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Everything posted by BillM

  1. You obviously aren't a truck person are you, lol.
  2. I wouldn't listen to him... It doesn't matter if the transom isn't straight (None of them are), you can rotate the transducer so it's sitting horizontal...
  3. Great photoshop, lol.
  4. Why on the inside?
  5. A used previous gen Z71? Shouldn't be too hard.
  6. Funny, my 2010 Yamaha T8 High Thrust never gets the priming bulb hard (Like the 115 main).. It runs fine, I've never given it a second thought.
  7. Let's hope Chucks doesn't have headgasket or frame rot issues! LOL
  8. Contractors and the people that use their truck to make a living will disagree with you. It doesn't get much more reliable then the 350/4L80E combo GMC has been stuffing in their trucks for the past 20 years. BB that poor Toyota of your would puke it's guts out if it tried to tow what my oldmans Duramax does :)
  9. I've got a pretty big selection of dries, let me know when you wanna get out. We'll get you into some fish ontop!
  10. Glad I left two days early!
  11. All depends on what type of fishing.
  12. This is a great starter dryfly kit.. http://www.reelflies.ca/45_Dry_Fly_Selection_p/dry-selection.htm
  13. Brian, did you check out the dry fly assortment on Reelflies.ca?
  14. I didn't use my 8ft Compre at all last year, gotta definitely change that this year!
  15. Nice browns! But you really need to invest in a trout net.
  16. You got it! LOL!!!
  17. Brian, switch those mornings for evenings and you'll have a way better chance at getting them on top You can get hatches in the morning, but it's a rarity. After a nice sunny day the bugs will be going well before dark.
  18. I've had Fireline fray as well, although it's never broke.. Now if you have something like Nanofil fray, you'll bust off in a matter of no time.
  19. Looks like it's time to get the oldman out for some lakers! Great report Brian!
  20. Simon, just tell the truth, you were fishing OOS musky and using those 'eyes on your stringer as bait! LOL!!!
  21. This is why people really need to be aware of what they're posting.. I don't post many threads anymore and this is the reason. No way I'm giving away info/conditions to someone who's just going to exploit the resource.
  22. What about the Alaskian monsters that ate people? (aka sturgeon, lol)
  23. Really dependent on the rivers themselves.. I've seen stuff hatching for the past 3-4 weeks.
  24. All depends on water temp... Brook trout are constant roamers anyhow, it's not like they sit in one specific area.
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