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Everything posted by Dutch01

  1. I have a 2015 Silverado so I guess I'm the odd man out in this thread. I can get 11L/100km or less all day at 100km/h on cruise control. But if I drive it so it sounds good, lookout! Lifetime average over 19,000 km is about 15L. That's probably my heavy foot though!
  2. Lol! I'm going to buy a lotto max ticket on the way home!
  3. Russian citizens lap up anything RT spoon feeds to them, and most other people I see defending/lauding him are so anti government they will accept any theory that knocks the gov. He's right to call out Erdogan for buying IS oil. I haven't seen much else from him that impresses me.
  4. I am 100% in agreement with you there.
  5. I'm not seeing any outpouring of respect. I think he's a megalomaniac who just happens to be playing his hand better than Obama at the moment.
  6. I agree you can't blame the gun, 100%. But I think you can blame the government for not requiring the Mom to take a training/safety course, and for not requiring her to store the gun safely. And by government, I don't mean Obama. I think these things would already by in place if he had his way.
  7. What about the fact that the guns used in this massacre were legally purchased? How is it that you can be on a "no fly" list, but still buy a gun in the USA? You're too dangerous to go on a plane, but by all means grab your AR-15 while it's hot. What could go wrong? I'm all for gun ownership, but I'm also for some control. Canada (mostly) does it right in my opinion, and it shows in our rate of gun crime. Fyi, I don't object to you carrying a gun. I would do so too, if it were legal here. I do think that it's ironic you have a "war on terror" when you have mass shootings at a rate of one per day. Where's the "war on domestic gun violence"?
  8. Sorry JoePa, but this one falls squarely on the back of republicans. If they hadn't gone blundering around in the middle East with no plan for anything more than robbing oil and giving American companies reconstruction contracts, we likely wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. More of the same is not a solution.
  9. Cliff, From what I understand, the forecast is for 35,000 by end of 2016. The additional 10,000 are privately sponsored: "The minister, speaking after a meeting with provincial and territorial counterparts in Ottawa, outlined the number of newcomers expected from the time the Liberals took office until the end of 2016. His forecast includes as many as 35,000 Syrian refugees, 10,000 of which are expected to arrive before Christmas. Most of these are privately sponsored cases where private citizens cover the first-year living costs for the newcomers." (Source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/canada-fears-possible-backlash-against-syrian-refugees/article27543438/?service=mobile)
  10. Sounds like a little bit of "yes sir, no sir" and this guy could have been on his way.
  11. That must have been SOME argument! Seriously, so the guy snaps. But who would go back with him over a work dispute?!?!
  12. I knew you'd come wandering around here with your usual garbage moxie. You're a broken record. It's boring now.
  13. It doesn't matter what she says. If her mouth is open, she's lying.....
  14. You're probably right about SSRI's, but don't expect the news to tell you that. Can't risk a lawsuit from big pharma....
  15. To be fair, he was the best goaltender in the league for about a week before he got hurt!
  16. He had better be, his stock is falling fast!
  17. "Between 2008 and 2015, more than $150 billion was added back onto the federal debt, leaving it at $614 billion, a new high." (Source: http://www.debtclock.ca/about-debtclock/debt-history/) Hey, it' only taxpayer money, right. I'll give you a few minutes to figure out how to blame this on the Liberals.
  18. Yes, because only Liberals have ever wasted tax payer funds. (/sarcasm)
  19. You just keep digging that hole deeper my friend! I am willing to wait and see where JT is concerned. Apparently that's not a popular sentiment around here though if past comments are any indicator.
  20. Brace yourself, a wave of liberal/refugee hate is coming your way in 3...2....1.....
  21. Ahh it's only a 20 pounder, he's holding it way out like Al Lindner!
  22. I'm not certain if it's the "only" exception, I can't speak for other provinces.
  23. I have read that walleye in Balsam Lake mature later than in other Kawartha Lakes. Here's an excerpt from a thread on another board (source at bottom): "The surveys confirmed the suspected decline in walleye stocks and also established that female walleye on Balsam Lake mature much later than on other Kawartha Lakes. According to the data, female Balsam Lake walleye require 6-7 years to achieve a size sufficiently mature to spawn (36- 43 cm, or 14"-17"), compared to only 4-5 years on other lakes. At the same time, creel surveys on Balsam revealed that the majority of fish harvested from Balsam Lake were less than 6 years old. This information suggested that >75% of the walleye harvested from Balsam had likely never spawned. This implicated harvest as a major factor in walleye declines, over say recruitment or habitat factors. Protecting these slow growing fish from harvest once they reach sexual maturity provides them the opportunity to spawn 4-5 times and produce future generations of walleye, before they would again reach a harvestable size." source: http://www.lakesimcoeoutdoors.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14699 This is just what a guy says the mnr told him, and he doesn't provide a source, but it does sound plausible.
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