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Everything posted by Beavertail

  1. This thread has got me thinking. I've always been curious about the process but know very little about it. I have 3 large sugar maples on my property...roughly how many trees do you need to tap to make a litre of syrup?
  2. What some people do for fun! Not my idea of fun but whatever floats their boat, um, paddle board I guess! Points for originality.
  3. What's that saying about fisherman? How can you tell when they're lying - their lips are moving LOL. Just don't get caught on camera doing it!
  4. Tried not too overcook, but they were quite thin and it doesn't take much...I usually do them on the stove in a sauce of some sort but wanted to take advantage of the nice weather!
  5. I was just wondering if anyone has tried this method with pork chops? I grilled some last night on the bbq and they were a little tough.
  6. I always enjoy the winter months, but for the first time in a long time I am really anticipating spring this year! Like mentioned in a previous post, I'm sure this mild weather is just a preview but I'm liking what I see so far! Can't wait to hear those Spring Peepers, then it's official.
  7. Talk about being resourceful! That's great, looks like you guys had a good time too.
  8. Heard my first Redwing singing along the creek behind work today...what a glorious sound! Also saw a couple groundhogs out today and some motorcyclists...sure signs of spring in my book. What does it for you?
  9. Nothing you can do about it, except flip her the bird in return if it makes you feel better. In her mind you were at fault...there are many ignorant, stupid, careless drivers out there. I just assume everyone sucks at driving now and I'm super alert and defensive whether driving, walking or riding my bike. I sure don't trust some painted hash marks on the pavement to guarantee a safe crossing either, sad but true.
  10. Red Breasted Merganser, poor bugger. Didn't seem any worse for wear. At least he didn't swallow the hooks.
  11. This last fall while at work on three separate occasions, I found tiny, baby snapping turtles in the parking lot...shells no bigger than a Toonie. Perfect little replicas of the adults minus the nasty attitudes!
  12. I don't know how good it is for the turtle, grabbing them by the tail...but it's good for the handler! I always liked to keep my hands as far away from that mouth as possible. They have really long, flexible necks and can reach back pretty far lightning quick. We use to get them to snap down on a branch and it was impressive, they would make short work of a finger.
  13. I suppose any menu item with the word "rat" in it can be a slightly discouraging!
  14. Curious about this Marsh Rabbit...never heard of it before. Is this in Ontario? As far as I'm aware, we only have Cottontails, Snowshoe Hares and European Hares...
  15. For me anyway, that sums it up nicely...mentally ill or not. End of story.
  16. Yeah, I use to catch them when I was growing up too. At one time I entertained the idea of eating one, but never got around to it...most of the specimens I caught were stinky, foul, prehistoric creatures - not too appetizing. I do recall cooking instructions(boiling) that required many, many water changes. Don't think the wife would be all too happy about it!
  17. Hopefully it's just a phase and she changes her stance eventually...keep cooking up that bacon in the meantime to remind her of what she's missing!
  18. N.A.W, those are great pics, love the one of your little guy napping on the river bank! (Done that myself a few times) Damn, I guess it never is too soon to introduce them to the outdoors!
  19. Keeping animals in captivity for our own enjoyment is a personal, moral issue. However, keeping low intelligent critters like fish and tarantulas in captivity, compared with keeping highly evolved animals like chimps and dolphins are worlds apart IMO. I'm completely speculating here, but pretty sure those fish don't know any better...and are just as content as their wild brethren all the while getting free meals and not stressing over getting eaten by something bigger.
  20. Great report, replies and advice here...can't get enough of it. I have a 10 month old at home and can't wait to bring him along with me someday too. This is very encouraging! I like the tips and tricks you guys use to keep your little people interested and happy while fishing.
  21. Thanks liverelease...that all makes sense.
  22. I have a combo that I really like, and I think would suit your needs quite nicely. Take a look at the Cabelas Fish Eagle 50 Salmon/Steelhead Spinning rod line up. I bought the 9' Heavy action rated for 1/2 - 2oz lures. Paired up with a Daiwa Whisker 1600 like Mike suggested, the reel is a tank. Both components are solid, well built and won't break the bank.
  23. Hey Roy, just curious...why are thinned out tails on bucktails more effective? Seems counter-intuitive to me. I just ordered some online, since quality jigs are rare in stores around my neck of the woods. I've never used them before, it's been all plastic up till now. I'm pretty excited to try them out this season. BTW, your jigs look mighty fine.
  24. Back in the day before we had cars and driver licences, my buddies older brother would take us fishing occasionally. He had an old, crappy Cavalier with a custom Blaupunkt stereo system installed that was worth more than the car. It was customary to play the original theme song from the 'Fishin Canada Show' to start every trip....he always had the volume cranked to the max and while sitting in the back seat it felt like my head would explode. Ahhhhh, good times!
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