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Everything posted by fishinfool

  1. I bought a new 20 hp Merc 4 stroke 2 years ago and put it on a 14' Lund tinny. The boat flies with just me in it, 50 km an hour on the GPS. The only problem I am having is when I'm at WOT it lags and makes a clicking sound. If I roll the throttle back ever so slightly, the sound goes away. The Mechanics at BPS tell me that I am likely hitting the Rev limiter and that I should change the prop. Does anyone have a clue as to whether this sounds right and if so, which prop I should go to? The boat is a new Lund 14 WD.
  2. I guess nobody here travels or watches Border Security. To me, that's another very touchy subject when it comes to the whole topic of searches... They have the rights to do and check as much as they like and will even pull your whole car apart in front of you for no reason at all. Just sayin...
  3. I have butchered deer a few years ago but I was really looking to have the bear done professionally because I want to keep the bearskin for a rug. Plus I have never done a bear and the weather is warm. The bear would have to be cold stored pretty quick at this point... SS
  4. Lots of great information here guys, I will press on and keep trying with all of these. There is bear scat everywhere with lots of berries showing in the scat. They are feeding hard on the junipers and berries all over this 100 acres. I guess I need to be patient and trust what I have been told. I will let you know when we bag one. SS
  5. This is my first year hunting bear, we put out 5 big rotten salmon out of Bowmanville and man did they stink. We also put out a big green garbage bag of old Timmie's donuts and they did not touch any of it. I've been told that a bear can smell about 100 times better than a man, I think they were smelling the human scent either connected to the rubbermaid container that we had the fish in or they smelled and were aware of our guy in the stand 50 yds from the bait. They didn't even go near it at night which really surprised me. Any thoughts from people in the know?
  6. Thanks to all of you for your help and comments. As it turned out, we did not get a bear so it was a non issue. Maybe next weekend... lol
  7. I was under the impression that a butcher shop was not allowed to do wild game if they butcher beef and pork. Something about possible cross contamination. Not sure if that's true, Anybody here know?
  8. I have heard of a guy in the Port Perry area that can butcher big game animals at a reasonable cost. I can't seem to find anything on the internet. Does anyone know of him or someone that can butcher bear and deer for me? We are hunting in the Dalrymple area for bear this weekend and I will need to hang anything we happen to get pretty quick with the weather being so warm. Thanks in advance.
  9. Awesome Trout and a very well written post. Hope to hear and see more.
  10. Not sure exactly what it is?
  11. Thanks to all of you for your comments. I will definitely be trying the night bite with live minnows. I thought I might try a couple of the deep holes for Lake Trout too. Has anyone ever done the Lake Trout thing? At least if I can't get on the eyes, there are plenty of Pike, or so i've heard. lol Thanks again guys. TJ - I sent you a pm with my E-Mail address, if you have time please send me that map. Stan
  12. Hey TJ, any luck with that map?? Stan
  13. Hey davew I'm not sure what camp I'll be at. I will be sure and check out the damn though. What did you mean "just make noise when walking and keep your eyes and ears open"? Are there lots of bears in the area or what??? lol
  14. Any Luck TJ?
  15. When ya comin home? I'll be waitin, thanks Boss! Stan
  16. Thanks very much Rod Caster. I envy you living up that way. One day... Stan
  17. Anyone!! ?? I thought someone would have some input, maybe nobody has fished this lake...
  18. Hello All Heading up with the wife July 9/12 to do some Walleye fishing. It will be my first time on Red Cedar, I usually fish Marten River. It looks like a pretty big lake! Looking for any advice on what to watch out for in regards to shoals, shallows etc and any tips on where to start for the eyes would be much appreciated. Not looking for exact co-ordinates, just a starting point or two. Thanks in advance. Stan
  19. Hey Randy Thanks for the info, I will check out the lodges you suggested. Stan
  20. Thanks to all of you for your replies. Beaverland only does one week at a time, they will not do 2 or 3 day packages at all anymore, they've gotten too big for their britches. I was looking at a lake called Red Cedar but I don't have enough info to make a decision. It is very close to Marten River and Wicksteed, just a little South West of them. Does anyone know the lake or any camps on it?
  21. Hello all I have spent many years up in the Marten River area fishing and my better half wants to try another lake or area nearby. She has become a little disenchanted with the owners of the camp we regularly frequent. (another story) My problem is that I know Marten River pretty well and can always get fish there and that keeps her happy but if I go elsewhere and don't get her on fish fairly quick she may get a little unruly!! Can someone suggest a Lake/Lodge that has decent cabins and boat rentals with great fishing that I can try. I am planning on booking something for the week of July 9th. Perhaps Irishfield can pipe in here as I know he has a pretty good lay of the land up that way. I have heard that Wicksteed Lake has a lot of Walleye but I don't know of any Lodges or cabins on the lake. Thanks in advance Stan
  22. There are some nice looking pups on here. I looked at Boxers and Bulldogs and then ended up getting an Australian Shepherd. Best dog I ever owned and by far, the smartest!
  23. I have to agree with Muskymatt. A big monopoly that has taken out the majority of options to get a good cup of java at a local coffee shop. I will not shop at Tim Hortons and have not for two years now, we have a Coffee Time right at the corner and their coffee and food is by far better than Tim Hortons. Tim's coffee and food is absolute crap... IMHO of course... SS
  24. Have you tried this site? Good Luck
  25. Try the Lake Simcoe Message board. http://www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com/ Lots of info on there about specific areas on Simcoe. Don't take any chances, it's not worth it! Good Luck. SS
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