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Everything posted by fishinfool

  1. Irishfield Ok ok, you made me feel better, can't tell ya what sitting in a nice cozy fish hut all day and not catching can do to a guy. It really wasn't that bad a day lol.
  2. Hey iceguy That is probably very true but at the cost of $100 a day for the two of us, I'm thinking I would rather pay someone who knows as ShaunB suggested and move around to find them as you suggested. Anyone here fit the bill? Stan
  3. ShaunB For sure the way to go, only problem is I don't know anyone who knows the area, how about you? Stan
  4. Hey iceguy I was told that they were getting them right down in the mud with minnows so I set up a spreader with minnows and dropped it right to the bottom. I was also jigging with a Williams silver/red, Williams silver/blue, numerous Bad Boyz and jigs type lures and a couple of airplane type jigs with no luck. As I said in my post, we were not marking anything down there and nobody had any luck. I am definitely new to fishing Lake Trout and Whitefish and I figured that when everyone got picked up at the end of the day we would be the only ones with no fish but that was not the case. There just wasn't any fish there to be caught. Thanks for your positive input and if you are going out soon, let me know. Maybe we can hook up and I can get one of these guys. Thanks Stan
  5. Went out of Beaverton with Floyd Hales yesterday, left at 7:00 am and came back in at 4:30 pm. It was very windy and cold out there, you wouldn't last 10 minutes without the hut. The ice was 11" thick and real black, lots of pressure cracks around us and lots of cracking going on, Yvette was not impressed. Ooops! Marked two fish all day on the fish finder, got the royal small black and white animal. Nobody in all the huts around us got anything, the guys in the huts on either side marked 2 fish all day as well (probably the same two I marked LOL) We were fishing in 53' of water just North of Thorah Island. Hales told us that they slayed them on Friday night and when I called today to find out about a discount for next time, they slayed them again this morning. Hmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!! One of the other guys out there with us yesterday has his own fishing guide business and said that they were not deep enough and Hale's was probably trying to recoup a bit of cash for the bad season so far by setting up as far as the ice allows. Hope this was not the case, but I guess thats why they call it fishing. Yvette and I have never caught a Lake Trout or a Whitefish and are getting a little perplexed trying! Anyone here at OFC know of a better spot where the odds are better? Has anyone here been catching any? Here is a picture of our hut, notice the lack of fish on the doorstep. (bummer)
  6. I live right here in Pickering and go down there all the time. I have seen many people out in Frenchman's Bay ice fishing the last three years. Sorry I don't know what they are catching. I may give it a try this weekend and I will post a report.
  7. Lew I'm not trying to hi-jack your thread here but do you or any other OFNers know why sometimes there are brutal Duty and Brokerage fees and other times not. I can only surmise that it has something to do with the way the item is shipped, how did yours get sent Lew? Ground, Air ???? I think it's great that we can shop around the world and get deals but I sure would like to know exactly what the cost will be before I receive it. Stan
  8. Hey Lew I just purchased a Ridgid Hammer drill with all the accesories, it is worth $349 before tax at Home Depot. I bought it from a guy in the states for $142 US + $25 US for shipping. UPS showed up about 3 days later to deliver and wanted another $63 for Duty and Brokerage so all in all I think it cost me about $240 or so. Still not a bad deal. I called UPS and they told me if it was worth less than $60 there was no charge. Just thought I would let people know that if the price is close, you may be better off getting it here. How much did your item end up costing after all was said and done? Stan
  9. Hey Rich Do you work at Zehrs cutting meat? I had to come into the store and startup all the fryers, ovens, and hot water tanks after we turned the gas back on. Surprised I didn't see you there. I will say Hi if I get back out there for sure. Stan
  10. Nautifish Actually, I live in Pickering and last week was the first time I ever came out to Simcoe. I looked up the area on Google Maps first and saw how close to PD I was going to be, hence the rods. Anyway, I will let you know if I am coming back in the New Year ok. I may be bringing ice rods at that time though. Stan
  11. Hey Rizzo You mean the same people are buying minnows every day? I thought there was a law about having only a certain amount of fish at home in the freezer... We need to get tougher with these people and set examples.
  12. Too bad it isn't last week. I worked the whole week in Simcoe at the Zehrs expansion (gas piping) and I even brought my rods with me. I was planning on getting out somewhere to do a little fishing but I never did make it out. Oh well, I may be back in the New Year to finish up so maybe we can get out then. Good Luck tomorrow. Stan
  13. It would be definitely a blast for the kids. There were a lot there yesterday and all were catching lots of perch. Just remember if you go that these are floating docks and they do move around a lot so PFDs would be a real good thing on the kiddies. Have fun.
  14. I got out yesterday to Barrie. I have been hearing so much about the perch up there that I decided to take a run up. I have never seen so many perch in one area in my life. They are, for the most part small ones but I got a couple worthy of the pan and had them for a snack when I got home last night. If anyone is thinking of going, now is the time. Only took a shot of the docks from the truck when I was leaving.
  15. Ahhh Yesss. That would be the one! Thanks Terry Just like to keep an eye on the place to make sure the lake doesn't move.
  16. This Spring somebody posted a site where you could look at lakes realtime via satellite imaging. Does anyone remember the address of that site? Just wanted to look and see if Balsam has started to freeze or not. Thanks Stan
  17. What? What? The guy was totally consistent wasn't he? That's scary.
  18. Hey Eric. Hope the poor chump has a good bailing bucket. LOL Sorry to hear of your loss, but I think it was likely stolen for the scrap $$ as was suggested earlier. Good reason to buy yourself a new one for Xmas. Stan
  19. How is the fishing down by the whirlpool lately? I was there a couple of times in the summer and had no luck. I will be in St Catharines tomorrow and thought I might try my luck. SS
  20. A good friend of mine has a 1999 150 Ficht Evinrude which is one of the motors with problems. Apparently the 99s have problems with the power heads, the plugs get fouled due to fuel being sprayed directly onto the plugs. There was a fix where they pinned the heads with a deflector and it solved some of the issues. The problem is that OMC was bought out by Bombardier in 2000 and they will only warranty from that time on. Google 99 Ficht for more details. There was also an issue with the newer models catching on fire so be careful what you buy. Sorry I don't have more info but you can find it all on the net. Do your homework before you buy. Good Luck Stan
  21. The fourth picture looks to me like perhaps the mouth of Wickstead, just under the bridge south of Beaverland Camp. Irishfield My parents and Aunt and Uncle used to own the lodge in your picture at the bottom left, it was called Land O Lakes Lodge and at the time the Trapper Trading Post on 11 was also owned by us. I miss the place and usually get up there two or three times a year fishing. Sorry ShaunB, didn't mean to hijack your thread. Stan
  22. DanTheMan It was so funny, we were out there on the calmest day on Simcoe I can recall this year, jackets off and the sun was just a blazin!! It was an awesome day. Wanted to go again yesterday but the motor was having some trouble on the way in (99 Evinrude Ficht 150, need I say more) so we decided to play it safe.
  23. I went Perchin on Fri and when I got to Quinn's Marine in Pefferlaw, there was a nice layer of ice right at the docks. Had to launch through it, not too bad though. It won't be long now. The fishing was pretty good, we were going to fish out of Pefferlaw but there were no other boats there and we forgot our fishfinder. No way we were going to try and find them without it... We went into the Bay South of Georgina near the Ferry run and right away got into some really nice sized Perch. Between the two of us, we brought home about 80 or 90 nice sized Perch. Sorry, I only took one pic of the boat when we were launching and then forgot all about pics once I started to fish. LOL
  24. What a beautiful Pup. My Australian Shepherd was very smart when I first got her and she ended up being the best dog I ever had. Good Luck with your "New Baby" Stan
  25. You guys are wayyyyy to funny!! Feel free to lose this pic if you feel so inclined. Today was the last day for hunting with slugs in my WMU and I was thinking about deer (the four legged variety) Did anyone else have any luck this year?
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