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Everything posted by DANIMAL

  1. I have had pike cut through fresh 60 lb flouro leaders with ease. I only use steel now.
  2. Green sunfish?
  3. I've used them before and they're a decent soft plastic stickbait. They just get a bad rap because they're not the magical bait that they are made out to be in the infomercial.
  4. Good points about ethics. But I was commenting on fairness. Taking a shot at that distance is more challenging, giving the hunter worse odds and the animal better. Don't get me wrong I am not against hunting, but how in any way is sneaking up on or ambushing an animal and then shooting it fair?
  5. Hunting is not about being fair. If it was we would not use weapons. Thats an impressive weapon.
  6. I have noticed in the new regs there are some changes to witch fish can be used as live bait.But it says nothing about dead bait, are the regs any different. The reason I ask is I deeply hooked a redhorse sucker yesterday and it would not swim when I tried to release it. So I have its fillets in the fridge and I would like to use them for catfish bait. Anyone know if this would be legal?
  7. As far as I know if the pond is entirely private and privately stocked, any regulations are up to the owner/stocker. Otherwise the mnr regs apply.
  8. I do mine over the phone and get it in the mail in about 2-3 weeks. 1-866-933-2257
  9. I have found the first thing to go on these baits is the wire, so make sure there made with heavy duty wire. I have also noticed on lures in general, the shinyer the paint the easyer it chips. But spray paint can fix that.
  10. Good stuff. I read that steelhead book last winter, lots of good info.
  11. Usually just a bunch of sandwiches and a few litres of water for me.
  12. I'll get a passport, sounds like it will make things easyer if I ever get checked again. Thank for all the info.
  13. I have my NY liscence, only been checked once by the DEC on Buffalo harbour about 2 years ago. He only asked for my liscence, but I heard now they want you to check into customs. Thanks for the responses.
  14. The other day someone told me that I am supposed to have a passport and check in with customs to boat into american waters. Example: I launch on the Ontario side of the Niagara, boat over and fish a NY drift, boat back over to Ontario and unlaunch. Do I need a passport and to check in with customs to do this, and if so how would I go about checking in with customs?
  15. Fishing the mudline out into the lake can be very productive in high dirty water, but I'd wait until the water starts to drop and clear before trying in the rivers.
  16. I dont know how to do the link thing, but I think this is the site your lookin for. http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/region_map.html I guess it does it automatically.
  17. I've used polimar and uni knots for up to 80#, but never tried any heavyer.
  18. I have had some success on the minnows on a jig head for smallies, walleyes, steelhead and browns. I have never tried dropshotting them, but I have found softer more flexible baits to work better for dropshotting.
  19. I have read studies that suggest that different fish species respond differently to different sound frequencys. If that is true, this could probably be applied to different fish species.
  20. I first tried one baked in the oven, and it was really soft and oily, wasnt to big on it. Then I tried cooking one on the BBQ on a low heat for a long time. The meat was a lot firmer and not so oily, it actually tasted really good. note: Both were taken from cold water.
  21. Thats really neat, thanks for sharing.
  22. I use salmon eggs most of the time and do great on them. But a lot of people I talk to swear rainbow eggs work better in the spring, even early, way before the spawn. I used to think they where full of crap. But then I read that there are two different strains of steelhead around here, spring run, witch only run in the spring, and fall run, witch only run fall-winter. Therefor, spring run fish have never naturally come across salmon eggs. I am starting to believe it could make a difference, at least some days.
  23. It is legal in most places.
  24. Looks like a great day on the river, good job steve!
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