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Everything posted by lucabrasi

  1. I started with the same reel. It's a good reel for the money (ie. what I paid for it). I got mine on ebay for $169 CDN. It retails for as much as $289 CDN. You can shop around and probably get it stateside for a lot cheaper. For $289 you could do a lot better with a used Islander or any of the Ravens. just my 0.02
  2. WTG!!! Nice pics! Thanks for getting the pike juices flowing.
  3. Nice going guys!! Beautiful fish!
  4. Nice going!! That's not a tough day at all. Sometimes catching the one and only fish you work your butt off for can be so rewarding.
  5. Thanks for posting. I can only imagine what the lower sections are like. There go my Monday plans, maybe the week after
  6. anglersatlas.com has one of scugog that you can download (pdf format). You'll have to create an account first.
  7. WTG guys! 10 years 3 months myself. Breathing better indeed, not to mention feeling and looking better too. IMHO on that last one.
  8. I had a fox stalk me once. It kept a good fifty yards back, but every time I moved towards it, it would back off and then inch forward again. We played this cat and mouse game for about an hour. Everywhere I went, it would just turn up.... and watch me....just sit there and watch me. funny!
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't seem to recall wind storms (particularly the one's we had yesterday and last winter almost to the day) being a regular weather staple here in ontario. We had two or three last year, we had one yesterday and we're getting one tonight.
  10. Great report....and an awesome day of fishing guys!!! Damn.... I gotta take more time off work. Come on thaw.
  11. Just sick! As usual. Nice fish man.
  12. It doesn't matter that the motion was reveresed....all it means is that more reasonable minds stepped in... They were fully prepared to go ahead with it. What's troubling about this matter is that they tried. Were they given this mandate when they were elected?
  13. After a good rain, the credit could take 2-3 days to be fishable. Don't know how much rain we've had the past couple of days but judging by the chart, I would not fish it tomorrow, probably on the cusp of blown...Others might disagree.
  14. Congrats!! A nice day out there. Had today on my mind as well if not for some morning chores....Gonna be hitting the east mon & tues if there's any left by then. Great Job guys!!!
  15. Credit's been running pretty clear lately....was there on saturday and I could see to the bottom of every pool I fished....not sure what yesterdays rains did to it if anything but you're looking at a good 5' of visability....the few fish that were hooked were in the faster water. I might try again for a few hours tomorrow morning.
  16. I love this line. Sounds like a done deal.
  17. Haven't heard but it wouldn't suprise me, they're turning up everywhere these days, Newmarket, Bolton, Orangeville. If deer could thrive in the Don Parklands in the inner bowels of a large city it's not so hard to believe that bears could make their residence in Glen Rouge. Either that or something escaped from the zoo. But all of these possiblities are ridiculous compared to the most plausible explanation.....sasquatch.
  18. Great report as usual Solopaddler and some nice fish there. I read this board for inspiration and your reports certainly fit the bill. Pretty gutsy of your friend to fish under those circumstances, I probably couldn't have. Hopeful thoughts for him. BTW, what size netting do you use to tie those tooney sized bags. I can't find netting large enough and I usually end up popping a few eggs. Makes for a messy job.
  19. WOW!!! Awsome day. I hope you left some for the rest of us heading out this weekend.
  20. would love to but the furnace repairman is coming tommorrow and gave me the 9 -5 window. thanks for the invite Have a great day out there!!
  21. I was on the credit on tues aft. saw one, drifted a pink worm then a fly, but no bite. I gave up after about 20 mins. I didn't see any other, drifted a few pools and got nothing other than a couple of creek chub. nobody else got anything either.
  22. If it were friday i'd be in.
  23. They were summersaulting last night at an eastern mouth, but not interested in the cleo.
  24. No problem!!
  25. If you're referring to Tea Lake on Highway 60 and you don't plan on driving your canoe elsewhere, you'll have to paddle into one of the adjacent lakes; either Bonita, Smoke or Canoe. I've never fished any of these so I can't help you much there, but if you plan on going in deeper, Little Doe and Tom Thomson have good Smallmouth, but these are a good 3 hour paddle in (with short portage). Smoke lake is another story as it can be very dicey to cross with even a moderate wind (been there done that). Don't know how comfortable you are about that with an 8-year old in tow. Why not just fish Tea. Have a great trip!
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