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Everything posted by DANIMAL

  1. Interesting stories and info. everyone. Thanks for sharing. And from now on I'm going for shelter as soon as I hear any rumbling.
  2. Neat idea, I bet there are not many bass out there that have seen a bait like that.
  3. Basically a cold front is a weather system that brings in cooler, dryer air. Whether the air temp. drops 2 degrees or 10 degrees, it affects the fish in the same ways but to a different degree. When a front is coming through (pressure dropping fast), fish feed most actively. If dark skies (low pressure) sticks around after the front passes, fish are usually still willing to eat but take a little bit more convinceing. When the fishing really gets tough is when the skies clear up and the pressure gets high. High pressure after a period of low pressure affects fishes swim bladders and makes them feel uncumfterble, wich usually makes them just sit in one place. Current and, or deep water insulates the affects of pressure changes, so fish in those areas will not be as affected by it.
  4. I was camping there a few years ago and only had a canoe to use. Cought about the same as you, a few small perch.
  5. I have only fished that spot once in mid summer, cought lots of smallmouth up to 1 pound and some cigar size walleyes.
  6. Thats what I was thinking, I'm glad I got off the water when I did.
  7. I was out musky fishing yesterday on a Kawartha lake and I heard a little bit of rumbling way off in the distance. I thought I still had lots of time so I set up on a good spot and started fishing. After about 10 minutes it looked like the storm was going to pass by way off in the distance. Then my rod tip started buzzing and stopped after a few seconds. I thought I was just losing my mind, it happens sometimes when I'm musky fishing. Then it started buzzing louder. Confused, I tried to get a closer look at my rod tip and ended up touching one of my guides and getting a shock from it. If you have ever made a tazer out of a disposible camera it was kind of like that. I packed up my stuff and got off the water as quick as I could. I dont know how much danger I was in, but I shure do have more respect for lightning now. Has anyone else experienced anything like this before.
  8. Thanks for the responses. I think I'm going to start at cameron, and if I'm not impressed I'll pull out and try a surrounding lake.
  9. I'm assuming your looking for something north, But if not the mid grand river is nice and easy for canoeing. I have canoed it from Belwood to Erie and that takes about 7 days in average summer flow. There is too much portaging over dams and dragging the canoe over shallow spots in the upper stretches, and to much paddleing through big brown seas in the lower stretches. But 3-4 days would be perfect for about Conestogo- Brantford. In that stretch there are plenty of smallmouth, suckers, carp, pike, and the odd walleye.
  10. I'm thinking about fishing Cameron Lake tomorrow. I have looked over the paper and gps maps and it looks like a pretty simple, easy lake to fish. All I have heard about the lake is that there are muskies in it. I'm looking for any info on how this lakes musky fishery compares to other kawartha lakes. Or any info at all would be appreciated. Thanks.
  11. I have read a lot of studies on this in in-fisherman magazine, and they all suggest that fish do get conditioned to lures, line, or even a specific type of livebait. This is why on remote lakes with very little fishing pressure the fish bite almost anything. And why on heavily fished lakes the fish get picky.
  12. There can be a lot more to trolling than just casting out a lure and going for a relaxing cruise. Just like with casting there is lure choice, depth, speed, possibly cadence, location, and probably many other things that come into play.
  13. .
  14. When the water's high and there's crap floating around the fish will move to slack water areas, usually close to shore.
  15. Is trigger finger another name for Dupuytrens disease? I have had the lump on my hand for about 3 years now, I'm just wondering how long it usually takes for the hand to start curling up. good luck with your sugery.
  16. Thats happend to me before with a spool of mono, it was probably sitting on the shelf too long. If you bought it recently you should try to take it back. Try wallyboss's suggestion first.
  17. Cought about a 1 lb. largemouth figure eighting a 10'' jerkbait one time. It followed it in and even swam a full eight before hitting it.
  18. It is legal to give fish to someone without a liscence, but as long as that fish still exists, live or dead it counts towards the possession limit of the person who cought it.
  19. BPS is the only place I have seen them.
  20. Just attach one of those springholders/hitchhikers on the same split ring that the hook is hanging on. It puts the tail a little bit off centre but I really dont think that matters.
  21. The Frabil big kahuna works great for me. I've never tried the big beckman but I've only heard good things about it.
  22. I suggest picking up some 4'' minnows and rig them on a jighead or dropshot. I would also stay away from the twister tail gulp products, the tails dont twist much.
  23. There are also lots of carp up to about 12 lbs, and big rock bass.
  24. Good idea, I'll have to tell my brother, he's having the same problem.
  25. If I could give one tip to a new musky angler it would be use a spinnerbait. They can be used efficiently at almost any depth, speed and through almost any type of cover. And best of all muskies love em. Dont get me wrong they're not always the best bait, but they are always a decent bait. So when in dought throw a spinnerbait.
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