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adam lancia

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Everything posted by adam lancia

  1. Sorry for the confusion. I'm using speedtest.net to compare speed. On my devices which have both band options, both the Rogers modem/router and the N600 show two networks each, for a total of 4. My laptop only sees 2, one from each the Rogers modem/router and one from the N600.
  2. I'll do my best. The Rogers modem/router is first in line. I have the N600 hooked up to that with an ethernet cable. There is only 1 N600 in the house, which is on the main floor that that downstairs tenants are using. We are using it as well, but only for 2 devices (PS3 and my laptop). I'm afraid you lost me on your last question though, I don't fully understand what you're asking me.
  3. The tenants in the basement are using the N600. We were both sharing the N600 until we had Rogers installed though.
  4. Yup, I'm using the Rogers-supplied router/modem combo. I was speaking about the antennas connected to the internal Wi-Fi card in my laptop. I played with every single 2.4g channel last night, not one improved it's speed. I don't quite understand why I would buy a third router when one that I have works pretty well (N600) and the second one that I received for free works really well on 5g. If the fix for my laptop is as simple as buying a $40 5g adapter, which I'll be able to use on other laptops should I choose to, then I can't justify spending $100 over and above that to purchase another router, which I already have 2 of. If it's the router and not a function of the 2.4g vs 5g bands, why does switching from 2.4g to 5g make such a huge difference? On both my tablet (Samsung Tab 4) and phone (S6), the 2.4g connection barely gets 1mbps download speed regardless of my proximity to the router. Yet, on 5g, download speed goes up to ~ 180mbps. Same device, same router, different band... The only 2 devices in the house which do not have a 5g connection option are my laptop and my PS3. Both of those are connected to my N600, the PS3 being 2 rooms and about 35 feet away from the router. I don't have any problem streaming Netflix or other video over that connection. This isn't a viable solution as we are renting the house, we don't own it. I hope I don't come across as confrontational about this, I really do appreciate the input and feedback, especially since I don't have near the experience or background compared to nearly all of you. I'm going to be picking up a 5g adapter and testing that out. If for some reason that doesn't help, I'll be back, LOL!
  5. While I kind of agree with you that it *could* be the router, I wouldn't know what to change in the routers settings. Not only that, but testing speeds on both bands with the same 2 devices that are dual band capable showed a massive speed difference through the Rogers router. I'd like to leave the 2.4ghz to my PS3 since it's furthest from the router. We're not in an apartment building so I don't think I'm getting competition from other networks in the immediate vicinity. Really, I just want to be able to exploit some of the speed I'm paying for. I realize I won't be able to take advantage of all of it since everything is running over wireless, however, considering that I'm able to access a faster connection through the router I already have with the addition of a $40 USB adapter rather than a $275 router, it's a no-brainer.
  6. After doing some reading, I think that's the route I'll be going. Thanks for the tip about shutting the internal wifi adapter off, I'm sure that would have caused me fits otherwise!
  7. We just upgraded to Rogers 100mbps internet and I'd like to get more than the 30mbps that our Netgear n600 puts through. Testing the new router with ookla, the 5g speed is there but it's absolutely worthless on 2.4g. The only device I have that doesn't have built-in 5g is my laptop so I'd like to upgrade the wifi adapter to a 5g unit. I assume it's doable but I want to know if I'm going to need to replace the antennas as well since they're paired up with a 2.4g-only adapter. Anyone have any input or advice? Thanks in advance!
  8. I guess what they say about sarcasm not always coming through by typing is true. My apologies Fish Farmer. I still stand by what I said about those 3 beers you mentioned though
  9. I think you could have kept that to yourself, you're not adding anything to the discussion. Just as easily as you feel it's ok to put down his choice of drinking beer from microbreweries, he (or I for that matter...) could put down your choice of "real" beer. I personally am not a fan of Coors Light (too watery), Bus©h (just doesn't taste good to me) or Carling Light (again, too watery) but you won't really hear anyone call you out for liking those beers based on their OPINIONS of those beers.
  10. Funny you say that about Blue. I lived in Germany for 3 years and a few of my friends visited the year after I moved back here. They all agreed that Blue was one of the Canadian beers that was closest to what they're used to. I'm with you on Blue being a good, stable beer for average occasions. That being said, there's always room for a good trappist tripple, Guinness and Keiths...
  11. Have you tried a San Diego Jam...?
  12. Are these only available south of the border? If anyone knows of a store, either online or brick and mortar, that carries these I would greatly appreciate you letting me know. Thanks in advance!
  13. Bwahahahahahaa! No kidding!
  14. Gallie, I understand where you're coming from. A drunk goon at the bar can be dealt with by embarrassing them most of the time. That boss or co-worker, have a conversation. Failing that, depending on how much you like/need your job, escalate things. If someone nearly runs you off the road, get their license plate and report them, then be happy you weren't hurt. The worst thing to do is to hold it all in, then you get an internal pressure that builds and builds, only to be set off by a situation which requires absolutely zero violence. Not only that, the violent reaction will likely be out of whack with the situation and with the potential for bodily harm, could result in serious legal trouble for the person being violent. Do you really want to go to jail when yonge just out trying to enjoy your leisure time...? If you want to exercise a violent streak, join the armed forces or take up any number of fighting sports. But please don't passing the rest of us anglers with the brush of someone who chooses to deal with a very minor situation in an inappropriate manner.
  15. That's brutal. I'm not sure what I would have done had I been in your shoes, I definitely would have been pretty pissed off by their ignorant actions. I agree with a few of the other posts, I probably would have tied on a nice, heavy crankbait and started to cast across their lines. There's no need or excuse for acting in such a manner, that's flat out ignorant. Period. The fact that they initiated contact with you is pretty messed up. Did you get their boat registration number? I would be very tempted to report them, or at the very least, post that number all over the internet to warn others of their attitude and actions. They're a bag o'dick.....
  16. We had to start bottle feeding our daughter very early on, she was only 3 weeks old. It actually helped her latch and has really made our life a lot easier, though we didn't know it would at that point. We would feed her cereal for dinner and give her either a bottle of formula when we put her down. She was able to hold the bottle herself at that age. That's what worked for us but our daughter has been a pretty good sleeper so your mileage may vary. When she was going through a tough sleeping period, she was sleeping in our room and I had the bottle warmer and a small thermal bag with 2 bottles of breastmilk or formula (we stopped breast feeding when she was 4 months old) at my bedside. I would warm the bottle and feed her, allowing my wife to get some rest.
  17. I have a Sahara and a few Symetres, the only difference I've noticed is that the Symetres feel just a touch smoother when retrieving heavier lures and lures with more water resistance. Other than that. I find them to be pretty similar.
  18. I didn't read the article G.mech, I was making assumptions based off of Big Cliff's response.
  19. Diana's it is! Thanks guys! ec: enjoy the N.S. and the drive back, watch the moose though
  20. That's 2 votes for Diana's, I guess I know where I'm heading tomorrow afternoon. Thanks guys!
  21. Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll give Diana's a call tomorrow. ec: I lived in Halifax for 2 years, the seafood process here are outrageous...
  22. I'm looking for a good source of fresh mussels, preferably in Scarborough. Any suggestions? Are Metro/Superstore/Fresh Co. etc decent sources...? Thanks guys!
  23. That's what kerosene-powered salamander construction heaters are for ;-)
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