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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Tough pill to swallow for sure... You live in a nice area (I know first hand) and you have to deal with crap like this.... I would say with 99% certainty it is someone that lives close to you... Given your location.. It would not be someone from the other side of town for sure... It could even be someone that lives in your complex.... Sorry to hear about bad things happening to good people... Although I joke around alot your Mother, Brother and yourself are good people... Perhaps this is a bit of a wake up call for your mom...? might make you guys think twice about leaving valuables unattended.. Nater... yet again you cease to amaze me in just how inconsiderate you are... this seems to be an ongoing issue.... perhaps people are like yourself on the Steelheading Elitist Boards? that carp dont wash here.. Bill... I know you cant do the Feb trip... but if you wanna hookup for the day and hit some hardwater lemmie know! G
  2. Worms Worms Worms! Worms are everywhere on my lawn... and it is January! time for some free bait folks! I picked up 7 Dozen inside 20 minutes! Sure it is raining... but free bait is great bait! Gerritt.
  3. I know for FACT HH cant worm on a boat! LOL :dunno:
  4. HH is probably one of the finest people you will ever meet... I have been helped "professionally" by him and have fished with him.... He truly is one of the Gems on this board... He is very selfless of himself and very honest person to boot... I consider Joe a good friend, He is also a great father and husband as is evident by his family.... I wish I knew more people like him to be honest.. He helped me out when I was looking for a shift in careers as well... from construction... to Construction Management... He gives solid advice and asks nothing in return... Well except for maybe a fishing partner, and that you be honest, natural and be the "greasy wheel" There are alot of great people on this board, People that give of themselves and ask for little or nothing in return... I can think of a whole slew of names I am glad you can experience that Hometownhandyman.. and appreciate the hand that has been held out before you.. I wish you all the best! Joe, Good on yah, Seeya in Killarney Gerritt.
  5. I know I should talk to an audiologist... asking people to repeat themselves all the time becomes a real pain... I find this especially with background noise.... Blame the years of machinery and power tools... Sooner is better then later I suppose... Sorry to hijack the thread.. G
  6. Rich... Paris? Nice report! Now if only I could get my wife to run when it comes to fishing!! G
  7. As far as I am concerned.. sometimes extended warranties are worth their weight in gold... I have the 56" Toshiba I have now BECAUSE of the Product Service Plan..... trust me they do work.. G
  8. LOL then you need glasses! HD is a completely different world compared to non-HD content.. G.
  9. time to get a solid state drive Rick. G
  10. Unfortunately DLP TV's do require bulb replacement... and because it is a consumable product (think Ink cartridge) it is not covered by warranty... a tough pill to swallow for sure.. but you can get deal on replacement bulbs however... G
  11. 3 deaths in less then 2 weeks? I think I will be staying off the ice for a bit...
  12. Heard it on the news on the way into work this morning... fog is hampering search efforts... sad... G
  13. Better then the socks I wore as a kid! G
  14. Awesome!! Now.... if only I could convince the wife to let me take my 2 y/o on the ice..... Awesome pics and report man! WTG DAD! G
  15. Dude that is awesome! Your son smiles speak volumes! Looks like an awesome day on the water...WTG dad! G.
  16. I got a msg from a person @ eBay, after I posted in the discussion forums.. the customer service rep that emailed said it was definably a scam and pulled the auction... ahhh well the hunt continues.. Gerritt.
  17. So far through Paypal... says they will ship within 24 hours... the other bidders are names A***7, N***7 and P***7 etc.... I think this may be a scam... Lew your right.... but @ the price advertised... well it was too hard to pass up! I think I will retract my bid. Gerritt.
  18. Hrm.... looks like this may be a scam.... Dude is in Romania... but shipping out of the USA... Romania is renown for scamming through EBay... I think I might have to bow out... here is what I got from him... Hi there, Thank you for your e-mail! You can have 1 unit for $350 USD. I am in Romania, right now in a trip...(item will be shipped from USA). I'll be here for a while so if you want to do this it must happen through eBay. I will ship the unit within 24 hours from the payment using the UPS Air Services so that you may receive the unit in less than 72 hours. If you're ready for this purchase, I need to know your : eBay ID :.... Full Name :..... Shipping Address: (Address, City, State, Zip, Country) As soon as I have them I'll start the official procedure, and eBay will notify you about this. You'll also receive important guidelines + instructions from them. I'll handle the shipping, so this will be free of charge for you. Also, a refund policy will be included. Refund policy means that if the item is not in satisfactory condition as I explained you, I will issue refund. Looking forward to hearing from you. I am dealing only through eBay!!! Thank you for understanding & Happy New Year ! any experianced Ebay'rs care to comment on your thoughts?? G
  19. GB Fisher, He has 20 of them for sale alot of OFC'rs could replace their old units for that price! G
  20. Hopefully I win this auction and have a new sonar.... I figured I might as well see if I can pick it up for less... otherwise I will purchase it for 350.00 G
  21. LOL... I just dont feel like buying something only to find out it is not what I thought it would be... but for the link I provided... that units is 600.00+ retail... he has 20 of them for 350.00 including free shipping.... so my question remains... is an internal antenna as good as an external one? G
  22. http://cgi.ebay.ca/Lowrance-LMS-525C-dumb ass-Du...1QQcmdZViewItem too good to be true???
  23. Is there a difference between a unit with an internal antenna LMS-527C and one with an external Antenna? LMS-525c I can get both for the same price from RadioWorld.... Also what about maps? Does it come with a map for Canadian waters? cant seem to find any info... Thanks! G
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