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Everything posted by BillM

  1. I think this might have to do with water temp more then anything else. Those things love when the water is like bath water.
  2. Agreed. I had a St.Croix blow up on me probably 2 years after purchasing it, broke about 4 inches above the handle. St.Croix had no issues replacing it under warranty.
  3. Use another station, see if the problem goes away.
  4. Another tip, don't troll straight Lakers are notorious followers like Brian said, they also don't turn on a lure when they hit (This is why they never release the clip fully).. Zigzag is the name of the game. Also, if you're seeing fish and they aren't hitting the riggers, drop a jig on their heads and fish them vertically (then you can play the cat and mouse game) I had to do that today, worked out well in the Sound.
  5. It probably wasn't the lures fault the fish weren't biting. Sometimes they're on, sometimes they're not.. If I were you I'd utilize that rigger and drag it a bit on bottom. Crazy how the fish react when the bottom gets stirred up.
  6. It's not a catch and keep tournament.
  7. Then that's what I'm most likely seeing. Appreciate the info.
  8. I think the highest I've seen on any lake this summer is 76. Been a crazy year.
  9. Muskie rarely if ever just jump out of the water for nothing. Sturgeon on the other hand do all the time.
  10. Gbay would be my best guess.. You gotta fish muskie there like salmon, giant opener water roamers gobbling up everything in sight.
  11. You definitely want SI for sure.. It's such a fun feature to mess around with. Giant rock pile 50ft off to the side? WAYPOINT! BOOM!
  12. Run the dipys out the side then a rigger. If I could I'd run riggers over dipsys any chance I got. I like them, but depth control with riggers is so much easier, plus you can always run a cheater (Which you obviously can't on a dipsy)
  13. This is why I buy St.Croix Avids (or higher), it breaks, I send it back and get a new one.. The replacement costs are minimal. There's no way I'm going to drop $200 on a new Shimano rod and then another $100 to replace it if it snaps 2 years down the road, that's insanity.
  14. The next thing you'll want is a 3 blade Kipawa prop for that Terrova
  15. The snubber isn't going to hurt anything, just leave it on.. As long as you keep the middle rod as close to the chute as possible you'll be fine. I also wouldn't be making any abrupt turns or you'll be tangle in no time. You might find that running 2 dipsys will be a lot easier then 3.
  16. Just tell Terry he's right so he'll be able to sleep tonight :)
  17. I think I'll just listen to grimsbylander on this subject, lol! 24V in series, definitely isn't the same as a true 24V battery, which is what Garnet was most likely talking about (and which my charger wouldn't be able to charge)
  18. My Guest listed 12v/24V right on the box. There's really no point in charging the entire circuit at one time with a single lead., it would take way longer. One lead to each battery is definitely the way to do it.
  19. My Guest will charge two 12V in series (Two leads, one to each battery), or a 24V system (One lead to each battery + and -), either or it doesn't matter. It's a 24V charger just like the box says.
  20. Of course, because he'll be using a 24V charger Same setup I use, 1 bank to bat #1, 2nd bank to bat #2, works great. The only time I left anything connected with two batteries was when I was charging 2 12V in parallel in a 12V system. But hey, whatever works to get those batteries charged.
  21. Drew, you'll love the Terrova, it's a great motor.
  22. You'll need to remove the link between both batteries before charging them. What I'd do is just get a on board 24V charger and be done with it. Guest makes some nice ones, not very expensive either.
  23. You're from Stoney Creek, you can make the drive to Lewiston in 30mins. If you're saving that much across the border then drive over and pick it up.............and forget to declare it at the border.
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