ice fishing hut operators set up out there or is it just individuals walking out? Thanks for the info Stan
  23. Does anyone know whether the ice fishing in Barrie is productive or not. I was there before freeze up and there were many dinks in and around the docks. I just wondered if anyone is catching anything of size through the ice. I was thinking of going this afternoon or tomorrow since I have to go to Bass Pro Shops anyway, it's most of the way there. lol Thanks Sorry, I posted this in the wrong spot and now the second one has been moved here too. Maybe I will get twice the responses. lol
  24. Thanks for all the positive responses and information. That's what makes this site shine! Stan
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