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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Crime/2011/02/07/17185481.html
  2. have you considered the BDC? They hire a TON of students just like you. here is an example @ BDC.. Job Description Job Title: Student Internship Program (4 months) Job ID: 55312 Location: Burlington Full/Part Time: Full-Time Regular/Temporary: Temporary Return to Previous Page Posting End Date February 7, 2011. Gain business experience Every year, BDC provides students with an opportunity to gain business experience through our internship program while they are attending college or university. Working in one of Ontario's 28 business centres, you will support the business centre team in providing timely, value add financial and consulting services to BDC clients. You will also actively participate in the business centre and area marketing initiatives. If you have a passion for entrepreneurial spirit with a strong client focus orientation, we want to hear from you. Students must have completed at least two years of college or university and/or be enrolled in a business certificate or bachelor of commerce or business administration program. An award-winning employer BDC ranks among Canada’s top employers since 2007 and has received several other awards, such as Top Employer for Canadians over 40 for 2010 and Best Employer for New Canadians, highlighting our ongoing efforts to stand out as one of best places to work in the country. Create your future now Create your profile today and apply online so that you can be part of the candidate pool. You can update your profile at any time and use it whenever you want to apply for any future job openings. At BDC, we value diversity in our workforce and encourage all qualified candidates to apply. We appreciate all responses and advise that only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. I also see listings for Kitchener etc... there are a ton of opportunities.
  3. I would take cottage cheese, over a hard (double baked bread) and horse meat coming from my nose any day! LOL!
  4. Albert, sitting here eating Paardenrookvlees and Extra aged Gouda on some nice Whole Wheat Rusks.. Do you know what paardenrookvlees,Extra aged Gouda and Whole Wheat Rusks feel like when they come flying out your nose? NOT NICE! LOL G
  5. Here is the direct link Gord, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGuFbDM5UvI
  6. Sam is my Girlfriends oldest boy. Just turned 13. Everything he has learned has been self taught, He is not too sure about taking lessons just yet.. god knows I offered to pay for them. right now he just enjoys figuring things out on his own.. He is a bit shy when he knows others are watching, especially the camara! you should hear him play when he thinks noone is watching! it is something else. G
  7. Just thought I would pass this along to those that have met Sam. He has taken to the guitar as a way to pass his time and vent his frustrations with the world.. His father took his guitar away from him, when Sam did not wish to visit with him... So I took him out shopping, He chose this Paul Stanley edition Washburn. Given everything this young man has been through in regards to his father, I was more then happy to fill the need. Anyways, Here is Sam, Two months later. <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGuFbDM5UvI?version=3"><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGuFbDM5UvI?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGuFbDM5UvI?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object> G
  8. Pittsburg kneelers? Just sayin' G
  9. Great Job Chris! However, the homeowner can expect to be out of her house for months due to smoke damage and her entire interior being gutted. quick thinking though saved the structure! good job brother. G
  10. Loving my 64GB iPad with WiFi, I saw no need to add 3G, as I do not plan to use it on cell networks. as I keep it at home. G
  11. Finally got an answer from the MOL. The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act) requires an employer to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of any worker, whether it be through policies, training, enforcement and/or supervision. This means that an employer is responsible to ensure the safety of employees when they drive as part of their work duties, even if the employee is using his or her own vehicle. The employer must make employees aware of the hazards related to driving, and provide information, instruction and supervision to protect the health and safety of the employees. An employer has an obligation to have a Road Safety Program and develop policies and procedures on driver licensing requirements, safe driving practices (including when it is safe to be on the roads), vehicle maintenance, and collision/injury investigations. A worker can refuse to work if he or she has reason to believe that one or more of the following is true: - Any machine, equipment or tool that the worker is using or is told to use is likely to endanger himself or herself or another worker [section 43(3)(a)]. - The physical condition of the workplace or workstation is likely to endanger the worker [section 43(3)(]. - Any machine, equipment or tool that the worker is using, or the physical condition of the workplace, contravenes the Act or regulations and is likely to endanger himself or herself or another worker [section 43(3)©]. In order for the legislation to apply; for the worker to have the right to refuse, they must be working (getting paid) at the time they feel they may be endangered in order to be able to exercise their rights. In other situations this issue may be covered under a collective agreement with the employer, or an employee may wish to contact legal counsel to determine their rights under other legislation. The actual legal requirements for a work refusal are outlined in Part V of the OHS Act: http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_90o01_e.htm#BK45 A plain-language guide to this can be found here: http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/hs/pubs/ohsa/ohsag_7.php For external assistance in the development of occupational health and safety policies and programs, you may contact the appropriate workplace safety association: http://www.healthandsafetyontario.ca/ The Ministry of Transportation provides Winter Road Conditions Reports that are made available during the winter months from the end of October to April each year. It is very important to view the Description of Road Conditions and Visibility to better understand the terms used in the reports. Enjoy a safe trip. Winter Road Conditions Reports may be viewed at: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/traveller/conditions/ For Road information by phone: Provincial Call Centre: 1-800-268-4686 / 416-235-4686 - - - - - - Gerry Brown [email protected] Occupational Health and Safety Branch Ministry of Labour
  12. Thank you again Eddie, This is an amazing offer! I thought 1500.00 was a fair price. But this is a steal! See you in September. G
  13. http://stagevu.com/index http://members.shaw.ca/atunstall/ G.
  14. Here's a bit of Irony - this morning - on the CRTC website http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/home-accueil.htm February 1, 2011 Due to technical difficulties, the CRTC website was not available on January 31, 2011 between 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  15. Thank you everyone for you're opinions. Me being a small business owner, and having employees on the odd occasion, I was unsure as to what the answer was as well. Personally I would not feel comfortable sending an employee out for materials etc, knowing the storm will make already dangerous even that more dangerous.. I would not be able to live with the guilt should the worst happen... I personally would err on the side of caution and think about the person first... even though I have insurance etc etc That said, I am not my buddies employer.. nor will I advise him on what to do.. thanks again guys G
  16. Thanks guys much appreciated. G
  17. I suppose for the all mighty dollar? I am not really too sure... my buddy is not hired as a fulltime driver.. but some driving is needed as part of his job... I figured he could refuse work if he felt unsafe.. however there are unsaid repercussions to this... as we all know. It seems to be a grey area and that is why I thought I would ask. I k now of a few situations where I refused to work...ie. Trenches without shoring But driving is a different animal all together. thanks guys
  18. With the upcoming snow storm I have a quick question in regards to Health and Safety Laws... A good friend called me up asking if his employer can force him to drive a company vehicle in inclimate weather, especially if the vehicle does not have proper equipment.. ie. Snow Tires etc.. I know in the OHSA there is a clause for refusal to work... but does this apply in this situation? and if it does is there any law pertaining to weather specifically? I have searched the MOL with no answers, I have also emailed without reply.. So I was wondering if you guys knew anything. G
  19. <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9nTPX4JW_Ts" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
  20. Thanks for the advice every one. I took it in and was a bad tire. I had them throw on my snow tires and will look for a good set of all seasonals come the spring. They recommended a set of Cooper LT's for 180 a piece. Not too sure on the Cooper brand however.. Thanks again guys! G
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