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adam lancia

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Everything posted by adam lancia

  1. Gotcha, thanks Tom, you've been really helpful!
  2. So all of my sciency mumbo jumbo didn't amount to squat... dammit! I thought I was onto something there. Are there any longevity benefits from higher voltage, since I would assume the motor needs to draw fewer amps to make the same power since there's more voltage available...? Will check the deck height, thanks!
  3. That's good info guys. I will assume torque and load (and battery drain) are all influenced by the choice of voltage, correct? More voltage = more torque at lower load (to the batterie in terms of amperage) which should result in longer battery life. Do I have that right or am I out in left field? I haven't the slightest about shaft length though, I could use a crash course on that. I'll get my cousin to check how hefty his boat is. I want to go used if possible, only to keep the cost down and to see if he likes it enough to look for a new one. Of course we have dreams of GPS spot lock and dual motors (front and back) dancing in our heads but that's neither here nor there right now... Thanks!!
  4. Thanks guys! I'll get him to check the back of the pontoons. He'll probably use it for trolling with the outboard idling in gear for lake trout so he probably won't have the electric trolling motor in then. There is about a 2 foot front deck across the width of the boat but I'd say we do most of not all of our casting from whichever part of the boat is facing out target, lol! I suppose we would cast from the front and/or sides once we are able to keep the nose pointed where we want to. ideally, I'd like to get one with the remote foot pedal. Used is fine so what would you suggest? Thanks!
  5. My cousin has a 16' pontoon boat and we use that to fish from but we'd like to get a trolling motor for it. Any suggestions? What is the best spot to attach it? Still on the bow like a regular fishing boat? I also have a Hummingbird fish finder that we're going to put on, where should I mount the transducer? Thanks in advance!!
  6. I'll be up at my cousins in Haliburton on Little Redstone Lake from Friday evening through late Sunday morning/early afternoon and was wondering if anyone is looking for a fishing partner in or around there...? I realize it's bass opener so it's going to be extremely busy and I'm sure a lot of you are already registered for tournaments but this came up last minute. I will obviously split on gas and meet up at any lake/launch in the area. If Sunday morning is an option, I'll be driving back to Toronto so if the lake/launch isn't in the Haliburton area, I would gladly meet you Sunday morning somewhere between Haliburton and Toronto. Feel free to either respond here or PM me, either is greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!
  7. Gotcha, thanks. Hard hit or not, catching a few would be better than not getting out at all!
  8. What is Surgeon like to fish? Is it a good bass lake by chance?
  9. Thanks Costa, much appreciated!
  10. Hey all, I have a portable fish finder (the one that clamps on) and I need to get it repaired. Where should I take it? I bought it used. Thanks in advance!
  11. Google Alan Tani, it's a pretty solid point of reference.
  12. The scariest thing for me is seeing the size of the fire overlaid on maps of Toronto, Edmonton, L.A. and New York! It's the size of the GTA!
  13. It means getting it unlocked from a specific carrier. So when you get a phone and a plan from Bell, unless you buy the phone unlocked (much more expensive, you have to purchase the phone outright rather than having the price included as part of the plan) it will only work with one of Bell's SIM cards. When you have an unlocked phone, you can use just about any SIM card in it anywhere in the world.
  14. As the title states, I would like to get my wife's iPhone 6 unlocked, suggestions welcome! Thanks in advance!
  15. What I get out of it most is having a few manufacturers there to pick their brain before going into a store to talk with someone whose job it is to sell you something. I was able to try my personal reels on a few prospective rods while speaking with a company rep. Normally, I would have had to make a few stops in order to get that done. Impact Baits had some great deals.
  16. Good call. I'm heading there on Monday and hopefully coming home with a jig rod.
  17. If I weren't going to be in Rio then, I'd be making the drive down there. I don't imagine that gift certificate would do me much good there though, and I'm definitely not taking any of the Kijiji numbnuts up on their offer of paying 75% of a gift card's value to offload it...
  18. I have a $50 SAIL gift certificate that I'll be putting towards trying out some new line and a few odds and ends. I want to try and turn that $50 into $56.50 (I think they do a save the tax event, correct...?). I'd like to make it to the swap meets but I won't be in town for the one in Hamilton. I'll look up the dates for the one in Bowmanville but Trenton is too far to drive for a swap meet from the GTA (for me at least...).
  19. Hi all, I'm just wondering when SAIL, LeBarons and Gagnon's usually have their spring fishing gear sales...? Thanks in advance!
  20. I switched from 8.1 to 10 without any problems. however, when I bought my laptop a few years ago, I was sure to buy one that was "performance future proofed". What I mean by that is I have tons of RAM and processing speed to spare, even compared to current laptops (1.7 GHz processor with 6g RAM). I could see the upgrade being unsuccessful if you're running an older laptop that won't be able to keep up with the new OS. If you're going to do it, backup everything to an external hard drive, then completely wipe the computer, then install 10 from scratch. I would say you're at a crossroads between upgrading the OS, sticking with your current setup, or purchasing a new laptop with 10 already installed (or one with good specs and 8 as the OS). Upgrading from 8 shouldn't be problematic at all.
  21. Just ask around any place you stop along the coast, most folks are quite proud of sharing their productive shore fishing spots. Mackerel would be your most easily accessible mark. If you're renting a place to stay, there are a lot of great small mouth lakes out that way. Same deal for trout. lots of good trout lakes in N.S.
  22. I lived in Halifax for 2 years and my wife is from just outside of Sydney on Cape Breton island. I agree with needing a lot of time to soak in the entire province. That being said, if you stay in Halifax you can do a bunch of day trips to the south shore as well as up to the highlands. The Cabot Trail is a must and there are a bunch of great places to stay along the route should you want to stay overnight. You *can* knock the trail off in one day but you don't get to see much of it that way, the drive on the eastern side of Cape Breton is especially Nova Scotian. The drive down to the south shore from Halifax is beautiful, especially if you avoid the major highways. Stop in at the Bay of Fundy on your way to Halifax (or on your way from Halifax to P.E.I.), you'll be in for a treat if you time the low tide (you can find an estimate of high and low tides online).
  23. Look up Rovic Rods, his name is Rolly and he's in Belleville. $20 - $30 is about right.
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