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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. im finding water close to where they spawned...anywhere that bottle necks them on their journey back to the main lake. Im rigging drop shotted minnows or dragging worm harnesses in 15-25 fow. the edge of new weed growth is always a great idea and I found that the best fishing in the spring for them happens on the May 2/4. same goes for pike thats when we really hammer eyes and pike. Everything is congregated near those new weeds.
  2. i did the 8 hour Isla Blanca light tackle and fly fishing tour. a bit pricey...but totally worth it. My guide was incredible and put me on fish all day long http://www.cancuntarponfishing.com/cancun-fly-fishing-reservations.php
  3. looks like the boys were busy fishing and not getting ready for another big game ahhahaa https://theathletic.com/44422/2017/03/15/mirtle-dont-blame-the-time-off-for-the-leafs-big-florida-blowout/
  4. i did a guided trip in around isla blanca and it was incredible...sounds like it might be out of budget though. Guide put me on snapper, barracuda, bonefish, permit and tarpon...i could have easily had a grand slam if i didnt suck so bad.
  5. you cant solve all of the world's problems at once. In today's NHL the only way to get good D is typically through the draft. seeing what they have done so far with this team i have faith. Honestly I do not think anyone could foresee them doing this good of a job. They got Anderson for a bag of pucks and he looks really really really good...dont let the crappy D that plays in front of him fool you. Carey Price would get shelled playing with that D core.
  6. hard to do when your rookies are just that good...you have to remember, they iced a team full of rookies with the expectation of being terrible as one would presume they would be. No one has iced so many rookies in a season in a long long time, and definitely no team in history has done this well with rookies. again...it just made logical sense, except thats not what happened.
  7. hahaha i probably could have turned the amount of reading I have done on this forum about how and what to use into a full time job for a year. we may not all be willing to give all of our secrets away, but if you can get a little information from everyone eventually you end up with a half decent story lol
  8. im gonna talk to my mom about this...as she gets older she is suffering more and more with arthritis in her feet which makes it difficult for her to walk.
  9. my understanding is that the proposed legalization study recommended allowing people to grow their own. I just see this thread turning into a debate about corruption in capitalism. I cant say i agree...and this forum doesnt allow for political threads so it has no place in this thread. Keep the discussion to the product's benefits. Valuable information for those that could actually benefit from the stuff and aren't out just to abuse it and hide behind the old "medicinal benefits" excuse...dont Bull a BSer Go ahead grow a plant, use it for yourself, dont sell it illegally and everyone lives happily ever after. What exactly is the concern here?
  10. is this not the organic vs regular ass food debate as well? if thats what you are arguing then this will literally go nowhere. you want true organic? grow it yourself...or buy product manufactured by aphria
  11. also..yes OGI did some shady stuff...the market/lawsuits will handle that...have faith in regulation. I personally wouldnt be trading in that company if someone gave me free money to trade with. Thats how the free market economy works. You screw up, you get sued and fined into oblivion...Ask Volkswagen about that. The conspiracy theory is that all of the medical producers are "poisoning us" What a shame...i have no clue what the hell the hells angels have put in my weed the last 20 years either...and no one will ever know because it was being illegally grown. These guys got caught and will now suffer the consequences...thats how the system is supposed to work.
  12. honestly giant when you consider how the alcohol lobby is run in Ontario is it any surprise at all that the big medical producers will be the ones that also run the recreational market? the last thing that the govermnent wants to do is create a free for all where the exact reality becomes the same one that the anti legalization sentiment has been preaching about for years. Aka, kids buying pot from anyone anywhere. The more red tape they put up the safer they are from avoiding the problems they are facing in the states with no oversight of the suppliers. Yes, we there is a major issue when companies like OGI are using banned pesticides on their products...but at least we are aware that this has happened, and they are going to be held accountable for it. I would prefere this scenario over one where we end up with the exact same problems that we have with criminalized pot...aka Organized Crime being the supplier and putting god knows what in your product. Accountability is a good thing, especially with these companies being traded in the public market...its great to be a conspiracy theorist and talk about how these publicly traded companies are poisoning us etc etc...but real regulations exist to make sure that both customers and shareholders in these companies are obtaining all of the information that they require. When a CEO starts hiding information from his shareholders and gets caught...he goes to jail. Its hard to convey my thoughts clearly by writing on here...but lets not start bringing conspiracy theories into the discussion surrounding legalization...that sounds exactly like something a bunch of stoners would say...surprise surprise. The whole purpose of legalization is not to allow a bunch of pot heads buy weed everywhere. The purpose is to regulate a gigantic industry that is currently operating illegally while effectively cutting the financial burden of the massive amounts on enforcement required to regulate it, while also taking money out of organized crime's hands. At the same time still providing those that need it for medicinal purposes with consistent effective medicine. I get it GBAY you wanna use weed every day and have it free to you all the time...dont get me wrong...i love weed too...but you arent convincing anyone that its a good idea for absolutely everyone to be using the stuff every day...its not...i wouldnt tell you to take a tylenol, or aspirin, or have a coffee every day either. Lobbys are lobbys, if you want this industry to go legit...then its going to be subject to the same rules that every other industry in canada has, and be part of the capitalist system that Canada has. To me I would prefer it that way. Im excited to see some legitimate business men involved with the industry. They have turned Canada into a world economic power, hopefully this fledgling industry can become a massive exporter of Canadian products world wide in the near future. providing jobs, and massive economic benefits to everyone here at home. The right people to get it there are the exact people that you are somewhat demonizing for being venture capitalists...good for them hopefully they make their weed businesses the biggest best companies in this sector in the entire world. TLDR...Keep weed companies publicly traded, regular regulation will keep everyone honest. If you dont believe capitalism is a good system, move to cuba.
  13. welcome... ignore the haters..it seems they have even found their way into your first thread. Dont be scared to ask honestly for help. no question is too dumb and if you make a thread asking an honest question, you will probably get 10000x more replies than you could even care to have. I went from knowing absolutely nothing to owning 20+ rods, ice fishing, fly fishing, trolling, casting, and throwing big baits for muskys, and it was pretty much all thanks to the stuff ive read around here. Fishing is all in the details my friend...anyone can cast a lure...but learning a few knots, learning about leaders and what line to use when their application, learning about different presentations, texas rigging, drop shotting, walking the dog, carolina rigging, bottom bouncing using a slip float, a tip up etc etc etc...it all takes time...but once you figure it out you will be surprised at how many more fish you start catching. tight lines!
  14. my last trip...possibly of the year was this weekend as well...i dont know about you, but im ready to throw a cast softwater time cant come soon enough. Thanks for the report.
  15. can you clarify what exactly LP control is? im missing something here.
  16. had a bowfin (?) come and visit us in the clam this weekend, no line in the water..he just wanted to say hi i guess? anyone ever seen this happen?

    1. Acountdeleted


      What, like, swam up the hole and flopped on the ice?



      came half way outta the hole..and was sitting there with its head out of the water for 20 seconds. My buddy was too scared to grab it. I had time to finish a pee open the tent and tell him to grab it.

    3. Garfisher


      Could have been taking a lazy gulp of air haha

  17. you aint ice fishing unless youve got electronics...Flasher is literally everything out there. one of my favourite things in all of fishing..maybe behind watching something smash a top water is watching a flash appear on bottom, swim up to your bait slowly...and then triggering it to strike. You can literally see it bite your lure on the flasher. My eyes dart from the screen to the tip of the rod just in time to see the bite. Crappies are the best for this cause of their tendency to vertically bite. Watch that rod go straight.
  18. from wake up to fish report that is a close to record turn around time lol Frig I am, and am not looking forward to tomorrow morning in PAB...40 knot winds and a low of -24...the buddy will be blasting for sure.
  19. a word to the wise...dont ever tell someone who fishes ocean tributaries or the ocean itself that you are catching steelhead in Ontario...they might knock you out to try straighten your brain out.
  20. not sure when the opener is...last year on May 1st swimbaits on a jig head were dynamite...found those big shallow bays and threw them out towards the drop off...non stop action almost every cast in the right spots.
  21. you guys are wayyyyy too americanized dont even get me going...i was raised calling pike Jack fish as well.
  22. still contemplating whether gobies are the worst or best thing to happen to our fisheries. Ive definitely caught a number of bass that were just puking them up.
  23. nice lil report here. good idea getting the GF "hooked" now you dont need to ask permission ahhaa
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