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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. lol restart at ice off im still hearing of everyone around saying this past weekend was the best fishing of the whole winter. We just realized today that all of the small pickerel we were catching were actually sauger! sweeeettt
  2. This thread might be short lived...it may be long, but i can honestly say something clearly was going on in Southern Ontario this past weekend. The amount of reports I am seeing pop up with solid results is perhaps the highest I have ever seen on this forum... I was lucky enough to be out on GB and we absolutely hammered em too we even wet a line for 3 hours on Sunday and went 6-7 while losing a 20+lb pike while trying to get it through an 8 inch hole...yikes! Anyone else here not posting full blown reports but that had success this past weekend? Holy cow.
  3. Something was in the air on sunday in ontario...everyone seems to have absolutely killed it!
  4. my only tip is to drive slow homie! you can lose a leg in a minute on those lakes.
  5. lost a 20+ lb pike at the hole...so sad

    1. DaveRoach
    2. Acountdeleted


      Gah! Sorry to hear.



      its glare will forever be burned into my mind...it stared me down before it snapped my 15lb braid

  6. ahhh im so busy at work i dont have time at the moment to reply to this stuff, but the info you are tossing out is friggin gold. Jedi whats your take on float reels? This is just the kind of info ive been looking for. Its hard to find exactly what models guys are using in order to be able to handle these fish. I personally see myself mostly casting rivers for steel and salmon from shore and wading. Definitely am going to save up some pennies and do a sturgeon guide, its pretty much a must. Any reco's on a steel/salmon guide? the closer to burnaby i can fish the better!
  7. entered and spread the link! cant pass up on the slight chance at the opportunity of a lifetime that I would never ever have the chance to fulfill on my own. Unreal.
  8. This.... wow man this information is incredible. The Fiance is running low on time, I will have to see if she can go get the driver history asap. I currently dont own a car, the car is in her name and she is taking it out there next weekend. I will still be around a little longer, this whole non residency thing is irking me hard! It basically seems like no matter what I wont be able to fish in BC for six months...ouch. Ill drop you a PM to get your digits so that i can give you a shout if I have any questions. Im not a hunter so no worries there!
  9. bare, you will be getting a lengthy PM shortly lol
  10. the sky train is a total breeze compared to the joke that is the streetcar/subway It currently takes me 45-55 minutes to travel 5 kilometers to work every day...brutal...hence i started riding a bike to work to avoid the gongshow. those that are in the know are getting a PM big time! and thanks Mike, I know you have some experience in the whole follow your dream deal! good on ya!
  11. Well guys, It is with much excitement, but also much sorrow that the fiance and I have made the decision to make the big move to the Burnaby Coquitlam area of British Columbia. It has been a dream of Becky and I to live in the mountains some day for many years and a job opportunity has presented itself, Becky and I are recently engaged, have no kids, and are making good money for our age. The window to do crazy stuff without disrupting a family etc is quickly closing so we are taking the dive. I dont believe the move will be permanent because at the end of the day when it comes time to start up a family of my own, I believe that having our brothers, sisters and parents around will be critical to our hypothetical kids and those positives will far exceed any love that I will have for living in the mountains. In no particular order the things I will miss the most are; My few close friends that I have here My family and 100% most of all my cottage and boat in Pointe Au Baril The things I wont miss; Congestion in Toronto and the complete lack of a proper transit system the people of the GTA (this excludes the majority of people here, but i think you know what im talking about) The utter desolate corn field that is Southern Ontario The heat The Toronto Weather (yesterday was a perfect example...it doesnt get much worse than snow...and then 1 degree and pouring rain all day at least when it rains in Vancouver its 10 degrees with no wind) The things I am most looking forward to: My home snowboarding hill being Whistler and Mount Baker (i like snowboarding probably as much as fishing, so thats saying something) The ability to drive 15 minutes and be in the mountains without a city or sound in sight Hiking Learning to River fish in my local neighborhood (not pier fish like the majority of SO opportunities lol A proper transit system That being said, this past fall I took it upon myself to learn to river fish, im getting a little better with time, however fishing 6 times doesn't make a pro. Everyone out west just seems to fly fish, but a lot of reading I am doing is also saying that plenty of guys cast spoons for the wild salmon runs and even for steel. I know that in Ontario, plenty of people love to centrepin a float or simply cast using the long noodle rods. Does anyone around here have any experience fishing the river systems in BC? I am completely in the dark aside from what info i can read on the internet. I have been sleuthing, but the hardest part thus far has been finding any information about what the hell kind of gear people are using out there. Any info you guys can provide is greatly appreciated. If anyone is willing to point me in a direction in regards to what rivers in the lower main land to try out that be extra awesome. I am even willing to trade spots!
  12. not gonna lie...but id probably keep the current cottage but just build the sweetest friggin cottage youve ever seen...or buy one right next door to my parents place...but you get the idea...pretty sure that Pointe Au Baril might be the best area to be in that Ive seen thus far in my life...lucky me i guess. Boy oh boy, would i have a sweet alumacraft though
  13. dont be surprised to see jose in a yankees uniform. They are aging quick and dont have too many big hitters anymore,
  14. every time you had something on i half expected you to have the 15 guys that stand on the last 5 feet of the piers fishing gear on the end of your line...at least you had much better weather than i did when i fished it over the christmas holidays this year. Nice fish.
  15. unreal, you guys sure did better than my buddy who literally rented a hut for 2 days and caught 2 perch and one tiny walleye.
  16. oh god...i heard about this on the news and here but didnt have much to say...but now I know who the victims are...oh god this is so unbelievably horrible wow. My dad is a lifetime member of the Kinsmen, and one of his buddies from the Georgetown chapter Dr. Jeff Sutherland has also been a lifetime member. Doctor Jeff has won citizen of the year in Georgetown for his work in the community the guy is a legend around town. Years ago Jeff was diagnosed with ALS...His slow decline has been really really tough for the community to watch, but the guy is so driven he continued to work as a GP even after the point he was confined to a wheel chair and losing his speech. Dr. Jeff is now in the late stages of ALS and requires 24 hour care and breathing assistance etc... The tragedy here is that the victims are Jeff's son and his girlfriend...wow...sometimes I wonder why certain people have the worst luck...that family has enough to deal with...wow wow wow this is so sad.
  17. I CAME FOR THE ANGRY MOB but have been left disappointed by Mech's disclaimer
  18. lolllll its every little canadian boys dream on a saturday night...to step on the ice...at.... the canadian tire centre LOLLLLLLLL the second home ice of the toronto maple leafs and the montreal canadians...its a sure fire thing that whatever team is playing toronto or montreal at Canadian tire centre is getting booed!
  19. somewhere in that ballpark. Was watching drugs Inc about 3 weeks ago and they were talking about the baltimore heroine trade. The dealers there dip a few yams (small pack of heroine) in fentanyl to ensure that a few people overdose with the batch. What happens is that the junkies hear that a particular batch has caused an overdose and it makes them all go out hunting for that particular brand (typically stamped with a small logo) If a tiny bit of the stuff can make a hardcore junkie die, you know its gotta be completely insane. a breastfeeding three year old....its sad when you see a kid like that that literally has no hope at all...so so sad.
  20. this thread put a smile on my face...kudos to everyone! congrats on the sweet deal netminder! This forum has shown that there really are still some good people out there. I have had one particular member as well that has been overboard generous to me as well. Good stuff.
  21. he is definitely not 100% and is playing through it because if he took any more time off he will be out of the NHL
  22. 6 is the last ep...i could see this turning into something bigger though
  23. guys guys guys...please pleaseeeeeee do not group me in with the kadri fans. I absolutely despise him. In what world could you be a fan of a guy who dives, crys and gives up on plays after he gets hit or gets the puck taken away. He IMO is exactly whats wrong with Canadian Hockey. You have a bunch of pretty boy d bags trying to toe drag instead of going into the corners, playing body and putting the puck in the net. Ive been praying for his failure all year so that he can go and ask for a bunch of money and they simply take him to arbitration and he ends up getting 2 million a year cause his stats suck.
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